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Pipeline for downloading occurrences for a series of scientific names with known conservation status, including taxonomic matching and problem resolving.

Based on GBIF_occurence_download by Oleh Prylutskyi.


The main purpose of this pipeline was to obtain georeferenced occurrences unambiguously associated with the conservation status of the taxa they belong to. Existing tools, like rgbif, are doing well with retreiving occurrences for most species, but failed in cases when GBIF species matching tool (say, GBIF Backbone Taxonomy) faces difficulties.

Another issue with existing tools is even you provide a list of scientific names as an input, you received a list of occurrences which often have scientific names differ from the input ones, due to synonymy. It makes complicated to link attributes, assigned to the input names, with the retrieved occurrences.

The pipeline was developed within the project GBIF Viewer: an open web-based biodiversity conservation decision-making tool for policy and governance (The Habitat Foundation and Ukrainian Nature Conservation Group), funded by NLBIF: The Netherlands Biodiversity Information Facility, nlbif2022.014.

Records of species posessing conservation status in Ukraine

How to run the pipeline

This pipeline is 80% automatic, but still requires manual operations to resolve some difficult taxonomy issues. The reason of that is because the GBIF Backbone Taxonomy, which is generally used for name matching, may fail for some names, especially for poorly known or ambiguous taxa. For such exceptions user needs to manually edit higherrank.csv file, generated by 1_data_preparation.R, before running 2_get_gbif_data.R.

GBIF Backbone Taxonomy undergoes periodic (once a couple of months) update. After each one the list of names which faced difficulties with automatic matching is slightly changed. That means, user cannot use the same higherrank.csv for a long time. To facilitate revision of the higherrank.csv, run the script 1a_update_higherrank.R. It automatically retrieve the data from the previous version of the file (named higherrank_nameVariants_prev.csv) and provide a handy GUI for manual revision only those names in which the matching issues appeared for the first time, not leaving your R session.

Technical details


  • csv file with scientific names, their conservation status, and higher classification.

#3# Output:

  • a simple features spatial data frame, containing georeferenced occurrences unambiguously associated with the conservation status of the taxa they belong to.


  • rgbif
  • dplyr, tidyr, and stringr for data manipulation
  • sf for preparingworking with spatial data
  • DataEditR for GUI for data frame revision
  • ggplot2 for visualisation (optional)

The first step before building the Docker image

The script 1_data_preparation.R for manual running. Don't use it on server.


The script takes a dataset with scientific names and conservation status info, and returns two files: list of two with species lookup (matching) results, and csv with names require manual editing.

Inputs from folder data :

  1. full spreadsheet with Latin names of taxa and data on their inclusion/status in various red lists checklist-protected-species-....csv.

Outputs to folder temp :

  1. matches.Rdata - list of two with the result of name matching. [[1]] - "goodmatch" - Names whose matching is satisfactory - we will then look for occurrences for these names using taxon keys. [[2]] - "badmatch" - Names whose matching is supposed to be wrong/unsatisfactory. We will then look for occurrences for these names using concatenated strings of possible verbatim scientific names.

  2. higherrank.csv - csv file with Latin names that need to be completed by all possible verbatim scientific names available in GBIF manually.

The temp/matches.Rdata and temp/higherrank.csv files are used in the following steps, which are performed in the container.

Now you don't need to run the scripts/1_data_preparation.R script because the mentioned files are already ready.

Build Docker image:

Before build product Docker image, you need to change file scripts/gbif_ini.R . You need to add your GBIF credentials into this file.

gbif_user = "your_GBIF_username"

gbif_pwd = "your_GBIF_password"

gbif_email = "your_email"

The next, run this command for build docker image:

docker build -t biodiversityviewerviewer_datadamp_creator .

Run container based on our image.

docker run --rm --name gbif_datadump_creator -v "gbif_data:/app/gbif_data" -v "$(pwd)/temp_2:/app/temp_2" biodiversityviewerviewer_datadamp_creator

Use Crontab for run conteiner by schedule

We will schedule the launch of the GBIF data dump creator every Sunday night.

Edit Crontab

crontab -e

Add line to Crontab

0 2 * * 7 docker run --rm --name gbif_datadump_creator -v "gbif_data:/app/gbif_data" gbifviewer_datadamp_creator

Schematic workflow

Pipeline for download occurrences for a series of scientific names, including taxonomic matching and problem resolving.


Scalable diagram