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ACCESS-NRI 2023 Workshop Introduction to ESMValTool

This exercise will introduce you to ESMValTool, a tool to evaluate Earth System Models (ESMs) against observations like those available through the Earth System Grid Federation (ESGF).

In this document, we will use the Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI). We also provide an adjusted Jupyter version for advanced users of ESMValTool.

Running ESMValTool on Gadi is supported by ACCESS-NRI with further information on this ACCESS-Hive page to supplement the official ESMValTool documentation.

Step 0: Pre-workshop

To run this exercise, you need to be a member of the following NCI projects:

nf33, xp65, al33, rr3, r87

Step 1:

Go to the Australian Research Environment website and login with your NCI username and password. If you don't have an NCI account, you can sign up for one at the NCI website.


Step 2:

Click on Virtual Desktop under Featured Apps to configure a new VDI instance. This option is also available under the All Apps section at the bottom of the page and the Interactive Apps dropdown located in the top menu.


Step 3:

You will now be presented with the main VDI instance configuration form. Please complete only the fields below - leave all other fields blank or to their default values.

  • 3.1 Walltime: The number of hours the VDI instance will run. 1 hour is sufficient for each of the tutorials.


  • 3.2 Compute Size: Select small(2 cpus, 9 mem) from the dropdown menu.


  • 3.3 Project: Please enter nf33. This will allocate SU usage to the workshop project.


  • 3.4 Storage: This is the list of /g/data/ project data storage locations required to complete the workshop tutorials. In ARE, storage locations need to be explicitly defined to access these data from within a VDI instance. Please enter the following string:


  • 3.5 Click Advanced options ...

  • 3.6 PBS Flags The xp65 conda environment is a containerised environment that requires the SINGULARITY_OVERLAYIMAGE environment variable to be defined. Copy and paste the following:

-v SINGULARITY_OVERLAYIMAGE=/g/data/xp65/public/apps/med_conda/envs/access-med-0.3.sqsh

in the PBS Flags field of the advanced options section:


Step 4

Once the VDI instance has started (this usually takes around 30 seconds) and this status window should update and look something like the following, reporting that the instance has started and the time remaining. More detailed information on the instance can be accessed by clicking the Session ID link.


All that remains to get started is to click Launch VDI Desktop.

Suggestion: Copy + paste from your local machine to VDI

  • click on the control bar in the center left of the VDI window
  • click on the clipboard: you can copy text from your local machine into this with the usual shortkeys
  • right-click and click Paste to paste the content in VDI


Step 5

Start a terminal in the VDI session.


Then open a terminal, change the directory to your directory in this training section

cd /scratch/nf33/$USER

Step 6

In this directory, we need you to clone the whole repo from GitHub with the command below (if you already have this repo in your directory, you can jump to STEP 7):

git clone


Then you are all set to start the exercises.

Step 7: Move to the esmvaltool training directory

In the terminal, prompt:

cd /scratch/nf33/$USER/workshop-training-2023/esmvaltool

Step 8: Check the ESMValTool environment by accessing the help for ESMValTool

module use /g/data/xp65/public/modules
module load conda/access-med

esmvaltool --help

Prompting this help command should produce the following output:

Screenshot of the terminal when prompting esmvalltool with the help argument

Step 9: The configuration file

In the next step, we want to have a look at the esmvaltool configuration file that we will use in this tutorial. You can use a text editor of your choice. In this tutorial, we will simply print the content via more:

more config-user-on-gadi-v2.9.yml

This file contains the information for:

  • Output settings
  • Destination directory
  • Download and auxiliary data directories
  • Number of tasks that can be run in parallel
  • Rootpath to input data
  • Directory structure for the data from different projects


  • The config-user-on-gadi-v2.9.yml tells ESMValTool where to find input data.
  • output_dir defines the destination directory.
  • rootpath defines the root path of the data.
  • drs defines the directory structure of the data.

Output settings

The configuration file starts with output settings that inform ESMValTool about your preference for output. You can turn on or off the setting by true or false values. Most of these settings are fairly self-explanatory.

Destination directory

The destination directory is the rootpath where ESMValTool will store its output folders containing e.g. figures, data, logs, etc. With every run, ESMValTool automatically generates a new output folder determined by recipe name, and date and time using the format: YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS.

# Destination directory where all output will be written
# Includes log files and performance stats.
output_dir: esmvaltool_output

Rootpath to input data

ESMValTool uses several categories (in ESMValTool, this is referred to as projects) for input data based on their source. The current categories in the configuration file are mentioned below. For example, CMIP is used for a dataset from the Climate Model Intercomparison Project whereas OBS may be used for an observational dataset. More information about the projects used in ESMValTool is available in the official ESMValTool documentation. When using ESMValTool on your own machine, you can create a directory to download climate model data or observation data sets and let the tool use data from there. It is also possible to ask ESMValTool to download climate model data as needed. This can be done by specifying a download directory and by setting the option to download data as shown below.

Directories for downloading climate data and auxiliary data

# Directory for storing downloaded climate data and find auxiliary data
download_dir: esmvaltool_climate_data
auxiliary_data_dir: /g/data/xp65/public/apps/cartopy-data
search_esgf: never

If you are working offline or do not want to download the data then set the option above to never. If you want to download data only when the necessary files are missing at the usual location, you can set the option to when_missing. In particular, cartopy will be needed as auxiliary data for several plots. We provide them through xp65 as shown above.

The rootpath specifies the directories where ESMValTool will look for input data. For each category, you can define either one path or several paths as a list. For example:

# Rootpaths to the data from different projects
# This default setting will work if files have been downloaded by the
# ESMValTool via ``offline=False``. Lists are also possible. For site-specific
# entries and more examples, see below. Comment out these when using a
# site-specific path.
  default: esmvaltool_climate_data
  CMIP5: [/g/data/r87/DRSv3/CMIP5, /g/data/al33/replicas/CMIP5/combined, /g/data/rr3/publications/CMIP5/output1]
  native6: /g/data/nf33/public/data/ESMValTool/obsdata

Directory structure for the data from different projects

Input data can be from various models, observations and reanalysis data that adhere to the CF/CMOR standard.

The drs setting describes the file structure for several projects (e.g. CMIP6, CMIP5, obs4mips, OBS6, OBS) on several key machines (e.g. BADC, CP4CDS, DKRZ, ETHZ, SMHI, BSC, NCI). For more information about drs, you can visit the ESMValTool documentation on Data types and the Data Reference Syntax (DRS).

# Directory structure for input data --- [default]/ESGF/BADC/DKRZ/ETHZ/etc.
# This default setting will work if files have been downloaded by the
# ESMValTool via ``offline=False``. See ``config-developer.yml`` for
# definitions. Comment out/replace as per needed.

Step 10: The ESMValTool recipe

To see all the recipes that are shipped with ESMValTool, type

esmvaltool recipes list

Collage of screenshots of the terminal window when printing the available ESMValTool recipes list on Gadi.

For this tutorial, we will choose recipe_climwip_test_basic.yml as an example recipe. ACCESS-NRI is working on supporting all the above recipes on NCI. You can check the current support status here.

Use the following command to copy the recipe to your working directory

esmvaltool recipes get recipe_climwip_test_basic.yml

Now you should see the recipe file in your working directory (type ls to verify). Use your text editor to open this file or display the contents via more:

more recipe_climwip_test_basic.yml

Have a look at the recipe structure:

  • Documentation with relevant (citation) information
  • Datasets that should be analysed
  • Preprocessors groups of common preprocessing steps
  • Diagnostics scripts performing more specific evaluation steps

Climate model Weighting by Independence and Performance (ClimWIP)

Projections of future climate change are often based on multi-model ensembles of global climate models such as CMIP6. To condense the information from these models they are often combined into probabilistic estimates such as mean and a related uncertainty range (such as the standard deviation). However, not all models in a given multi-model ensemble are always equally fit for purpose and it can make sense to weight models based on their ability to simulate observed quantities related to the target. In addition, multi-model ensembles, such as CMIP can contain several models based on a very similar code base (sharing of components, only differences in resolution, etc.) leading to complex inter-dependencies between the models. Adjusting for this by weighting models according to their independence helps to adjust for this.

This recipe implements the Climate model Weighting by Independence and Performance (ClimWIP) method. It is based on work by Knutti et al. (2017), Lorenz et al. (2018), Brunner et al. (2019), Merrifield et al. (2020), Brunner et al. (2020). Weights are calculated based on historical model performance in several metrics (which can be defined by the performance_contributions parameter) as well as by their independence to all the other models in the ensemble based on their output fields in several metrics (which can be defined by the independence_contributions parameter). These weights can be used in subsequent evaluation scripts (some of which are implemented as part of this diagnostic).

Note: This recipe is still being developed! A more comprehensive (yet older) implementation can be found on GitHub:

Step 11: Run a recipe inside a PBS Job

Because of the computational costs, we will submit a job to Gadi through the Portable Batch System. To do so, you need to use a submission script, for example the one that we already provide. Open the launch_recipe_climwip_test_basic.pbs file:

#!/bin/bash -l 

# For help with PBS directives on Gadi, go to
#PBS -S /bin/bash
#PBS -P nf33
#PBS -l storage=gdata/rr3+gdata/xp65+gdata/al33+gdata/nf33+scratch/nf33
#PBS -N recipe_climwip_test_basic
#PBS -l wd
#PBS -q normal
#PBS -l walltime=01:00:00
#PBS -l mem=64GB
#PBS -l ncpus=10

module use /g/data/xp65/public/modules
module load conda/access-med

esmvaltool run --config_file config-user-on-gadi-v2.9.yml recipe_climwip_test_basic.yml

Submit the job to the queue system:

qsub launch_recipe_climwip_test_basic.pbs

To monitor the progress, you can use the status prompt for the job ID


Step 12: Investigating the log messages

Once the job is finished, you can open the log message (recipe_climwip_test_basic.o*) and check a few things:

After the banner and general information, the output starts with some important locations.

  • Did ESMValTool use the right config file?
  • What is the path to the example recipe?
  • What is the main output folder generated by ESMValTool?
  • Can you guess what the different output directories are for?
  • ESMValTool creates two log files. What is the difference?

Step 13: Visualise outputs with a VDI

Open a new terminal (top left of the VDI screen) and navigate to the esmvaltool_output directory, them use the commmand below to start a local HTTP server.

cd /scratch/nf33/$USER/workshop-training-2023/esmvaltool/esmvaltool_output
python3 -m http.server

You can then start Firefox in the VDI screen and access the following localhost address to navigate into your specific recipe* directory and its index.html:

From there you can navigate to through the different directories to show the different evaluation plots:

Screenshot of the VDI browser window showing results of the ESMValTool comparison

Screenshot of the VDI browser window showing results of the ESMValTool comparison

Screenshot of the VDI browser window showing results of the ESMValTool comparison

Step 14: Close servers and VDI session

  • Close the browser window
  • Close the http server by prompting ctrl+C in the terminal, then prompt exit to close the terminal
  • In the menu bar (top left), click on System and then Log Out and close the browser tab or delete the session in My Interactive Sessions of the ARE