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This repository has been archived by the owner on Jan 20, 2024. It is now read-only.

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21 lines (13 loc) · 1.23 KB

File metadata and controls

21 lines (13 loc) · 1.23 KB


v2.x > v3.x

Changed localizeddate to format_datetime

v2.0 > v2.1.x

The following parameters have been set to c975LCommon root, so you can delete them from your auto-generated file config_bundles.yaml or left them here (they won't be used'), but you have to re-set them in the events_config Route:

  • tinymceApiKey
  • tinymceLanguage

v1.x > v2.x

When upgrading from v1.x to v2.x you should(must) do the following if they apply to your case:

  • The parameters entered in config.yml are not used anymore as they are managed by c975L/ConfigBundle, so you can delete them.
  • As the parameters are not in config.yml, we can't access them via $this[->container]->getParameter(), so you have to replace $this->getParameter('c975_l_events.XXX') by $configService->getParameter('c975LEvents.XXX'), where $configService is the injection of c975L\ConfigBundle\Service\ConfigServiceInterface.
  • The tinymceApiKey is now managed by c975L/ConfigBundle, so you can delete if from parameters.yml and parameters.yml.dist, but before that, copy/paste it in the config.
  • Before the first use of parameters, you MUST use the console command php bin/console config:create to create the config files with default data.