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Advanced Ability Writing

Using another Ability

About the Ability Types

Simple Abilities might be self-contained, and self-sufficient. However, to improve reusability, one might want to split code into multiple Abilities that may or may not be run independently from the CLI.

There are actually two types of Abilities: standalone ones, and components.

A component is an Ability that can only be called from an other Ability. They are not listed in the CLI. Conversely, a standalone Ability is listed in the CLI and might be used by itself, although it might also be called from an other Ability.

The type of Ability is defined with the type parameter of an AbilityInfo instance:

from packetweaver.core.ns import *

class ComponentAbility(AbilityBase):
    _info = AbilityInfo(name='Example', type=AbilityType.COMPONENT)
class StandaloneAbility(AbilityBase):
    _info = AbilityInfo(name='AnotherExemple', type=AbilityType.STANDALONE)

Declaring a Dependency to another Ability

An Ability using other Abilities must declare them as dependencies. This is done by defining a class property called _dependencies. It contains a list of strings or tuples describing each dependency.

A string may be used when using some of the builtin Abilities from PacketWeaver. For instance, an Ability using the built-in Man-in-the-middle Ability, may declare:

class Ability(AbilityBase):
    _dependencies = [ 'mitm' ]

In the general case, though, tuples are used. Each tuple is composed of three elements:

  • the pet name that you want to use to refer to that dependency within your Ability;
  • the name of the package (as defined in the PacketWeaver configuration file) that contains the Ability that your Ability relies on;
  • the name of the Ability that your Ability relies on, as declared in that AbilityInfo name attribute.

For instance, if an Ability uses another Ability named Test your might stored in the package TestPackage, that Ability _dependencies declaration could be:

_dependencies = [('mytest', 'TestPackage', 'Test your might')]

Getting an Instance of another Ability

Once an Ability declared as a dependency, you may obtain an instance of that Ability using the built-in get_dependency method:

class Ability(AbilityBase):
    _dependencies = [('mytest', 'TestPackage', 'Test your might')]
    def main(self):
        instance = self.get_dependency('mytest')

If the dependency has input parameters declared through a _option_list class property, you may set them using keyword arguments, during the get_dependency call. For instance, if the Test your might Ability defined a NumOpt called skill_level, one could define the argument like this:

class Ability(AbilityBase):
    _dependencies = [('mytest', 'TestPackage', 'Test your might')]
    def main(self):
        instance = self.get_dependency('mytest', skill_level=9000)

Configuring an Ability Instance

Parameters of Abilities that are not yet started may be set either at instantiation time, with the keyword arguments of the get_dependency call or by directly setting them as attributes of the object instance of that Ability. Said otherwise, this line:

inst = self.get_dependency('mytest', skill_level=9000)

is equivalent to:

inst = self.get_dependency('mytest')
inst.skill_level = 9000

and this line:

inst = self.get_dependency('mytest', skill_level=9000, other_stat=10)

is equivalent to:

inst = self.get_dependency('mytest')
inst.set_opts(skill_level=9000, other_stat=10)


If your parameter name contains characters that are invalid for a Python attribute name, you may set it using set_opt:

inst.set_opt('skill_level++', 9000)

Once started, trying to alter a parameter value leads to an Exception being raised.

Starting the Dependency

Once you have a reference to an object instance representing another Ability, you may run it by calling the start method on it:

class Ability(AbilityBase):
    _dependencies = [('mytest', 'TestPackage', 'Test your might')]
    def main(self):
        instance = self.get_dependency('mytest')

If arguments are passed to the start invocation, they are passed as is to the main method of that Ability. For instance, let's assume that the Test your might Ability main method is declared as:

def main(self, arg1, arg2=True, arg3="Mighty"):

One could call that Ability with arguments like this:

instance.start("arg1value", arg3="Weak")

Whether to use arguments with the start method or using PacketWeaver _option_list parameters is up to the Ability developer. One case where using the start argument is convenient is when one want to pass a data type that is not declared as a PacketWeaver option type, or when the value is an arbitrary mutable Python object reference. In the latter case, a special argument should be passed during start invokation, to prevent deepcopy of the parameter value:

instance.start({'mutable': 'array'}, deepcopy=False)

About Multi-threaded Abilities

All Abilities must inherit directly or indirectly from the AbilityBase class.

Abilities inheriting directly from AbilityBase are synchronous. That means that when started, they take control over either the CLI or the calling Ability, and they give control back, once they are done with their tasks.

Abilities may however inherit from ThreadedAbilityBase instead of AbilityBase. In that case, PacketWeaver automatically generates a thread to handle the tasks. That means that when started, these Abilities will execute a separate control flow. An Ability inheriting from ThreadedAbilityBase that is run from the CLI executes until the main method returns or an unhandled exception bubbles up. It may however call the _wait method, to wait for a PacketWeaver stop signal. A stop signal is sent to a threaded Ability when the ctrl+c control sequence is entered or when the stop method is called from the calling Ability.

For instance, let two threaded Abilities ABC and XYZ, defined as:

class Ability(ThreadedAbilityBase):
    _info = AbilityInfo(name='ABC', type=AbilityType.STANDALONE)
    _dependencies = [('xyz', 'MyPkg', 'XYZ')]
    def main(self):
        print "Getting instance of XYZ"
        xyz_instance = self.get_dependency('xyz')

        print "Starting XYZ"
        print "Control is immediately given back here, because XYZ is threaded"

        print "Let's now wait for the stop signal from a Ctrl+C"

        print "Ctrl+C received, let's propagate the stop signal to our dependencies"

        print "Let's now wait for the dependency to terminate"

        return 0

class Ability(ThreadedAbilityBase):
    _info = AbilityInfo(name='XYZ', type=AbilityType.COMPONENT)
    def main(self):
        print "Started, let's wait for the stop signal"


        print "Stop signal received. Let's add some delay"
        return 0

The ABC example Ability gets an instance of the XYZ Ability. It starts it, waits from a stop signal, propagates that stop signal to its instance of XYZ, waits for it to exit, and finally exits itself.


The _wait method is implemented using condition variables, so that it puts the thread to sleep without having a busy loop to check for the stop signal.


To emulate ThreadedAbilityBase subclasses, classes inheriting from AbilityBase also implements a stop and a join.


Ability developers should always call stop and join on Abilities object that they get an instance of. Even though PacketWeaver implements a sort of reaper that cleans up incorrectly handled ThreadedAbilityBase subclasses, one should always clean after themself.

When developing an Ability that subclasses ThreadedAbilityBase, the "parent" Ability may send a stop signal at any moment. While it is possible to forcefully terminate a thread in Python, PacketWeaver Abilities should be polite and responsive to stop signals. As such, long-blocking syscalls should be avoided and as well as infinite loops. One should regularly check if the signal stop was sent by calling self.is_stopped(), which returns True if the current Ability should exit as quickly as possible.

Obtaining Results

Ability main method may return a value. When a standalone Ability run from the interactive CLI returns a result, the string representation of this value is printed on console. When a standalone or a component Ability returns a value, the result method may be called after the join method returns.

Let a component Ability be defined as:

import random
from packetweaver.core.ns import *
class Ability(AbilityBase):
    _info = AbilityInfo(name='DoSmth', type=AbilityType.COMPONENT)
    def main(self):
        return random.randint(0, 10)

The returned value may be obtained this way:

from packetweaver.core.ns import *
class Ability(AbilityBase):
    _info = AbilityInfo(name='main ability')
    _dependencies = [('smth', 'demo', 'DoSmth')]
    def main(self):
        inst = self.get_dependency('smth')
        # Now that join returned, it is safe to call result()

Starting, Waiting and Stopping Multiple Abilities

A helper method exists if you need to start a bunch of Abilities object, wait for the stop signal, then propagate that stop signal to all those abilities.

This helper, called _start_wait_and_stop, is a method of any AbilityBase subclass instance. It receives a list of AbilityBase subclass instances:

inst1 = self.get_dependency('example', port=8080)
inst2 = self.get_dependency('example', port=8081)
self._start_wait_and_stop([inst1, inst2)

If more flexibility is needed, a _start_many and a _stop_many method are also available.

On the use of third-party libraries

Simple Abilities are self-contained and rely on the standard Python library. You may, however, need to write some that import third-party libraries and these third-party libraries may not be installed on every system.

The try and forgive approach of Python means the Python module containing your Ability must try to import the third-party libraries and an exception will be raised if a library is unavailable. While we could live with an ImportError exception bubbling up and killing PacketWeaver, we found that this is suboptimal and not very user-friendly.

The traditional way of handling this situation in PacketWeaver is to try to import the library, and set a boolean to True on success and False on failure:

    import third_party_lib
except ImportError:

This boolean may then be used in a special PacketWeaver class method called check_preconditions. This class method purpose is to check for the availability of all prerequisites for the current Ability to work. If something is missing, this method must return a list of strings explaining in a user-friendly way, what is broken and what needs fixing. If all preconditions are met, an empty list must be returned. This list is notably used by the interactive CLI to display Abilities that cannot be run in red to indicate that some requirements are unmet.

Here follows an example of such a check_preconditions class method:

class Ability(...):

    def check_preconditions(cls, module_factory):
        l = []
        if not HAS_THIRD_PARTY_LIB:
            l.append('Third party library XYZ support missing or broken.')
        l += super(Ability, cls).check_preconditions(module_factory)
        return l

As you can see, in this example, the class method does what is needed regarding the current Ability, and then calls the super class method. This super class method will work recursively across all nested Abilities that your Ability may depend on. Thus, if any Ability that your current Ability relies on has a missing dependency, the appropriate error messages will be displayed. It is strongly advised to always perform this super call when you override check_preconditions.