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File metadata and controls

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Data Structures

There are a number of data structure formats used within the PeleAnalysis suite of codes. Some are basic AMReX types, such as MultiFab or plotfiles, while others are specific to the diagnostics and cannot be represented naturally in AMReX's containers that were generally created for block-structured data. Here, we provide an overview of the data structures used by the various tools, both how they are (currently) written to disk and how they are used in the analysis tools.


Plotfiles are the standard format for reading data from a Pele simulation. Their format is discussed in the AMReX documentation. For a multi-level AMR calculation, a plotfile contains an ASCII Header file and one subfolder for each refinement level. There may also be a folder containing multilevel particle data, and other application-specific files (build information, typical state values, run input parameters, etc). Each refinement level contains one or more MultiFab file sets (including an ASCII header file and a number of data files, numbered sequentially). The main Header file includes a list of variable names written to the structure, some details about the domain and refinement data and specific run status, and a mapping for which Multifab files in the level subfolders contain each of the plotfile variables.

The analysis codes read plotfiles from disk into memory using one of two AMReX-provided C++ classes: PlotFileData or AmrData. The former is the more recently developed of the two, and has a simple interface for reading and interpolating data from the plotfiles into local temporaries used to build diagnostics. The AmrData object is somewhat more limited in terms of interface to interpolations, etc, but has the significant advantage of allowing for demand-driven data reads - that is, only the plotfile metadata is read from disk when the AmrData object is instantiated; the data is read only as needed to satisfy a FillVar request - and then it is read at the granularity of component and box. A FlushGrids operation is available to dynamically manage memory used by the AmrData object. This functionality can be critical when processing extremely large datasets on massively parallel machines. In the set of analysis codes in this repository, either may be used depending on the application for which the tool was developed. They can also be rather trivially converted, as needed.

Note that many of the processing tools read plotfiles as input, derive fields that live on the grid structure of the plotfile, and write results out as new plotfiles. There are a number of tools one can use to subset plotfiles in space and component indices and to join together multiple plotfiles (with some limitations on the compatibility of the level and grid structures).

FArrayBox and MultiFab

All of the usual AMReX data structures are, of course, available in the analysis tools, and are used extensively. These structures are documented in the AMReX documentation. Normally, these structures are used as recommended in the AMReX documentation and application codes. However, as discussed below, there are operations that these structures support which we have "hijacked" for our own purposes. In particular, FArrayBox and MultiFab can be read and written to disk in a format that is somewhat "self-describing". Floating point data is managed in a portable way and the commands to interact with the IO are particularly convenient/simple. Thus, when we need to read or write data, and it happens to be structured in a way that makes use of these containers, we use them...even if we have to "cheat" to do it!

MEF - Marc's Element Format

An MEF file is an example of (ab)using the AMReX IO functions for the FArrayBox. An MEF file is the on-disk representation of an unstructured data set, which is inherently not supported in the native AMReX data structures. An unstructured dataset contains a number of named components at a set of implicitly numbered "nodes", and then a set of integer sets that identify an oriented list of nodes to connect for each "element". An MEF file makes use of the IO operations of FArrayBox in order to collect together into a single file all the data associated with the unstructured data. Examples where an MEF structure is used include triangulated surfaces (such as those that result from the isovalue contouring operations in 3D) and polylines (or segment sets that represent contours of 2D data). A limitation of the MEF format is that all elements must have the same number of nodes, and all nodes must have the same number of components (in the same ordering). Also, we typically assume the first AMREX_SPACEDIM components contain the spatial coordinates. On disk, the MEF file is a concatenated set of information containing: a label, the variable names, the number of nodes per element, the number of elements, followed by a dump of the FArrayBox used to store the nodes, followed by an ASCII write of the elements. At the moment, the IO of the unstructured datasets is done explicitly by each tool that needs them (we should probably encapsulate this into a class that manages this part...TODO). Two other notes are that the node numbering in an MEF file starts at 1 (rather than 0) by convention, and the FArrayBox used to manage the nodes is built on an AMReX Box object that has its first component running from 0 to Nnodes-1, and its 1:AMREX_SPACEIM-1 extents running from 0 to 0. Thus, one does not want to treat this special Box or FArrayBox in the normal AMReX way (intersections in index space will NOT give the user what is expected!). Visualization of these data structures using standard AMReX tools will also give perhaps unexpected results (there are conversion tools to generate VTK VTP-format files from MEF files for reading into Paraview, e.g. See the figure below). The special Box and FArrayBox objects used with MEF files are typically created on-the-fly for the sole purpsoe of IO operations. Outside of IO, the data is typically moved into structures that more clearly indicate usage.


: An isotherm of a flame-in-a-box case, where the surface is colored by the concentration of a flame intermediate species. This was created as an MEF file from the isosurface.cpp tool, then converted from MEF to DAT (Tecplot ASCII data), then from DAT to VTP using the included python script,, and imported into Paraview).

Many of the analysis routines that interact with the unstructured datasets need to work in parallel (with MPI). Typically, when that is done, each rank has a local node numbering. However, the MEF format does not have a parallel counterpart, so all IO is typically done via the IO rank, and thus requires an explicit aggregation and node number rationalization step (which, again, is done explicitly in the codes, and probably ought to be encapsulated into a class or something to ease use - TODO).

Several of the diagnostic tools interact with MEF structures. They are used to represent isosurfaces of 3D data, polylines that are isolines of 2D plotfile data, and isolines of 3D surface data. Although they are generally used for node-centered data, the structures can be (ab)used to represent data that is element-centered. This is done by duplicating the data at the nodes of each triangle, including its position, but setting the values of the other components for all nodes in the element to the elemental value. This is the strategy used, for example, to represent an element-averaged value of a quantity (or even values of integrated quantities over stream tubes - discussed below). The (brute force) writing of an MEF to a std::ofstream os looks like this:

os << label << std::endl;
os << vars << std::endl;
os << nElts << " " << nodesPerElt << std::endl;


StreamData is a class whose design sorta follows the MEF ideas. The format was generated to represent "streamline data" in 2- and 3-space, and is fundamentally unstructured in nature. Imagine you have a cloud of point locations that you would like to use to seed the generation of integral paths along a vector field. For example, imagine the points are the nodes of an isotherm that defines a "flame", and that from each node we construct a path along the integral curves of the temperature gradient, into both the hot and cold sides of the surface. The connectivity of the triangles on the seed surface can be used to define a connectivity of prism-shaped elements that tile a subregion of the domain between the hot and cold ends of the integral curves.


: An isotherm from a flame calculation, where the triangles defining the surface are visible. The black paths follow integral paths from the surface nodes. Note that the integral curves do not cross. As they are constructed from the 3D plotfile, any quantity defined in the plotfile can be interpolated to these paths. Also, a number of operations can be defined on the curved elements defined by extension of the surface triangles along these paths - e.g., these can define local "flamelets".

The representation of this data in memory is quite complex. Each streamline consists of a set of points, and each point has a location and any number of quantities that have been interpolated from the source plotfile data. Additionally, we want to preserve the connectivity of the surface that implies the connectivity of the curved prism-shaped elements that tile the volume of space surrounding the seed surface.

Because stream data can be quite large, the structures are inherently parallel, and make extensive use the MultiFab and its parallel IO capabilies. Each line contains the original seed point, which falls into the valid ragion of a box from the finest level of the plotfile that contains that point. The Box associated with this region of space and refinement level is deemed the "owner" of the stream line. The data associated with the stream is stored in an FArrayBox associated with the MultiFab at the level of the owning Box. The special Box of the owning FArrayBox is created over the bounds (0:Nlocal,-Npts:Npts,0), where Nlocal is the number of seed points owned by this box, and Npts is the number of points on the stream line towards each direction from the surface (j=0 is on the seed surface). The FArrayBox created on this Box object has Ncomp components, including position coordinates and any number of fields interpolated from the source plotfile. The data is distributed with the same distribution map used to distribute the field data when the plotfile is read (determined by the analysis code, NOT the original simulation). Any Box in the BoxArray at each level in the stream data that do not contain stream lines are set to a default (invalid) size, marking to the analysis code that there are no stream lines there to process. Much like the temporaries used in IO of MEF data, the MultiFab structures associated with stream data should not be treated like normal AMReX data structures - visualization and manipulation of the data requires detailed knowledge of their layout.

On disk, the StreamData object looks much like a plotfile. There is an ASCII Header file, and subfolders for each AMR level. Within the subfolders, there are MultiFab files associated with the stream line data, possibly written in parallel across multiple data files, etc. Additionally, there is a text file that specifies the connectivity of the elements. Presently, these structures are written, brute force, by the analysis codes (see the function write_ml_streamline_data in stream.cpp, for example). The functionality has been lifted in to a StreamData class, but the analysis tools haven't yet been ported to use these class - TODO.

N-dimensional bins

Many of the analysis tools generate bins of data. These bins typically are used to create joint probability density functions (jPDFs) in 1, 2 or higher dimensions. They are also used to condition statistics as an intermediate step to generating jPDFs. 2D jPDFs are somewhat special in that we typically assume constant bin widths in each coordinate so that an FArrayBox is a natural container to use to hold the result. Also because of the IO capabilities of this class, it is a natural candidate for a format on disk. However, an FArrayBox is a simple container, and has no notion of axes labels, variable names, bin sizes, etc. Thus, whenever we are generating this type of data, there is an inherent complexity in how to represent the final output data to enable plotting and interpretation of the results. Note that the analysis tools here DO NOT include plotting routines, so there has to be an understanding about how to communicate all these details to the end user (such as xmgrace or matlab, etc). To date, we have not come up with a sufficiently flexible, self-describing way to convey all this information, so the tools typically dump everything one needs and the person orchestrating the plots must manually assemble the necessary information.

A particularly noteworthy case is the binMEF tool, which bins the data in an arbitrary number of coordinates. For each coordinate, the user determines the min, max and number of bins, and the input data MEF file that represents a surface to be chopped up. The code proceeds through each coordinate, and each bit of area landing in a particular bin for coordinate n, is then chopped up into bins of coordinate n+1. This can be used to generate an area-weighted jPDF in multiple coordinates, but can also be used as a conditioning tool to exclude parts of the surface satisfying certain criteria (falling outside the bins defined for that coordinate). Given the array of bins, the result can be represented as a floating point number (the area) and an array of integers, one for each of the binning coordinates. Just like the simpler 2D jPDF example above, the end user plotting or analyzing the results of this tool must assemble all the bin info in their plotting package of choice. For the N-dimensional case however, it is rarely useful to store the data as a dense N-space container. The results are written to the screen in their naturally sparse format. We haven't yet developed a standardized way to communicate all these details, so the process can be tedious, but it is unavoidable.