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How to create a VecEnv on GPUs

ElegantRL supports massively parallel simulation through GPU-accelerated VecEnv.

Here, we talk about how to create a VecEnv on GPUs from scratch and go through a simple chasing example, a deterministic environment with continuous actions and continuous state space. The goal is to move an agent to chase a randomly moving robot. The reward depends on the distance between agent and robot. The environment terminates when the agent catches the robot or the max step is reached.

To keep the example simple, we only use two packages, PyTorch and Numpy.

import torch
import numpy as np

Now, we start to create the environment, which usually includes initialization function, reset function, and step function.

For initialization function, we specify the number of environments env_num, the GPU id device_id, and the dimension of the chasing space dim. In the chasing environment, we keep track of positions and velocities of the agent and the robot.

class ChasingVecEnv:
    def __init__(self, dim=2, env_num=4096, device_id=0):
        self.dim = dim
        self.init_distance = 8.0

        # reset
        self.p0s = None  # position
        self.v0s = None  # velocity
        self.p1s = None
        self.v1s = None

        self.distances = None
        self.current_steps = None

        '''env info'''
        self.env_name = 'ChasingVecEnv'
        self.state_dim = self.dim * 4
        self.action_dim = self.dim
        self.max_step = 2 ** 10
        self.if_discrete = False
        self.target_return = 6.3

        self.env_num = env_num
        self.device = torch.device(f"cuda:{device_id}")

The second step is to implement a reset function. The reset function is called at the beginning of each episode and sets initial state to current state. To utilize GPUs, we use data structures for multi-dimensional tensors provided by the torch package.

def reset(self):
    self.p0s = torch.zeros((self.env_num, self.dim), dtype=torch.float32, device=self.device)
    self.v0s = torch.zeros((self.env_num, self.dim), dtype=torch.float32, device=self.device)
    self.p1s = torch.zeros((self.env_num, self.dim), dtype=torch.float32, device=self.device)
    self.v1s = torch.zeros((self.env_num, self.dim), dtype=torch.float32, device=self.device)

    self.current_steps = np.zeros(self.env_num,

    for env_i in range(self.env_num):

    self.distances = ((self.p0s - self.p1s) ** 2).sum(dim=1) ** 0.5

    return self.get_state()

The last function is the step function, that includes a transition function and a reward function, and signals the terminal state. To compute the transition function, we utilize mathematical operations from the torch package over the data (tensors). These operations allow us to compute transitions and rewards of thousands of environments in parallel.


Unlike computing the transition function and reward function in parallel, we check the terminal state in a sequential way. Since sub-environments may terminate at different time steps, when a sub-environment is at terminal state, we have to reset it manually.

def step(self, action1s):
    '''transition function'''
    action0s = torch.rand(size=(self.env_num, self.dim), dtype=torch.float32, device=self.device)
    action0s_l2 = (action0s ** 2).sum(dim=1, keepdim=True) ** 0.5
    action0s = action0s / action0s_l2.clamp_min(1.0)

    self.v0s *= 0.50
    self.v0s += action0s
    self.p0s += self.v0s * 0.01

    action1s_l2 = (action1s ** 2).sum(dim=1, keepdim=True) ** 0.5
    action1s = action1s / action1s_l2.clamp_min(1.0)

    self.v1s *= 0.75
    self.v1s += action1s
    self.p1s += self.v1s * 0.01

    '''reward function'''
    distances = ((self.p0s - self.p1s) ** 2).sum(dim=1) ** 0.5
    rewards = self.distances - distances - action1s_l2.squeeze(1) * 0.02
    self.distances = distances

    '''check terminal state'''
    self.steps += 1  # array
    dones = torch.zeros(self.env_num, dtype=torch.float32, device=self.device)
    for env_i in range(self.env_num):
        done = 0
        if distances[env_i] < 1:
            done = 1
            rewards[env_i] += self.init_distance
        elif self.steps[env_i] == self.max_step:
            done = 1

        if done:
        dones[env_i] = done

    next_states = self.get_state()
    return next_states, rewards, dones, None

For more information about the chasing environment, we provide a Colab version to play with, and its code can be found here.