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PDF El Lazarillo de Tormes de Vicens Vives una adaptacin actual y fiel de la obra clsica del siglo

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How to download the PDF version of Lazarillo de Tormes by Vicens Vives

Lazarillo de Tormes is a classic Spanish novel that tells the story of a young boy who serves different masters in his quest for survival and social advancement. It is considered the first picaresque novel, a genre that depicts the adventures and misfortunes of a low-class rogue or antihero. The novel was published anonymously in 1554 and was banned by the Inquisition in 1559 for its satirical and critical tone.

If you want to read this masterpiece of Spanish literature, you might be interested in downloading the PDF version of Lazarillo de Tormes by Vicens Vives, a publishing house that specializes in educational books. Vicens Vives offers an adapted version of the novel, with modernized language, annotations, illustrations, and activities to help students understand and enjoy the text.

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There are several ways to download the PDF version of Lazarillo de Tormes by Vicens Vives. Here are some of them:

  • You can visit the website of Scribd, a digital library that hosts millions of books, documents, and audiobooks. There you can find a PDF file of Lazarillo de Tormes by Vicens Vives uploaded by Carlos Gomez Villan. You can download it for free if you sign up for a 30-day trial or pay a monthly subscription fee[^1^].
  • You can use Google Drive, a cloud storage service that allows you to store and share files online. There you can access a PDF file of Lazarillo de Tormes by Vicens Vives shared by an anonymous user. You can download it for free if you have a Google account[^2^].
  • You can visit the website of, a platform that offers free ebooks in different formats and languages. There you can find a PDF file of Lazarillo de Tormes by Vicens Vives with a brief description and a download link[^3^].

These are some of the options to download the PDF version of Lazarillo de Tormes by Vicens Vives. However, you should be aware that these files might not be authorized by the publisher or the author and might violate their intellectual property rights. Therefore, we recommend you to buy the original book or borrow it from a library if you want to support their work and respect their rights.

Lazarillo de Tormes is not only a literary masterpiece, but also a historical document that reflects the social and cultural reality of Spain in the 16th century. The novel exposes the hypocrisy and corruption of the institutions and the individuals that represented them, such as the church, the nobility, and the justice system. The novel also portrays the harsh conditions of life for the poor and marginalized sectors of society, such as orphans, beggars, and criminals.

The novel is divided into seven chapters or "treatises", each one narrating the experiences of Lazarillo with a different master. The first one is a blind man who teaches him how to survive by trickery and deception. The second one is a miserly priest who starves him and keeps a loaf of bread hidden in a chest. The third one is a nobleman who pretends to be rich but is actually poor and indebted. The fourth one is a friar who leads a dissolute and worldly life. The fifth one is a pardoner who sells fake relics and indulgences to the gullible people. The sixth one is a chaplain who hires him as a water carrier and pays him a meager salary. The seventh and final one is an archpriest who marries him to one of his servants and helps him to get a job as a town crier.

The novel ends with Lazarillo achieving a comfortable and respectable position in society, but at the cost of losing his innocence and integrity. He also reveals that he wrote his autobiography as a response to a letter from an anonymous friend who wanted to know about his life. He hopes that his friend will not judge him harshly for his actions, but rather understand that he had no choice but to adapt to the circumstances. 8cf37b1e13