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Smart contract implementation

This article will guide you through how to use AElf Boilerplate to implement a smart contract. It takes an example on the Greeter contract that's already included in Boilerplate. Based on the concepts this article presents, you'll be able to create your own basic contract.

Greeter contract

The following content will walk you through the basics of writing a smart contract; this process contains essentially four steps:

  • create the project: generate the contract template using AElf Boilerplate's code generator.
  • define the contract and its types: the methods and types needed in your contract should be defined in a protobuf file, following typical protobuf syntax.
  • generate the code: build the project to generate the base contract code from the proto definition.
  • extend the generated code: implement the logic of the contract methods.

The Greeter contract is a very simple contract that exposes a Greet method that simply logs to the console and returns a "Hello World" message and a more sophisticated GreetTo method that records every greeting it receives and returns the greeting message as well as the time of the greeting.

This tutorial shows you how to develop a smart contract with the C# contract SDK; you can find you more here. Boilerplate will automatically add the reference to the SDK.

Create the project

With AElf Boilerplate's code generator, you can easily and quickly set up a contract project. See here for details.

Defining the contract

After creating the contract project, you can define the methods and types of your contract. AElf defines smart contracts as services that are implemented using gRPC and Protobuf. The definition contains no logic; at build time the proto file is used to generate C# classes that will be used to implement the logic and state of the contract.

We recommend putting the contract's definition in Boilerplate's protobuf folder so that it can easily be included in the build/generation process and also that you name the contract with the following syntax contract_name_contract.proto:

└── Boilerplate
    └── chain
        └── protobuf
            ├── aelf
            │   ├── options.proto // contract options
            │   └── core.proto    // core blockchain types
            ├── greeter_contract.proto
            ├── another_contract.proto
            ├── token_contract.proto // system contracts
            ├── acs0.proto // AElf contract standard
            └── ...

The "protobuf" folder already contains a certain amount of contract definitions, including tutorial examples, system contracts. You'll also notice it contains AElf Contract Standard definitions that are also defined the same way as contracts. Lastly, it also contains options.proto and core.proto that contain fundamental types for developing smart contracts, more on this later.

Best practices:

  • place your contract definition in Boilerplate's protobuf folder.
  • name your contract with contractname_contract.proto, all lower case.

Now let's take a look a the Greeter contract's definition:

// protobuf/greeter_contract.proto

syntax = "proto3";

import "aelf/options.proto";

import "google/protobuf/empty.proto";
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
import "google/protobuf/wrappers.proto";

option csharp_namespace = "AElf.Contracts.Greeter";

service GreeterContract { 
    option (aelf.csharp_state) = "AElf.Contracts.Greeter.GreeterContractState";

    // Actions
    rpc Greet (google.protobuf.Empty) returns (google.protobuf.StringValue) { }
    rpc GreetTo (google.protobuf.StringValue) returns (GreetToOutput) { }

    // Views
    rpc GetGreetedList (google.protobuf.Empty) returns (GreetedList) {
        option (aelf.is_view) = true;

message GreetToOutput {
    string name = 1;
    google.protobuf.Timestamp greet_time = 2;

message GreetedList {
    repeated string value = 1;

Above is the full definition of the contract; it is mainly composed of three parts:

  • imports: the dependencies of your contract.
  • the service definition: the methods of your contract.
  • types: some custom defined types used by the contract.

Let's have a deeper look at the three different parts.

Syntax, imports and namespace

syntax = "proto3";

import "aelf/options.proto";

import "google/protobuf/empty.proto";
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
import "google/protobuf/wrappers.proto";

option csharp_namespace = "AElf.Contracts.Greeter";

The first line specifies the syntax that this protobuf file uses, we recommend you always use proto3 for your contracts. Next, you'll notice that this contract specifies some imports, let's analyze them briefly:

  • aelf/options.proto : contracts can use AElf specific options; this file contains the definitions. One example is the is_view options that we will use later.
  • empty.proto, timestamp.proto and wrappers.proto : these are proto files imported directly from protobuf's library. They are useful for defining things like an empty return value, time, and wrappers around some common types such as string.

The last line specifies an option that determines the target namespace of the generated code. Here the generated code will be in the AElf.Contracts.Greeter namespace.

The service definition

service GreeterContract { 
    option (aelf.csharp_state) = "AElf.Contracts.Greeter.GreeterContractState";

    // Actions
    rpc Greet (google.protobuf.Empty) returns (google.protobuf.StringValue) { }
    rpc GreetTo (google.protobuf.StringValue) returns (GreetToOutput) { }

    // Views
    rpc GetGreetedList (google.protobuf.Empty) returns (GreetedList) {
        option (aelf.is_view) = true;

The first line here uses the aelf.csharp_state option to specify the name (full name) of the state class. This means that the state of the contract should be defined in the GreeterContractState class under the AElf.Contracts.Greeter namespace.

Next, two action methods are defined: Greet and GreetTo. A contract method is defined by three things: the method name, the input argument(s) type(s) and the output type. For example, Greet requires that the input type is google.protobuf.Empty that is used to specify that this method takes no arguments and the output type will be a google.protobuf.StringValue is a traditional string. As you can see with the GreetTo method, you can use custom types as input and output of contract methods.

The service also defines a view method, that is, a method used only to query the contracts state, and that has no side effect on the state. For example, the definition of GetGreetedList uses the aelf.is_view option to make it a view method.

Best practice:

  • use google.protobuf.Empty to specify that a method takes no arguments (import google/protobuf/empty.proto).
  • use google.protobuf.StringValue to use a string (import google/protobuf/wrappers.proto).
  • use the aelf.is_view option to create a view method (import aelf/options.proto).
  • use the aelf.csharp_state to specify the namespace of your contracts state (import aelf/options.proto).

Custom types

message GreetToOutput {
    string name = 1;
    google.protobuf.Timestamp greet_time = 2;

message GreetedList {
    repeated string value = 1;

The protobuf file also includes the definition of two custom types. The GreetToOutput is the type returned by the GreetTo method and GreetedList is the return type of the GetGreetedList view method. You'll notice the repeated keyword the GreetedList message. This is protobuf syntax to represent a collection.

Best practice:

  • use google.protobuf.Timestamp to represent a point in time (import google/protobuf/timestamp.proto).
  • use repeated to represent a collection of items of the same type.

Extend the generated code

After defining and generating the code from the definition, the contract author extends the generated code to implement the logic of his contract. Two files are presented here:

  • GreeterContract: the actual implementation of the logic, it inherits from the contract base generated by protobuf.
  • GreeterContractState: the state class that contains properties for reading and writing the state. This class inherits the ContractState class from the C# SDK.
// contract/AElf.Contracts.GreeterContract/GreeterContract.cs

using Google.Protobuf.WellKnownTypes;

namespace AElf.Contracts.Greeter
    public class GreeterContract : GreeterContractContainer.GreeterContractBase
        public override StringValue Greet(Empty input)
            Context.LogDebug(() => "Hello World!");
            return new StringValue {Value = "Hello World!"};

        public override GreetToOutput GreetTo(StringValue input)
            // Should not greet to empty string or white space.
            Assert(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(input.Value), "Invalid name.");

            // State.GreetedList.Value is null if not initialized.
            var greetList = State.GreetedList.Value ?? new GreetedList();

            // Add input.Value to State.GreetedList.Value if it's new to this list.
            if (!greetList.Value.Contains(input.Value))

            // Update State.GreetedList.Value by setting it's value directly.
            State.GreetedList.Value = greetList;

            Context.LogDebug(() => "Hello {0}!", input.Value);

            return new GreetToOutput
                GreetTime = Context.CurrentBlockTime,
                Name = input.Value.Trim()

        public override GreetedList GetGreetedList(Empty input)
            return State.GreetedList.Value ?? new GreetedList();
// contract/AElf.Contracts.GreeterContract/GreeterContractState.cs

using AElf.Sdk.CSharp.State;
 namespace AElf.Contracts.Greeter
    public class GreeterContractState : ContractState
        public SingletonState<GreetedList> GreetedList { get; set; }

Let's briefly explain what is happening in the GreetTo method:


Assert(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(input.Value), "Invalid name.");

When writing a smart contract, it is often useful (and recommended) to validate the input. AElf smart contracts can use the Assert method defined in the base smart contract class to implement this pattern. For example, here, the method validates that the input string is null or composed only of white spaces. If the condition is false, this line will abort the execution of the transaction.

Accessing and saving state

var greetList = State.GreetedList.Value ?? new GreetedList();
State.GreetedList.Value = greetList;

From within the contract methods, you can easily access the contracts state through the State property of the contract. Here the state property refers to the GreeterContractState class in which is defined the GreetedList collection. The second effectively updates the state (this is needed; otherwise, the method would have no effect on the state).

Note that because the GreetedList type is wrapped in a SingletonState you have to use the Value property to access the data (more on this later).


Context.LogDebug(() => "Hello {0}!", input.Value);

It is also possible to log from smart contract methods. The above example will log "Hello" and the value of the input. It also prints useful information like the ID of the transaction. It will print in the console log if you launch the node with DEBUG mode. This is only for debug use and has no impacts on state at all.

More on state

As a reminder, here is the state definition in the contract (we specified the name of the class and a type) as well as the custom type GreetedList:

service GreeterContract { 
    option (aelf.csharp_state) = "AElf.Contracts.Greeter.GreeterContractState";

// ...

message GreetedList {
    repeated string value = 1;

The aelf.csharp_state option allows the contract author to specify in which namespace and class name the state will be. To implement a state class, you need to inherit from the ContractState class that is contained in the C# SDK (notice the using statement here below).

Below is the state class that we saw previously:

using AElf.Sdk.CSharp.State;
 namespace AElf.Contracts.Greeter
    public class GreeterContractState : ContractState
        public SingletonState<GreetedList> GreetedList { get; set; }

The state uses the custom GreetedList type, which was generated from the Protobuf definition at build time and contained exactly one property: a singleton state of type GreetedList.

The SingletonState is part of the C# SDK and is used to represent exactly one value. The value can be of any type, including collection types. Here we only wanted our contract to store one list (here a list of strings).

Note that you have to wrap your state types in a type like SingletonState (others are also available like MappedState) because behind the scene, they implement the state read and write operations.