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This repository has been archived by the owner on May 6, 2023. It is now read-only.

Releases: AFAgarap/pt-datasets

Resolve path issue for IMDB

09 May 06:29
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Resolve path issue for IMDB dataset

Split dataset loaders

08 May 10:50
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  • Add support for IMDB dataset
  • Define individual dataset loaders for supported datasets

Fix transform for CIFAR10

27 Apr 08:07
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Add default transform for CIFAR10 for when the user opts for no normalization.

Update dependency on torch and torchvision

22 Apr 08:15
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Update dependency on torch and torchvision

Fix download issue for MalImg dataset

18 Apr 11:37
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The link to the MalImg dataset was a tuple instead of a string. This has now been rectified.

Fix n-grams range parameterization

15 Apr 10:44
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Resolve issue n-grams range parameterization for text loading without vectorizer.

Parameterize n-grams range

14 Apr 12:44
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Allow the customization of n-grams range to use for text vectorization.

Fix 20newsgroups vectorizer unpacking

13 Apr 06:17
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Resolve issue on loading vectorizer for 20newsgroups dataset.

Fix return of vectorizer object

13 Apr 06:07
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Resolve the issue on accessing and returning the vectorizer object.

Refactor 20newsgroups and AG News datasets

06 Apr 11:17
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  • Implement a class for 20newsgroups and AG News datasets.
  • Load the two datasets using their respective classes.
  • Remove old functions for loading the two datasets.