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Running Server


The below assumes that you are running TraceT on Nimbus. Paths will need to be adjusted if you are running it elsewhere.

Checking for errors and inspecting logs

nginx errors are in

tail -f cat /var/log/nginx/error.log

All commands assume you're in the webapp_tracet sub directory. You can see the output of the server with

tail -f uwsgi-emperor.log

Starting the server

Start the uwsgi server with

cd ~/tracet/webapp_tracet
/home/ubuntu/.local/bin/uwsgi --ini webapp_tracet_uwsgi.ini

This will run in the background and the following sections describe how to restarting and stopping the server.

To capture events via the VOEvent network and kafka you need two background services to run. We will run these in tmux so they persist through logout (and we can join/monitor them if we like).

cd ~/tracet/webapp_tracet
tmux new -s kafka -d './'
tmux new -s comet -d 'python3.10'

Restarting the server

The web server will auto-restart if it crashes or is killed, so you can force a restart via:

kill -HUP `cat /tmp/`

The following script is a lot cleaner as it will stop and restart both the web server and the kafka/voevent listeners.

cd ~/tracet/

Stopping the server

/home/ubuntu/.local/bin/uwsgi --stop /tmp/

Installing updates

If the updates are small (no new dependencies or changes to database models), something as simple as the following will suffice:

cd ~/tracet
git pull
kill -HUP `cat /tmp/`

If the update is larger then we have to bring everything down, pull changes, install requirements, migrate the database and then start it all up again:

# check we are in /tracet
cd /home/ubuntu/tracet
# update git repo
git pull
# Stop server
/home/ubuntu/.local/bin/uwsgi --stop /tmp/

# Check for new dependent software
python3.10 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
python3.10 -m pip install .
python3.10 -m pip install -r webapp_tracet/requirements.txt

cd webapp_tracet

# Check for new static files
python3.10 collectstatic --noinput

# Make any required changes to the backend database
python3.10 makemigrations
python3.10 migrate

# Start server
/home/ubuntu/.local/bin/uwsgi --ini webapp_tracet_uwsgi.ini

# create environment variables required by kafka
tmux kill-server

# Reset comet and kafka event handlers
tmux new -s kafka -d './'
tmux new -s comet -d 'python3.10'

All of the above is captured in the script, so you can run it via:

cd ~/tracet