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This repository has been archived by the owner on Apr 25, 2022. It is now read-only.

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36 lines (19 loc) · 719 Bytes


File metadata and controls

36 lines (19 loc) · 719 Bytes


And on the 4square check in

Center stage on the Mac

And we're puttin' it on GitHub

It's the new style…

Plone 4 and 3 and 2 and 1, and when I'm on the Mac, the Clients run.

Down with Archetypes and Membrane and you ain't. And I got more codes than time for PEP8.

Got Products that are rough and Products that are slick.

I'm not surprised you're on my gittip.

P-L-O-N-E for me. What up A C?

Ah yeah that's me.

I got Fabric and Pip and Buildout.

Always bust the new coroutines.

I get it - I got it, I know the commit is good.

The Products I write - you wish you would.

I'm never in Plone training my Plone instance is not straining