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Andres Alfaro edited this page Sep 18, 2017 · 3 revisions


API Endpoints


  • GET /api/users/:userID - retrieves user info and playlists authored and followed by the user associated with the provided userID.
  • POST /api/users - sign up.


  • GET /api/playlist/ - returns all the playlists information associated with the current user (there will always be a logged user, otherwise the site will alway return an error).
  • GET /api/playlist/:playlistID - returns the playlist information (name and author).
  • POST /api/playlist/ - create a new playlist.
  • PATCH /api/playlist/ - update playlist title.
  • DELETE /api/playlist/:playlistID - delete the playlist associated with the provided id.


  • GET /api/song/?term=<term_to_search> - returns playlists all the songs like the search term.
  • GET /api/song/:songID - returns the song associated with the ID.


  • GET /api/friendship - get current user's friends.
  • GET /api/friendship/:userID - get friends of the provided userID.
  • POST /api/friendship - current user will follow another user.
  • DELETE /api/friendship - current user will stop following another user.


  • GET /api/playlist_followship - retrieve current user's playlists.
  • GET /api/playlist_followship/:userID - retrieve playlists of the provided userID.
  • POST /api/playlist_followship - current user will follow a playlist.
  • DELETE /api/playlist_followship - current user fill stop following a playlist.


  • GET /api/search/?term=<term_to_search> - perform search with the provided term on our initial tables (playlist/song/user).


  • POST /api/session/ - Log user in.
  • DELETE /api/session/ - Log user out.

Frontend Routes

  • /login
  • /signup
  • /collection/playlists - homepage, collection of user playlists.
  • /users/:userId - user profile
  • /user/:userID/playlists/:playlistID - show a specific playlist.
  • /user/:userID/playlists/ - show all playlists for specific user.
  • /playlist/new - create new playlist.
  • /playlist/:playlistID/edit - edit a playlist.
  • /search/ - search for a specific user, song or playlist.
  • /search/results - display the results of a search.
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