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If you already know something about aelf blockchain and want to get deeply involved, you can proceed with the following and run your own node.

If you are a beginner or you want to deploy contracts onto aelf, please click here to learn more.

Why Should I Run a Node

  • Full node: A full node stores the complete blockchain data and you can view all the info. It also enables you to deploy DApps and contracts on aelf or interact with its contracts.
  • BP: To run a full node that produces blocks, the node needs to participate in the election. If ranked among the top 2N+1 (N=8 in the first year and increases by 1 every year. Currently the threshold is 17), it can get involved in the governance of aelf.

Next, we will show you how to deploy nodes.

Single Node


Follow this doc to run an aelf single node on a macOS device and this will take around 20 minutes to complete.

Install aelf-command

Execute this command to install aelf-command:

npm i aelf-command -g

The following output suggests successful installation:

+ aelf-command@0.1.44
added 314 packages from 208 contributors in 25.958s

Besides, you might see warnings like this due to differences in system configuration. Please ignore it.

If it shows error Permission denied @ apply2files, then there is a permission issue. You can solve it using the following command and then redo the installation with the above command:

sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/lib/node_modules

Clone and Build aelf’s Code

Create a directory. This tutorial uses a directory on the desktop for reference.

  1. Execute this command to create a directory:
mkdir ~/Desktop/Code
  1. Execute this command to change the directory:
cd ~/Desktop/Code
  1. Execute this command to clone aelf’s code:
git clone
  1. Execute this command to change to aelf’s directory:
cd AElf
  1. Execute this command to restore aelf’s files:
dotnet restore AElf.All.sln
  1. Execute this command to build aelf’s code (this will take several minutes):
dotnet build AElf.All.sln

The following output suggests successful building:

xx Warning(s)
   0 Error(s)

Time Elapsed 00:15:59.77

If contract_csharp_plugin fails to be called, it may be because you don’t have Rosetta 2 installed. Please execute this command and then retry:

/usr/sbin/softwareupdate --install-rosetta --agree-to-license

Create an aelf Account

Execute this command:

aelf-command create

An aelf account will be automatically created and you will see info like:

AElf [Info]: Your wallet info is :
AElf [Info]: Mnemonic            : mirror among battle muffin cattle plunge tuition buzz hip mad surround recall
AElf [Info]: Private Key         : 4bf625afea60e21aa5afcab5ea682b3dfb614941245698632d72a09ae13*****
AElf [Info]: Public Key          : 04f9bb56a9eca921bd494e677307f0279c98f1d2ed6bdeaa6dd256878272eabd14e91ec61469d2a32ce5e63205930dabdc0b9f13fc80c1f4e31760618d182*****
AElf [Info]: Address             : 21qciGwcaowwBttKMjMk86AW6WajhcodSHytY1vCyZb7p*****

You will then be asked whether you want the account data stored as a json file. Enter y to confirm and the file will be stored in /Users/{username}/.local/share/aelf/keys/.

Please make sure you remember the account data or the json file’s location.

You will be required to set a password (referred to as * here):

Enter a password: ********
Confirm password: ********

For the sake of convenience, you are encouraged to keep this Terminal on the account info interface and open another Terminal to continue the following.

Run a Single Node

A single node runs aelf blockchain on one node. It is usually used to test the execution of contracts only.

  1. Execute this command to start a Redis instance (skip this step if redis-server is already started):
  1. Open another Terminal and execute this command to change to aelf’s directory:
cd ~/Desktop/Code/AElf
  1. Execute this command to change to the AElf.Launcher directory:
cd src/AElf.Launcher
  1. Modify the appsettings.json file: for novices, you can go to desktop -> Code -> AElf -> src -> AElf.Launcher and open the appsettings.json file in the editor to modify it (or, if you are familiar with Linux commands, you can run the vim appsettings.json command and modify the file in the command-line interface).

Find the account data you just created using aelf-command create.

AElf [Info]: Your wallet info is :
AElf [Info]: Mnemonic            : mirror among battle muffin cattle plunge tuition buzz hip mad surround recall
AElf [Info]: Private Key         : 4bf625afea60e21aa5afcab5ea682b3dfb614941245698632d72a09ae13*****
AElf [Info]: Public Key          : 04f9bb56a9eca921bd494e677307f0279c98f1d2ed6bdeaa6dd256878272eabd14e91ec61469d2a32ce5e63205930dabdc0b9f13fc80c1f4e31760618d182*****
AElf [Info]: Address             : 21qciGwcaowwBttKMjMk86AW6WajhcodSHytY1vCyZb7p*****

Fill in the NodeAccount and NodeAccountPassword under Account using the Address and password you set in appsettings.json:

"Account": {
   "NodeAccount": "",
   "NodeAccountPassword": ""

It may look like this when you complete it:

"Account": {
   "NodeAccount": "21qciGwcaowwBttKMjMk86AW6WajhcodSHytY1vCyZb7p*****",
   "NodeAccountPassword": "********"

Fill in the InitialMineList under Consensus using Public Key:

"Consensus": {
    "InitialMinerList": [],
    "MiningInterval": 4000,
    "StartTimestamp": 0,
    "PeriodSeconds": 604800,
    "MinerIncreaseInterval": 31536000

It may look like this when you complete it (make sure the key is bracketed):

"Consensus": {
    "InitialMinerList": ["04f9bb56a9eca921bd494e677307f0279c98f1d2ed6bdeaa6dd256878272eabd14e91ec61469d2a32ce5e63205930dabdc0b9f13fc80c1f4e31760618d182*****"],
    "MiningInterval": 4000,
    "StartTimestamp": 0,
    "PeriodSeconds": 604800,
    "MinerIncreaseInterval": 31536000

If the IP and port for Redis have been changed, you can modify them under ConnectionStrings in appsettings.json (skip this step if they are not changed):

"ConnectionStrings": {
    "BlockchainDb": "redis://localhost:6379?db=1",
    "StateDb": "redis://localhost:6379?db=1"
  1. Execute dotnet run:
sudo dotnet run

The following output suggests successful execution:

2022-11-29 16:07:44,554 [.NET ThreadPool Worker] INFO  AElf.Kernel.SmartContractExecution.Application.BlockExecutionResultProcessingService - Attach blocks to best chain, best chain hash: "f396756945d9bb883f81827ab36fcb0533d3c66f7062269700e49b74895*****", height: 177

If you want to check the node’s block height and other block info, you can visit this page where you can access the API docs and interact with this single node.

To shut the node down, please use control + c on your keyboard.

If you don’t want to save the data, you can execute this command to delete all:

redis-cli flushall

Linux and Codespaces

Follow this doc to run an aelf single node in Linux and Codespaces and this will take around 20 minutes to complete.

Install aelf-command

Execute this command to install aelf-command:

npm i aelf-command -g

The following output suggests successful installation:

+ aelf-command@0.1.44
added 314 packages from 208 contributors in 25.958s

You might see warnings like this due to differences in system configuration. Please ignore it:

Clone and Build aelf’s Code

Create a directory. This tutorial uses a directory on the desktop for reference.

  1. Execute this command to create a directory:
mkdir ~/Desktop/Code
  1. Execute this command to change the directory:
cd ~/Desktop/Code
  1. Execute this command to clone aelf’s code:
git clone
  1. Execute this command to change to aelf’s directory:
cd AElf
  1. Execute this command to restore aelf’s files:
dotnet restore AElf.All.sln
  1. Execute this command to build aelf’s code (this will take several minutes):
dotnet build AElf.All.sln

The following output suggests successful building:

xx Warning(s)
   0 Error(s)

Time Elapsed 00:15:59.77

Create an aelf Account

Execute this command:

aelf-command create

An aelf account will be automatically created and you will see info like:

AElf [Info]: Your wallet info is :
AElf [Info]: Mnemonic            : mirror among battle muffin cattle plunge tuition buzz hip mad surround recall
AElf [Info]: Private Key         : 4bf625afea60e21aa5afcab5ea682b3dfb614941245698632d72a09ae13*****
AElf [Info]: Public Key          : 04f9bb56a9eca921bd494e677307f0279c98f1d2ed6bdeaa6dd256878272eabd14e91ec61469d2a32ce5e63205930dabdc0b9f13fc80c1f4e31760618d182*****
AElf [Info]: Address             : 21qciGwcaowwBttKMjMk86AW6WajhcodSHytY1vCyZb7p*****

You will then be asked whether you want the account data stored as a json file. Enter y to confirm and the file will be stored in /root/.local/share/aelf/keys/.

Please make sure you remember the account data or the json file’s location.

You will be required to set a password (referred to as * here):

Enter a password: ********
Confirm password: ********

For the sake of convenience, you are encouraged to keep this Terminal on the account info interface and open another Terminal to continue the following.

Run a Single Node

A single node runs aelf blockchain on one node. It is usually used to test the execution of contracts only.

  1. Execute this command to start a Redis instance (skip this step if redis-server is already started):
  1. Open another Terminal and execute this command to change to aelf’s directory:
cd ~/Desktop/Code/AElf
  1. Execute this command to change to the AElf.Launcher directory:
cd src/AElf.Launcher
  1. Modify the appsettings.json file: for novices, you can go to desktop -> Code -> AElf -> src -> AElf.Launcher and open the appsettings.json file in the editor to modify it (or, if you are familiar with Linux commands, you can run the vim appsettings.json command and modify the file in the command-line interface).

Find the account data you just created using aelf-command create.

AElf [Info]: Your wallet info is :
AElf [Info]: Mnemonic            : mirror among battle muffin cattle plunge tuition buzz hip mad surround recall
AElf [Info]: Private Key         : 4bf625afea60e21aa5afcab5ea682b3dfb614941245698632d72a09ae13*****
AElf [Info]: Public Key          : 04f9bb56a9eca921bd494e677307f0279c98f1d2ed6bdeaa6dd256878272eabd14e91ec61469d2a32ce5e63205930dabdc0b9f13fc80c1f4e31760618d182*****
AElf [Info]: Address             : 21qciGwcaowwBttKMjMk86AW6WajhcodSHytY1vCyZb7p*****

Fill in the NodeAccount and NodeAccountPassword under Account using the Address and password you set in appsettings.json:

"Account": {
   "NodeAccount": "",
   "NodeAccountPassword": ""

It may look like this when you complete it:

"Account": {
   "NodeAccount": "21qciGwcaowwBttKMjMk86AW6WajhcodSHytY1vCyZb7p*****",
   "NodeAccountPassword": "********"

Fill in the InitialMineList under Consensus using Public Key:

"Consensus": {
    "InitialMinerList": [],
    "MiningInterval": 4000,
    "StartTimestamp": 0,
    "PeriodSeconds": 604800,
    "MinerIncreaseInterval": 31536000

It may look like this when you complete it (make sure the key is bracketed):

"Consensus": {
    "InitialMinerList": ["04f9bb56a9eca921bd494e677307f0279c98f1d2ed6bdeaa6dd256878272eabd14e91ec61469d2a32ce5e63205930dabdc0b9f13fc80c1f4e31760618d182*****"],
    "MiningInterval": 4000,
    "StartTimestamp": 0,
    "PeriodSeconds": 604800,
    "MinerIncreaseInterval": 31536000

If the IP and port for Redis have been changed, you can modify them under ConnectionStrings in appsettings.json (skip this step if they are not changed):

"ConnectionStrings": {
    "BlockchainDb": "redis://localhost:6379?db=1",
    "StateDb": "redis://localhost:6379?db=1"

Save the changes and keep them in the AElf.Launcher directory.

  1. Execute dotnet run:
sudo dotnet run

The following output suggests successful execution:

2022-11-29 16:07:44,554 [.NET ThreadPool Worker] INFO  AElf.Kernel.SmartContractExecution.Application.BlockExecutionResultProcessingService - Attach blocks to best chain, best chain hash: "f396756945d9bb883f81827ab36fcb0533d3c66f7062269700e49b74895*****", height: 177

If you want to check the node’s block height and other block info, you can visit this page where you can access the API docs and interact with this single node.

To shut the node down, please use control + c on your keyboard.

If you don’t want to save the data, you can execute this command to delete all:

redis-cli flushall


Follow this doc to run an aelf single node on a Windows device and this will take around 20 minutes to complete.

Install aelf-command

Execute npm command to install aelf-command:

npm i aelf-command -g

The following output suggests successful installation:

+ aelf-command@0.1.44
added 314 packages from 208 contributors in 25.958s

You might see warnings like this due to differences in system configuration. Please ignore it:

Clone and Build aelf’s Code

Create a directory. This tutorial uses a directory on the desktop for reference.

  1. Execute this command in cmd or PowerShell to create a directory:
mkdir C:/Users/${username}/Desktop/Code
  1. Execute this command to change the directory:
cd C:/Users/${username}/Desktop/Code
  1. Execute this command to clone aelf’s code:
git clone
  1. Execute this command to change to aelf’s directory:
cd AElf
  1. Execute this command to restore aelf’s files:
dotnet restore AElf.All.sln
  1. Execute this command to build aelf’s code (this will take several minutes):
dotnet build AElf.All.sln

The following output suggests successful building:

xx Warning(s)
   0 Error(s)

Time Elapsed 00:15:59.77

Create an aelf Account

Execute this command:

aelf-command create

An aelf account will be automatically created and you will see info like:

AElf [Info]: Your wallet info is :
AElf [Info]: Mnemonic            : mirror among battle muffin cattle plunge tuition buzz hip mad surround recall
AElf [Info]: Private Key         : 4bf625afea60e21aa5afcab5ea682b3dfb614941245698632d72a09ae13*****
AElf [Info]: Public Key          : 04f9bb56a9eca921bd494e677307f0279c98f1d2ed6bdeaa6dd256878272eabd14e91ec61469d2a32ce5e63205930dabdc0b9f13fc80c1f4e31760618d182*****
AElf [Info]: Address             : 21qciGwcaowwBttKMjMk86AW6WajhcodSHytY1vCyZb7p*****

You will then be asked whether you want the account data stored as a json file. Enter y to confirm and the file will be stored locally.

Please make sure you remember the account data or the json file’s location.

You will be required to set a password (referred to as * here):

Enter a password: ********
Confirm password: ********

For the sake of convenience, you are encouraged to keep this cmd or PowerShell on the account info interface and open another cmd or PowerShell to continue the following.

Run a Single Node

A single node runs aelf blockchain on one node. It is usually used to test the execution of contracts only.

  1. Execute this command to start a Redis instance (skip this step if redis-server is already started):
  1. Open another cmd or PowerShell and execute this command to change to aelf’s directory:
cd C:/Users/${username}/Desktop/Code
  1. Execute this command to change to the AElf.Launcher directory:
cd src/AElf.Launcher
  1. Modify the appsettings.json file: for novices, you can go to desktop -> Code -> AElf -> src -> AElf.Launcher and open the appsettings.json file in the editor to modify it (or you can run the start appsettings.json command and open the appsettings.json file in the editor).

Find the account data you just created using aelf-command create.

AElf [Info]: Your wallet info is :
AElf [Info]: Mnemonic            : mirror among battle muffin cattle plunge tuition buzz hip mad surround recall
AElf [Info]: Private Key         : 4bf625afea60e21aa5afcab5ea682b3dfb614941245698632d72a09ae13*****
AElf [Info]: Public Key          : 04f9bb56a9eca921bd494e677307f0279c98f1d2ed6bdeaa6dd256878272eabd14e91ec61469d2a32ce5e63205930dabdc0b9f13fc80c1f4e31760618d182*****
AElf [Info]: Address             : 21qciGwcaowwBttKMjMk86AW6WajhcodSHytY1vCyZb7p*****

Fill in the NodeAccount and NodeAccountPassword under Account using the Address and password you set in appsettings.json:

"Account": {
   "NodeAccount": "",
   "NodeAccountPassword": ""

It may look like this when you complete it:

"Account": {
   "NodeAccount": "21qciGwcaowwBttKMjMk86AW6WajhcodSHytY1vCyZb7p*****",
   "NodeAccountPassword": "********"

Fill in the InitialMineList under Consensus using Public Key:

"Consensus": {
    "InitialMinerList": [],
    "MiningInterval": 4000,
    "StartTimestamp": 0,
    "PeriodSeconds": 604800,
    "MinerIncreaseInterval": 31536000

It may look like this when you complete it (make sure the key is bracketed):

"Consensus": {
    "InitialMinerList": ["04f9bb56a9eca921bd494e677307f0279c98f1d2ed6bdeaa6dd256878272eabd14e91ec61469d2a32ce5e63205930dabdc0b9f13fc80c1f4e31760618d182*****"],
    "MiningInterval": 4000,
    "StartTimestamp": 0,
    "PeriodSeconds": 604800,
    "MinerIncreaseInterval": 31536000

If the IP and port for Redis have been changed, you can modify them under ConnectionStrings in appsettings.json (skip this step if they are not changed):

"ConnectionStrings": {
    "BlockchainDb": "redis://localhost:6379?db=1",
    "StateDb": "redis://localhost:6379?db=1"

Save the changes and keep them in the AElf.Launcher directory.

"ConnectionStrings": {
    "BlockchainDb": "redis://localhost:6379?db=1",
    "StateDb": "redis://localhost:6379?db=1"
  1. Execute dotnet run:
sudo dotnet run

The following output suggests successful execution:

2022-11-29 16:07:44,554 [.NET ThreadPool Worker] INFO  AElf.Kernel.SmartContractExecution.Application.BlockExecutionResultProcessingService - Attach blocks to best chain, best chain hash: "f396756945d9bb883f81827ab36fcb0533d3c66f7062269700e49b74895*****", height: 177

If you want to check the node’s block height and other block info, you can visit this page where you can access the API docs and interact with this single node.

To shut the node down, please use control + c on your keyboard.

If you don’t want to save the data, you can execute this command to delete all:

redis-cli flushall

Multi Nodes


Follow this doc to run aelf multi-nodes on a macOS device and this will take around 20 minutes to complete.

Run Multi-Nodes

This tutorial will guide you through how to run three nodes.

Publish aelf’s Code

Create a directory. This tutorial uses a directory on the desktop for reference.

  1. Execute this command to create a directory:
mkdir ~/Desktop/Out
  1. Execute this command to change the directory:
cd ~/Desktop/Code/AElf
  1. Execute this command to publish aelf’s code (this will take several minutes):
sudo dotnet publish AElf.All.sln /p:NoBuild=false --configuration Debug -o ~/Desktop/Out
Configure Three Nodes
  1. Execute this command three times to create three accounts: A, B, and C.
aelf-command create

Please make sure you remember their Public Keys and Addresses.

Create a directory for node configuration. This tutorial uses a directory on the desktop for reference.

  1. Execute this command to create a directory:
mkdir ~/Desktop/Config
  1. Execute this command to change the directory:
cd ~/Desktop/Config
  1. Execute this command to create three new directories: bp1, bp2, and bp3 in the “Config” directory and create their respective “keys” directories.
mkdir -p ~/Desktop/Config/bp1/keys

mkdir -p ~/Desktop/Config/bp2/keys

mkdir -p ~/Desktop/Config/bp3/keys
  1. Copy account A, B, and C from /Users/{username}/.local/share/aelf/keys/ to bp1/keys, bp2/keys, and bp3/keys respectively (If you can’t find .local, you can use cmd + shift + g in Finder to designate the directories).
  2. Execute this command to create appsettings.json files and appsettings.MainChain.MainNet.json files in directories bp1, bp2, and bp3:
cd ~/Desktop/Config/bp1;touch appsettings.json;touch appsettings.MainChain.MainNet.json

cd ~/Desktop/Config/bp2;touch appsettings.json;touch appsettings.MainChain.MainNet.json

cd ~/Desktop/Config/bp3;touch appsettings.json;touch appsettings.MainChain.MainNet.json

For appsettings.json:

  "Logging": {
    "LogLevel": {
      "Default": "Debug"
  "AllowedHosts": "*",
  "CorsOrigins": "*",
  "ConnectionStrings": {
    "BlockchainDb": "redis://localhost:6379?db=1",
    "StateDb": "redis://localhost:6379?db=1"
  "ChainId": "AELF",
  "IsMainChain" : true,
  "NetType": "MainNet",
  "Account": {
    "NodeAccount": "21qciGwcaowwBttKMjMk86AW6WajhcodSHytY1vCyZb7p*****",
    "NodeAccountPassword": "********"
  "Network": {
    "BootNodes": [],
    "ListeningPort": 7001,
    "NetAllowed": "",
    "NetWhitelist": []
  "Kestrel": {
    "EndPoints": {
      "Http": {
        "Url": "http://*:8001/"
  "Runner": {
    "BlackList": [],
    "WhiteList": []
  "DeployServiceUrl": "",
  "Consensus": {
    "InitialMinerList" : [
    "MiningInterval" : 4000,
    "StartTimestamp": 0,
    "PeriodSeconds": 120
    "JobPollPeriod": 1

For appsettings.MainChain.MainNet.json:

    "ChainId": "AELF",
    "TokenInitial": {
        "Symbol": "ELF",
        "Name": "elf token",
        "TotalSupply": 1000000000,
        "Decimals": 2,
        "IsBurnable": true,
        "DividendPoolRatio": 0.2
    "ElectionInitial": {
        "LockForElection": 100000,
        "TimeEachTerm": 2,
        "BaseTimeUnit": 2,
        "MinimumLockTime": 1,
        "MaximumLockTime": 2000
  1. Modify the appsettings.json files in directory bp1, bp2, and bp3 as instructed:
    1. Change the numbers following db= in BlockchainDb and StateDb under ConnectionStrings:
      1. bp1: redis://localhost:6379?db=1
      2. bp2: redis://localhost:6379?db=2
      3. bp3: redis://localhost:6379?db=3
    2. Replace NodeAccount and NodeAccountPassword under Account with Address and password in account A, B, and C.
    3. Fill in all three InitialMineList under Consensus using account A, B, and C’s Public Key, keys separated with,:

      "Consensus": {
          "InitialMinerList" : [
    4. In bp1, BootNodes is blank and ListeningPort is 7001. In bp2, BootNodes is (make sure to bracket it), and ListeningPort is 7002. In bp3, BootNodes are and (make sure to bracket them and separate them with ,) and ListeningPort is 7003.
    5. Change the port numbers in Kestrel-EndPoints-Http-Url to 8001, 8002, and 8003 respectively (to ensure there is no conflict of ports).
  2. Execute this command to start a Redis instance:
Run Three Nodes

In this tutorial, code is published in ~/Desktop/Out and the three nodes are configured in ~/Desktop/Config.

Use redis-server to start a Redis instance.

We recommend you open three new Terminals to monitor the nodes’ operation.

Execute this command to launch node 1:

cd ~/Desktop/Config/bp1;dotnet ~/Desktop/Out/AElf.Launcher.dll

Execute this command to launch node 2:

cd ~/Desktop/Config/bp2;dotnet ~/Desktop/Out/AElf.Launcher.dll

Execute this command to launch node 3:

cd ~/Desktop/Config/bp3;dotnet ~/Desktop/Out/AElf.Launcher.dll

The three nodes run successfully if all Terminals show the following output:

2022-11-30 20:51:04,163 [.NET ThreadPool Worker] INFO  AElf.Kernel.Miner.Application.MiningService - Generated block: { id: "12f519e1601dd9f755a186b1370fd12696a8c080ea04465dadc*********2463", height: 25 }, previous: 5308de83c3585dbb4a097a9187a3b2f9b8584db4889d428484ca3e4df09e2860, executed transactions: 2, not executed transactions 0

To shut the nodes down, please use control + c on your keyboard.

If you don’t want to save the data, you can execute this command to delete all:

redis-cli flushall

Linux and Codespaces

Follow this doc to run aelf multi-nodes in Linux and Codespaces and this will take around 20 minutes to complete.

Run Multi-Nodes

This tutorial will guide you through how to run three nodes.

Publish aelf’s Code

Create a directory. This tutorial uses a directory on the desktop for reference.

  1. Execute this command to create a directory:
mkdir ~/Desktop/Code
  1. Execute this command to change the directory:
cd ~/Desktop/Code/AElf
  1. Execute this command to publish aelf’s code (this will take several minutes):
sudo dotnet publish AElf.All.sln /p:NoBuild=false --configuration Debug -o ~/Desktop/Out
Configure Three Nodes
  1. Execute this command three times to create three accounts: A, B, and C.
aelf-command create

Please make sure you remember their Public Keys and Addresses.

Create a directory for node configuration. This tutorial uses a directory on the desktop for reference.

  1. Execute this command to create a directory:
mkdir ~/Desktop/Config
  1. Execute this command to change the directory:
cd ~/Desktop/Config
  1. Execute this command to create three new directories: bp1, bp2, and bp3 in the “Config” directory and create their respective “keys” directories.
mkdir -p ~/Desktop/Config/bp1/keys

mkdir -p ~/Desktop/Config/bp2/keys

mkdir -p ~/Desktop/Config/bp3/keys
  1. Copy account A, B, and C from /root/.local/share/aelf/keys/ to bp1/keys, bp2/keys, and bp3/keys respectively (If you can’t find .local, you can use cmd + shift + g in Finder to designate the directories).
  2. Execute this command to create appsettings.json files and appsettings.MainChain.MainNet.json files in directories bp1, bp2, and bp3:
cd ~/Desktop/Config/bp1;touch appsettings.json;touch appsettings.MainChain.MainNet.json

cd ~/Desktop/Config/bp2;touch appsettings.json;touch appsettings.MainChain.MainNet.json

cd ~/Desktop/Config/bp3;touch appsettings.json;touch appsettings.MainChain.MainNet.json

Copy the following templates to each file:

For appsettings.json:

  "Logging": {
    "LogLevel": {
      "Default": "Debug"
  "AllowedHosts": "*",
  "CorsOrigins": "*",
  "ConnectionStrings": {
    "BlockchainDb": "redis://localhost:6379?db=1",
    "StateDb": "redis://localhost:6379?db=1"
  "ChainId": "AELF",
  "IsMainChain" : true,
  "NetType": "MainNet",
  "Account": {
    "NodeAccount": "21qciGwcaowwBttKMjMk86AW6WajhcodSHytY1vCyZb7p*****",
    "NodeAccountPassword": "********"
  "Network": {
    "BootNodes": [],
    "ListeningPort": 7001,
    "NetAllowed": "",
    "NetWhitelist": []
  "Kestrel": {
    "EndPoints": {
      "Http": {
        "Url": "http://*:8001/"
  "Runner": {
    "BlackList": [],
    "WhiteList": []
  "DeployServiceUrl": "",
  "Consensus": {
    "InitialMinerList" : [
    "MiningInterval" : 4000,
    "StartTimestamp": 0,
    "PeriodSeconds": 120
    "JobPollPeriod": 1

For appsettings.MainChain.MainNet.json:

    "ChainId": "AELF",
    "TokenInitial": {
        "Symbol": "ELF",
        "Name": "elf token",
        "TotalSupply": 1000000000,
        "Decimals": 2,
        "IsBurnable": true,
        "DividendPoolRatio": 0.2
    "ElectionInitial": {
        "LockForElection": 100000,
        "TimeEachTerm": 2,
        "BaseTimeUnit": 2,
        "MinimumLockTime": 1,
        "MaximumLockTime": 2000
  1. Modify the appsettings.json files in directory bp1, bp2, and bp3 as instructed:
    1. Change the numbers following db= in BlockchainDb and StateDb under ConnectionStrings:
      1. bp1: redis://localhost:6379?db=1
      2. bp2: redis://localhost:6379?db=2
      3. bp3: redis://localhost:6379?db=3
    2. Replace NodeAccount and NodeAccountPassword under Account with Address and password in account A, B, and C.
    3. Fill in all three InitialMineList under Consensus using account A, B, and C’s Public Key, keys separated with,:

      "Consensus": {
           "InitialMinerList" : [
    4. In bp1, BootNodes is blank and ListeningPort is 7001. In bp2, BootNodes is (make sure to bracket it), and ListeningPort is 7002. In bp3, BootNodes are and (make sure to bracket them and separate them with ,) and ListeningPort is 7003.
    5. Change the port numbers in Kestrel-EndPoints-Http-Url to 8001, 8002, and 8003 respectively (to ensure there is no conflict of ports).
  2. Execute this command to start a Redis instance:
Run Three Nodes

In this tutorial, code is published in ~/Desktop/Out and the three nodes are configured in ~/Desktop/Config.

Use redis-server to start a Redis instance.

We recommend you open three new Terminals to monitor the nodes’ operation.

Execute this command to launch node 1:

cd ~/Desktop/Config/bp1;dotnet ~/Desktop/Out/AElf.Launcher.dll

Execute this command to launch node 2:

cd ~/Desktop/Config/bp2;dotnet ~/Desktop/Out/AElf.Launcher.dll

Execute this command to launch node 3:

cd ~/Desktop/Config/bp3;dotnet ~/Desktop/Out/AElf.Launcher.dll

The three nodes run successfully if all Terminals show the following output:

2022-11-30 20:51:04,163 [.NET ThreadPool Worker] INFO  AElf.Kernel.Miner.Application.MiningService - Generated block: { id: "12f519e1601dd9f755a186b1370fd12696a8c080ea04465dadc*********2463", height: 25 }, previous: 5308de83c3585dbb4a097a9187a3b2f9b8584db4889d428484ca3e4df09e2860, executed transactions: 2, not executed transactions 0

To shut the nodes down, please use control + c on your keyboard.

If you don’t want to save the data, you can execute this command to delete all:

redis-cli flushall


Follow this doc to run aelf multi-nodes on a Windows device and this will take around 20 minutes to complete.

Run Multi-Nodes

This tutorial will guide you through how to run three nodes.

Publish aelf’s Code

Create a directory. This tutorial uses a directory on the desktop for reference.

  1. Execute this command to create a directory:
mkdir C:/Users/${username}/Desktop/Out
  1. Execute this command to change the directory:
cd C:/Users/${username}/Desktop/Code/AElf
  1. Execute this command to publish aelf’s code (this will take several minutes):

Note: Be sure to replace ${username} here with your user name.

sudo dotnet publish AElf.All.sln /p:NoBuild=false --configuration Debug -o C:/Users/${username}/Desktop/Out
Configure Three Nodes
  1. Execute this command three times to create three accounts: A, B, and C.
aelf-command create

Please make sure you remember their Public Keys and Addresses.

Create a directory for node configuration. This tutorial uses a directory on the desktop for reference.

  1. Execute this command to create a directory:
mkdir C:/Users/${username}/Desktop/Config
  1. Execute this command to change the directory:
cd C:/Users/${username}/Desktop/Config
  1. Execute this command to create three new directories: bp1, bp2, and bp3 in the “Config” directory and create their respective “keys” directories.
mkdir -p C:/Users/${username}/Desktop/Config/bp1/keys

mkdir -p C:/Users/${username}/Desktop/Config/bp2/keys

mkdir -p C:/Users/${username}/Desktop/Config/bp3/keys
  1. Copy account A, B, and C from their json files to bp1/keys, bp2/keys, and bp3/keys respectively.
  2. Execute this command to create appsettings.json files and appsettings.MainChain.MainNet.json files in directories bp1, bp2, and bp3:
cd C:/Users/${username}/Desktop/Config/bp1;touch appsettings.json;touch appsettings.MainChain.MainNet.json

cd C:/Users/${username}/Desktop/Config/bp2;touch appsettings.json;touch appsettings.MainChain.MainNet.json

cd C:/Users/${username}/Desktop/Config/bp3;touch appsettings.json;touch appsettings.MainChain.MainNet.json

Copy the following templates to each file:

For appsettings.json:

  "Logging": {
    "LogLevel": {
      "Default": "Debug"
  "AllowedHosts": "*",
  "CorsOrigins": "*",
  "ConnectionStrings": {
    "BlockchainDb": "redis://localhost:6379?db=1",
    "StateDb": "redis://localhost:6379?db=1"
  "ChainId": "AELF",
  "IsMainChain" : true,
  "NetType": "MainNet",
  "Account": {
    "NodeAccount": "21qciGwcaowwBttKMjMk86AW6WajhcodSHytY1vCyZb7p*****",
    "NodeAccountPassword": "********"
  "Network": {
    "BootNodes": [],
    "ListeningPort": 7001,
    "NetAllowed": "",
    "NetWhitelist": []
  "Kestrel": {
    "EndPoints": {
      "Http": {
        "Url": "http://*:8001/"
  "Runner": {
    "BlackList": [],
    "WhiteList": []
  "DeployServiceUrl": "",
  "Consensus": {
    "InitialMinerList" : [
    "MiningInterval" : 4000,
    "StartTimestamp": 0,
    "PeriodSeconds": 120
    "JobPollPeriod": 1

For appsettings.MainChain.MainNet.json:

    "ChainId": "AELF",
    "TokenInitial": {
        "Symbol": "ELF",
        "Name": "elf token",
        "TotalSupply": 1000000000,
        "Decimals": 2,
        "IsBurnable": true,
        "DividendPoolRatio": 0.2
    "ElectionInitial": {
        "LockForElection": 100000,
        "TimeEachTerm": 2,
        "BaseTimeUnit": 2,
        "MinimumLockTime": 1,
        "MaximumLockTime": 2000
  1. Modify the appsettings.json files in directory bp1, bp2, and bp3 as instructed:
    1. Change the numbers following db= in BlockchainDb and StateDb under ConnectionStrings:
      1. bp1: redis://localhost:6379?db=1
      2. bp2: redis://localhost:6379?db=2
      3. bp3: redis://localhost:6379?db=3
    2. Replace NodeAccount and NodeAccountPassword under Account with Address and password in account A, B, and C.
    3. Fill in all three InitialMineList under Consensus using account A, B, and C’s Public Key, keys separated with,:

      "Consensus": {
          "InitialMinerList" : [
    4. In bp1, BootNodes is blank and ListeningPort is 7001. In bp2, BootNodes is (make sure to bracket it), and ListeningPort is 7002. In bp3, BootNodes are and (make sure to bracket them and separate them with ,) and ListeningPort is 7003.
    5. Change the port numbers in Kestrel-EndPoints-Http-Url to 8001, 8002, and 8003 respectively (to ensure there is no conflict of ports).
  2. Execute this command to start a Redis instance:

Run Three Nodes

In this tutorial, code is published in C:/Users/${username}/Desktop/Out and the three nodes are configured in C:/Users/${username}/Desktop/Config.

Use redis-server to start a Redis instance.

We recommend you open three new terminals to monitor the nodes’ operation.

Execute this command to launch node 1:

cd ~/Desktop/Config/bp1;dotnet ~/Desktop/Out/AElf.Launcher.dll

Execute this command to launch node 2:

cd ~/Desktop/Config/bp2;dotnet ~/Desktop/Out/AElf.Launcher.dll

Execute this command to launch node 3:

cd ~/Desktop/Config/bp3;dotnet ~/Desktop/Out/AElf.Launcher.dll

The three nodes run successfully if all Terminals show the following output:

2022-11-30 20:51:04,163 [.NET ThreadPool Worker] INFO  AElf.Kernel.Miner.Application.MiningService - Generated block: { id: "12f519e1601dd9f755a186b1370fd12696a8c080ea04465dadc*********2463", height: 25 }, previous: 5308de83c3585dbb4a097a9187a3b2f9b8584db4889d428484ca3e4df09e2860, executed transactions: 2, not executed transactions 0

To shut the nodes down, please use control + c on your keyboard.

If you don’t want to save the data, you can execute this command to delete all:

redis-cli flushall