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Exercise 1 - Setup & adjust complete template project

This is the first exercise for "Exercises - Basic".

In this exercise you will clone our project template in SAP Web IDE Full-Stack and adapt it to your exercise user (e.g. userxx).

The module connects to our existing HDI container (HANA Deployment Infrastructure), adds additional permissions for the SAP HANA Analytics Adapter and gives you access to all required objects for the exercises.

The planned duration for this exercise is 25 minutes. You can find a recording of the exercise here.


Run the following steps to complete the exercise:

Open the AIN365 Launchpad in Google Chrome and click on the SAP Web IDE Full-Stack tile.

Logon with your AIN365 user (user + your number +, e.g. and Welcome18 as password.

Click the Clone from Git Repository link on the overview page.

Copy and paste the link to the field URL within the Clone Git Repository dialog. Afterwards confirm with Clone.

Wait until the project has been cloned successfully. It will automatically navigate you to the Project Explorer afterwards.

Select your mta.yaml file, right-click and choose the option Open Code Editor.

Replace TEMPLATE_USER with your AIN365_USER (e.g. userxx). It's required to get unique projects for each hands-on participant.

Afterwards the file should look like the one below (e.g. user01 instead of userxx):

Click on Save (File > Save).

Mark the ain365-template-basic project [1], right-click on it and select Build > Build [2]. This will create a Multi-Target Application Archive (MTAR).

Wait until the build process has been completed.

You will either get the notification Build of "/ain365-template-basic" completed [1] or you can indicate it in the console showing the message Build of /ain365-template-basic completed successfully [2].

Navigate to the folder containing your user via mta_archives [1] > userxx-exercise (e.g. user01-exercise) and right click on the mtar [2] file (here userxx-exercise_1.0.0.mtar). Choose Deploy > Deploy to SAP Cloud Platform [3].

Select your Cloud Foundry API Endpoint [1] and keep the default Organization [2] and Space [3]. Afterwards click on Deploy


Please use the API endpoint "" for Barcelona and Bangalore and "" for Las Vegas.

Wait until the deploy process has been finished successfully. This can take up to 5 minutes. You will get a confirmation message as notification [1] and in the console [2] once the deployment has been finished.

Open the Database Explorer [1] from the menu bar. Afterwards click on Connect [2] in the Database Explorer Connectivity dialog.

In the upcoming Database Explorer dialog confirm the question "Do you want to add one now?" with Yes.

Select the HDI container containing your user (e.g. userxx) and click on OK.

In the Database Explorer select your HDI container and navigate to Synonyms [1].

There are 2 synonyms available. Right-Click on the first one named "ain365.exercise.synonyms::TweetSentiments" and select Open Data [2].

Ensure that you get data for the consumed view.

For the second view named "ain365.exercise.synonyms::Tweets" an input parameter is required, as there's no default parameter in the mapping of the source view.

Click on the SQL Console icon in the top left corner to open a new instance.

Insert SELECT * FROM "ain365.exercise.synonyms::Tweets" (placeholder."$$TIMEFRAME$$" => 0) to the console [1] and click on the Open Content [2] icon. Ensure that you get data for the second view as well.

In the Database Explorer [1] navigate to the entry Column Views [2] and select and right-click the corresponding calculation view with the name "ain365.exercise.models::tweetSentiments" [3]. Finally choose Open Data [4].

Set the Input Parameters for TIMEFRAME [1] to the value 0 and keep the other settings untouched. Afterwards click on the Open Content [2] icon.

Select CC_DYNAMICBASKET_DISPLAY as Label Axis [1] and add the three measures CC_POSITIVE, CC_NEGATIVE and CC_NEUTRAL to the Value Axis [2]. You should see a simple bar chart visualizing the sentiments by calendar week.

Navigate to the Database Explorer [1] and select again Column Views [2]. Filter for tweetsOverTime [3], right-click on the view "ain365.exercise.models::tweetsOverTime" [4] and choose Open Data [5].

Set the Input Parameters for TIMEFRAME [1] to the value 0 and keep the other settings untouched. Afterwards click on the Open Content [2] button.

Select CC_DYNAMICBASKET_DISPLAY as Label Axis [1] and the measures NO_OF_ENTRIES, NO_OF_TWEETS, NO_OF_REPLIES, NO_OF_RETWEETS and NO_OF_TWEETERS to the Value Axis [2]. You should see a simple bar chart visualizing the sentiments by calendar week.

Switch to the Hierarchies tab. Select TIME_HIERARCHY as Selected Hierarchy [1] and NO_OF_ENTRIES as Selected Measures [2]. Drill-down on the output table to the various levels [3].

Congratulations! You have successfully completed the first exercise.

Next Steps

Exercise 1 of Exercises Basic is the sum of the exercises 1-3 of Exercises Intermediate. Therefore you can now skip exercises 2 and 3 and directly continue with Exercise 4 and deploy the SAP HANA Analytics Adapter to Cloud Foundry.

Optional: Additional Infos

The project template already contains some predefined files (here explained on the equal ain365-template project). This optional section gives you information on what they're about.

For the SAP HANA Analytics Adapter there are additional permissions required besides the PUBLIC role. Those permissions (a simple role) are granted through a User-Provided Service named "xsahaa-access". It's already created in the Cloud Foundry Space and just needs to be configured.

In the mta.yaml the resource "xsahaa-access" is referenced and set in the "userxx-db" module as required.

In addition there's a second file named "xsahaa-access.hdbgrants" which grants the role "AIN365_Role", containing the additional permissions, to the application_user. The container_user does not require those additional permissions.

Besides the additional permissions, the existing core HDI container, named "ain365-hdi", needs to be connected and two synonyms are created to consume the required views.

To connect to the existing HDI container "ain365-hdi" the resource needs to be added to the "mta.yaml" file. In addition it is added to the "userxx-db" module and the required additional properties like TARGET_CONTAINER, SERVICE_REPLACEMENTS, etc. are specified.

The target application containing the views provides the container roles "external_access_g#" (with GRANT privilege) as well as the role "external_access". These roles are used to grant access to the schema containing the synonym's target object.

Two synonyms are specified in the "ain365-core.hdbsynonym" file. The synonym configuration is not included in this case. It's moved to the synonyms's corresponding configuration file named "ain365-core.hdbsynonymconfig", as described in the next step.

Rather than defining a schema and a concrete schema name, schema.configure is used to specify a path to a service name. The path expression is replaced at deployment time with the name of the schema of the referenced service.

Next Steps

Continue with Exercise 4 and deploy the SAP HANA Analytics Adapter to Cloud Foundry.


This project is licensed under the SAP SAMPLE CODE LICENSE AGREEMENT except as noted otherwise in the LICENSE file.