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Component ⇐ Rasti.View

Components are a special kind of View that is designed to be easily composable, making it simple to add child views and build complex user interfaces.
Unlike views, which are render-agnostic, components have a specific set of rendering guidelines that allow for a more declarative development style.
Components are defined with the create static method, which takes a tagged template.

Extends: Rasti.View

Param Type Description
options object Object containing options. The following keys will be merged to this: model, state, key, onDestroy, onRender, onCreate, onChange.


Name Type Description
key string A unique key to identify the component. Used to recycle child components.
model object A Rasti.Model or any emitter object containing data and business logic.
state object A Rasti.Model or any emitter object containing data and business logic, to be used as internal state.


import { Component, Model } from 'rasti';
// Create Timer component.
const Timer = Component.create`
        Seconds: <span>${({ model }) => model.seconds}</span>
// Create model to store seconds.
const model = new Model({ seconds: 0 });
// Mount timer on body.
Timer.mount({ model }, document.body);
// Increment `model.seconds` every second.
setInterval(() => model.seconds++, 1000);


Lifecycle method. Called when the view is created at the end of the constructor.

Kind: instance method of Component

Param Type Description
options object The view options.

component.onChange(model, changed)

Lifecycle method. Called when model emits change event. By default calls render method. This method should be extended with custom logic. Maybe comparing new attributes with previous ones and calling render when needed. Or doing some dom transformation.

Kind: instance method of Component

Param Type Description
model Rasti.Model The model that emitted the event.
changed object Object containing keys and values that has changed.
[...args] any Any extra arguments passed to set method.


Lifecycle method. Called when the view is rendered.

Kind: instance method of Component

Param Type Description
type string The render type. Can be render, hydrate or recycle.


Lifecycle method. Called when the view is destroyed.

Kind: instance method of Component

Param Type Description
options object Options object or any arguments passed to destroy method.


Helper method used to extend a Component, creating a subclass.

Kind: static method of Component

Param Type Description
object object Object containing methods to be added to the new Component subclass. Also can be a function that receives the parent prototype and returns an object.

Component.mount(options, el, hydrate) ⇒ Rasti.Component

Mount the component into the dom. It instantiate the Component view using options, appends its element into the DOM (if el is provided). And returns the view instance.

Kind: static method of Component

Param Type Description
options object The view options.
el node Dom element to append the view element.
hydrate boolean If true, the view will use existing html.

Component.create(HTML) ⇒ Rasti.Component

Takes a tagged template containing an HTML string, and returns a new Component class.

  • The template outer tag and attributes will be used to create the view's root element.
  • Boolean attributes should be passed in the form of attribute="${() => true}".
  • Event handlers should be passed, at the root element, in the form of onEventName=${{'selector' : listener }}. Where selector is a css selector. The event will be delegated to the view's root element.
  • The template inner HTML will be used as the view's template.
  • Template interpolations that are functions will be evaluated on the render process. Receiving the view instance as argument. And being bound to it.
  • If the function returns null, undefined, false or empty string, the interpolation won't render any content.
  • If the function returns a component instance, it will be added as a child component.
  • If the function returns an array, each item will be evaluated as above.

Kind: static method of Component

Param Type Description
HTML string template for the component.


Emitter is a class that provides an easy way to implement the observer pattern in your applications.
It can be extended to create new classes that have the ability to emit and bind custom named events.
Emitter is used by Model and View classes, which inherit from it to implement event-driven functionality.


import { Emitter } from 'rasti';
// Custom cart
class ShoppingCart extends Emitter {
    constructor() {
        this.items = [];

    addItem(item) {
        // Emit a custom event called `itemAdded`.
        // Pass the added item as an argument to the event listener.
        this.emit('itemAdded', item);
// Create an instance of ShoppingCart and Logger
const cart = new ShoppingCart();
// Listen to the `itemAdded` event and log the added item using the logger.
cart.on('itemAdded', (item) => {
    console.log(`Item added to cart: ${} - Price: $${item.price}`);
// Simulate adding items to the cart
const item1 = { name : 'Smartphone', price : 1000 };
const item2 = { name : 'Headphones', price : 150 };

cart.addItem(item1); // Output: "Item added to cart: Smartphone - Price: $1000"
cart.addItem(item2); // Output: "Item added to cart: Headphones - Price: $150"

emitter.on(type, listener)

Adds event listener.

Kind: instance method of Emitter

Param Type Description
type string Type of the event (e.g. change).
listener function Callback function to be called when the event is emitted.


this.model.on('change', this.render.bind(this)); // Re render when model changes.

emitter.once(type, listener)

Adds event listener that executes once.

Kind: instance method of Emitter

Param Type Description
type string Type of the event (e.g. change).
listener function Callback function to be called when the event is emitted.


this.model.once('change', () => console.log('This will happen once'));[type], [listener])

Removes event listeners.

Kind: instance method of Emitter

Param Type Description
[type] string Type of the event (e.g. change). If is not provided, it removes all listeners.
[listener] function Callback function to be called when the event is emitted. If listener is not provided, it removes all listeners for specified type.

Example'change'); // Stop listening to changes.


Emits event of specified type. Listeners will receive specified arguments.

Kind: instance method of Emitter

Param Type Description
type string Type of the event (e.g. change).
[...args] any Arguments to be passed to listener.


this.emit('invalid'); // Emit validation error event.

Model ⇐ Rasti.Emitter

  • Orchestrates data and business logic.
  • Emits events when data changes.

A Model manages an internal table of data attributes and triggers change events when any of its data is modified.
Models may handle syncing data with a persistence layer. To design your models, create atomic, reusable objects that contain all the necessary functions for manipulating their specific data.
Models should be easily passed throughout your app and used anywhere the corresponding data is needed.
Rasti models stores its attributes in this.attributes, which is extended from this.defaults and the constructor attrs parameter. For every attribute, a getter is generated to retrieve the model property from this.attributes, and a setter is created to set the model property in this.attributes and emit change and change:attribute events.

Extends: Rasti.Emitter

Param Type Description
attrs object Object containing model attributes to extend this.attributes. Getters and setters are generated for this.attributtes, in order to emit change events.


import { Model } from 'rasti';
// Product model
class ProductModel extends Model {
    preinitialize() {
        // The Product model has `name` and `price` default attributes.
        // `defaults` will extend `this.attributes`.
        // Getters and setters are generated for `this.attributes`,
        // in order to emit `change` events.
        this.defaults = {
            name: '',
            price: 0

    setDiscount(discountPercentage) {
        // Apply a discount to the price property.
        // This will call a setter that will update `price` in `this.attributes`,
        // and emit `change` and `change:price` events.
        const discount = this.price * (discountPercentage / 100);
        this.price -= discount;
// Create a product instance with a name and price.
const product = new ProductModel({ name: 'Smartphone', price: 1000 });
// Listen to the `change:price` event.
product.on('change:price', () => console.log('New Price:', product.price));
// Apply a 10% discount to the product.
product.setDiscount(10); // Output: "New Price: 900"


If you define a preinitialize method, it will be invoked when the Model is first created, before any instantiation logic is run for the Model.

Kind: instance method of Model

Param Type Description
attrs object Object containing model attributes to extend this.attributes.


Generate getter/setter for the given key. In order to emit change events. This method is called internally by the constructor for this.attributes.

Kind: instance method of Model

Param Type Description
key string Attribute key.

model.get(key) ⇒ any

Get an attribute from this.attributes. This method is called internally by generated getters.

Kind: instance method of Model
Returns: any - The attribute value.

Param Type Description
key string Attribute key.

model.set(key, [value]) ⇒ this

Set an attribute into this.attributes.
Emit change and change:attribute if a value change.
Could be called in two forms, this.set('key', value) and this.set({ key : value }).
This method is called internally by generated setters.
The change event listener will receive the model instance, an object containing the changed attributes, and the rest of the arguments passed to set method.
The change:attribute event listener will receive the model instance, the new attribute value, and the rest of the arguments passed to set method.

Kind: instance method of Model
Returns: this - This model.
Emits: event:change, change:attribute

Param Type Description
key string Attribute key or object containing keys/values.
[value] Attribute value.

model.toJSON() ⇒ object

Return object representation of the model to be used for JSON serialization. By default returns this.attributes.

Kind: instance method of Model
Returns: object - Object representation of the model to be used for JSON serialization.

View ⇐ Rasti.Emitter

  • Listens for changes and renders UI.
  • Handles user input and interactivity.
  • Sends captured input to the model.

A View is an atomic unit of the user interface that can render the data from a specific model or multiple models. However, views can also be independent and have no associated data.
Models must be unaware of views. Views, on the other hand, may render model data and listen to the change events emitted by the models to re-render themselves based on changes.
Each View has a root element, this.el, which is used for event delegation.
All element lookups are scoped to this element, and any rendering or DOM manipulations should be done inside it. If this.el is not present, an element will be created using this.tag (defaulting to div) and this.attributes.

Extends: Rasti.Emitter

Param Type Description
options object Object containing options. The following keys will be merged to this: el, tag, attributes, events, model, template, onDestroy.


Name Type Description
el node Every view has a root element, this.el. If not present it will be created.
tag string If this.el is not present, an element will be created using this.tag. Default is div.
attributes object If this.el is not present, an element will be created using this.attributes.
events object Object in the format {'event selector' : 'listener'}. Used to bind delegated event listeners to root element.
model object A Rasti.Model or any object containing data and business logic.
template function A function that receives data and returns a markup string (html for example).


import { View } from 'rasti';

class Timer extends View {
    constructor(options) {
        // Create model to store internal state. Set `seconds` attribute into 0.
        this.model = new Model({ seconds : 0 });
        // Listen to changes in model `seconds` attribute and re render.
        this.model.on('change:seconds', this.render.bind(this));
        // Increment model `seconds` attribute every 1000 milliseconds.
        this.interval = setInterval(() => this.model.seconds++, 1000);

    template(model) {
        return `Seconds: <span>${model.seconds}</span>`;
// Render view and append view's element into body.
document.body.appendChild(new Timer().render().el);


If you define a preinitialize method, it will be invoked when the view is first created, before any instantiation logic is run.

Kind: instance method of View

Param Type Description
attrs object Object containing model attributes to extend this.attributes.

view.$(selector) ⇒ node

Returns the first element that match the selector, scoped to DOM elements within the current view's root element (this.el).

Kind: instance method of View
Returns: node - Element matching selector within the view's root element (this.el).

Param Type Description
selector string CSS selector.

view.$$(selector) ⇒ Array.<node>

Returns a list of elements that match the selector, scoped to DOM elements within the current view's root element (this.el).

Kind: instance method of View
Returns: Array.<node> - List of elements matching selector within the view's root element (this.el).

Param Type Description
selector string CSS selector.

view.destroy() ⇒ Rasti.View

Destroy the view. Destroy children views if any, undelegate events, stop listening to events, call onDestroy lifecycle method.

Kind: instance method of View
Returns: Rasti.View - Return this for chaining.


onDestroy lifecycle method is called after view is destroyed. Override with your code. Useful to stop listening to model's events.

Kind: instance method of View

Param Type Description
options object Options object or any arguments passed to destroy method.

view.addChild(child) ⇒ Rasti.View

Add a view as a child. Children views are stored at this.children, and destroyed when the parent is destroyed. Returns the child for chaining.

Kind: instance method of View

Param Type
child Rasti.View


Call destroy method on children views.

Kind: instance method of View


Ensure that the view has a root element at this.el. You shouldn't call this method directly. It's called from constructor. You may override it if you want to use a different logic or to postpone element creation.

Kind: instance method of View

view.createElement(tag, attrs) ⇒ node

Create an element. Called from constructor if this.el is undefined, to ensure the view to have a root element.

Kind: instance method of View
Returns: node - The created element.

Param Type Default Description
tag string "div" Tag for the element. Default to div
attrs object Attributes for the element.

view.removeElement() ⇒ Rasti.View

Remove this.el from DOM.

Kind: instance method of View
Returns: Rasti.View - Return this for chaining.

view.delegateEvents([events]) ⇒ Rasti.View

Provide declarative listeners for DOM events within a view. If an events hash is not passed directly, uses as the source.
Events are written in the format {'event selector' : 'listener'}. The listener may be either the name of a method on the view, or a direct function body. Omitting the selector causes the event to be bound to the view's root element (this.el).
By default, delegateEvents is called within the View's constructor, so if you have a simple events hash, all of your DOM events will always already be connected, and you will never have to call this function yourself.
All attached listeners are bound to the view automatically, so when the listeners are invoked, this continues to refer to the view object.
When delegateEvents is run again, perhaps with a different events hash, all listeners are removed and delegated afresh.

Kind: instance method of View
Returns: Rasti.View - Return this for chaining.

Param Type Description
[events] object Object in the format {'event selector' : 'listener'}. Used to bind delegated event listeners to root element.

Example = {
     'click button.ok' : 'onClickOkButton',
     'click button.cancel' : function() {}

view.undelegateEvents() ⇒ Rasti.View

Removes all of the view's delegated events. Useful if you want to disable or remove a view from the DOM temporarily. Called automatically when the view is destroyed.

Kind: instance method of View
Returns: Rasti.View - Return this for chaining.

view.render() ⇒ Rasti.View

Render the view. This method should be overridden with custom logic. The default implementation sets innerHTML of this.el with this.template. Conventions are to only manipulate the dom in the scope of this.el, and to return this for chaining. If you added any child view, you must call this.destroyChildren.

Kind: instance method of View
Returns: Rasti.View - Return this for chaining.