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JulienS edited this page Apr 10, 2012 · 3 revisions

PHP's AOP in action


before kind of advices enables you to

  • launch advices before the execution of a given function, without interrupting anything
  • launch advices before the execution of a given function, and to interrupt its execution while raising an exception
  • launch advices before the execution of a givein function, and to update the targeted function's arguments #CHECK

A simple advice execution

class MyServices
   public function doStuff ()
      echo "do my best stuff !";

//creating the advice as a closure
$advice = function () {
    echo "I was called before doing stuff...";

aop_add_before('MyServices::doStuff', $advice);

$services = new MyServices();

will output

I was called before doing my best stuff !

An advice that can interrupt the execution of a function / method

class MyServices
   public function doStuff ()
      echo "do my best stuff !";

//the advice is a simple function
function adviceToInterruptDoStuff ()
   if (! isset($_SESSION['user'])) {
      throw new Exception ("I will never do that with someone I don't know");

aop_add_before('MyServices::doStuff', 'adviceToInterruptStuff');

$services = new MyServices();
try {
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage();

will output

I will never do that with someone I don't know

An advice that can update the adviced function's arguments

class MyServices
   public function doStuff ($name)
      echo "I'll do my best stuff for $name !";

//the advice is a simple function
function adviceToUpdateArguments (AopTriggeredJoinpoint $object)
   $args = $object->getArguments();
   if ($args[0] === null) {
      $args[0] = 'anyone';

aop_add_before('MyServices::doStuff', 'adviceToUpdateArguments');

$services = new MyServices();

will output

I'll do my best stuff for anyone !


after kind of advices enables you to

  • do stuff after the matched joinpoint
  • replace the return of the adviced function
  • launch an exception in case of an incorrect / unwanted return

doing stuff after the triggered joinpoint

class MyServices
   public function doStuff ()
      return "do my best stuff !";

//creating the advice as a closure
$advice = function () {
    echo "Did some stuff !\n";

aop_add_after('MyServices::doStuff', $advice);

$services = new MyServices();
echo $services->doStuff();

will output

Did some stuff !
do my best stuff !

Here you can see that the advice is called right after the execution of the triggered joinpoint (return "do my best stuff !"), but before anything else can occur (echo $services->doSuff()).

replacing / updating the return value of a triggered joinpoint

class MyServices
   public function doStuff ()
      return "doing my best stuff !";

//creating the advice as a closure
$advice = function (AopTriggeredJoinpoint $joinpoint) {
    $returnValue = $joinpoint->getReturnedValue();
    $returnValue = str_replace($returnValue, 'best', 'very best');

aop_add_after('MyServices::doStuff', $advice);

$services = new MyServices();
echo $services->doStuff();

will output

doing my very best stuff !

launching an exception in case of unwanted / incorrect returned value

Here we will ask PHP's AOP extension to raise exception if a call to file_get_contents returns FALSE (error). This may not be a best practice as it could add overhead to native PHP functions, but such a practice can be usefull if you're using an old PHP library that is not using exceptions as a mean to raise errors.

//creating the advice as a closure
$advice = function (AopTriggeredJoinpoint $joinpoint) {
    $args = $joinpoint->getArguments();
    if ($joinpoint->getReturnedValue() === false) {
       throw new Exception("Cannot read from file '{$args[0]}'");

aop_add_after('file_get_contents', $advice);

try {
   file_get_contents('foo file that does not exists');
} catch (Exception $e) {
   echo $e->getMessage();

will output

Cannot read from file 'foo file that does not exists'


around kind of advices enables you to

  • completely replace the matched joinpoint (including raising exceptions)
  • do stuff around (before and / or) after the joinpoint, including catching exceptions
  • replacing arguments of the matching joinpoint (as of the before kind of advices)
  • replacing the return of the matching joinpoint (as of the after kind of advices)
  • and of course a mix of all of the above

Replace the matching join point

Without any consideration of the triggered joinpoint

class MyGoodServices
   public function doStuff ($name)
      echo "I'll do my best stuff for $name !";

//the advice is a static function of a given class
class Evil
    public static function advice (AopTriggeredJoinpoint $object)
       echo "I'll do the worst stuff I can to everyone ... mouhahahahaha !"

aop_add_around('MyServices::doStuff', array('evil', 'advice'));

$services = new MyServices();

will output

I'll do the worst stuff I can to everyone ... mouhahahahaha !

Taking into account some considerations of the matched joinpoint

class MyGoodServices
   public function doStuff ($name)
      echo "I'll do my best stuff for $name !";

//the advice is a simple method of an object
class Evil
    function advice (AopTriggeredJoinpoint $object)
       $args = $object->getArguments();
       echo "I'll do the worst stuff I can to {$args[0]} ! ... mouhahahahaha !"

$evil = new Evil();
aop_add_around('MyServices::doStuff', array($evil, 'advice'));

$services = new MyServices();

will output

I'll do the worst stuff I can to you ! ... mouhahahahaha !

Around the triggered joinpoint

class DivideServices
   public function divide ($number, $divideBy)
      if ($divideBy == 0) {
         throw new DivideByZeroException("Cannot divide by zero");
      echo $number / $divideBy;

//the advice is a static function of a given class
$adivce = function (AopTriggeredJoinpoint $joinpoint) {
    //do stuff before
    $args = $joinpoint->getArguments();
    echo " {$args[0]} by {$args[1]} equals [";
    try {
        $joinpoint->process();//asks for the joinpoint to be processed as normal
    } catch (DivideByZeroException $e) {
       echo "Infinity";
    echo "]";//do stuff after

aop_add_around('DivideServices::divide', $advice);

$services = new DivideServices();
$services->divide(4, 2);
$services->divide(4, 0);

will output

 4 by 2 equals [2] 4 by 0 equals [Infinity]

An advice that can update the adviced function's arguments

class MyServices
   public function doStuff ($name)
      echo "I'll do my best stuff for $name !";

//the advice is a simple function
function adviceUpdatingArguments (AopTriggeredJoinpoint $object)
   $args = $object->getArguments();
   if ($args[0] === null) {
      $args[0] = 'anyone';

aop_add_around('MyServices::doStuff', 'adviceUpdatingArguments');

$services = new MyServices();

will output

I'll do my best stuff for anyone !

replacing / updating the return value of a triggered joinpoint

class MyServices
   public function doStuff ()
      return "doing my best stuff !";

//creating the advice as a closure
$advice = function (AopTriggeredJoinpoint $joinpoint) {
    $returnValue = $joinpoint->getReturnedValue();
    $returnValue = str_replace($returnValue, 'best', 'very best');

aop_add_around('MyServices::doStuff', $advice);

$services = new MyServices();
echo $services->doStuff();

will output

doing my very best stuff !

AopTriggeredJoinpoint complete reference

An instance of AopTriggeredJoinpoint will always be passed to your advices. This object contains several informations, such as the pointcut who triggered the joinpoint, the arguments, the returned value (if available), the raised exception (if available), and will enables you to run the expected method in case you are "around" it.


This will tell you if your advice is run

  • around - Aop::AROUND
  • before - Aop::BEFORE
  • after - Aop::AFTER
  • on exception - Aop::EXCEPTION
  • after, even if an exception was triggered (final) - Aop::FINAL
$advice = function (AopTriggeredJoinpoint $joinpoint) {
    switch ($joinpoint->getKindOfAdvice()) {
        Aop::AROUND: //...

        Aop::BEFORE: //...

        Aop::AFTER: //...

        Aop::EXCEPTION: //...

        Aop::FINAL: //...


getArguments will return the triggering method arguments as an indexed array. The resulting array will give values when the triggering method expected values, and references where the triggering method expected references.

function callMe ($name, & $reference)
   echo "$name and $reference. ";

$advice = function (AopTriggeredJoinpoint $joinpoint) {
   $args = $joinpoint->getArguments();
   $args[0] = 'NEW Name';//won't update the original $name parameter as it is a value
   $args[1] = 'UPDATED $reference';//WILL update the original $reference parameter as it is a reference

aop_add_before('callMe', $advice);

$name = "name";
$reference = "reference";
callMe($name, $reference);
echo "After the method execution, value of name is $name and value of reference is $reference";

will output

NEW name and UPDATED reference. After the method execution, value of name is name and value of reference is UPDATED reference


setArguments enables you to replace all the arguments the triggering method will receive. Beware that if you want to keep references, you will have to explicitely pass them back to setArguments.

function callMe ($name, & $reference, & $reference2)
   echo "$name, $reference and $reference2. ";
   $name = "M - $name";
   $reference = "M - $reference";
   $reference2 = "M - $reference2";

$advice = function (AopTriggeredJoinpoint $joinpoint) {
   $args = $joinpoint->getArguments();

   $args[0] = "NEW {$args[0]}";
   $args[1] = "NEW {$args[1]}";
   $args[2] = "NEW {$args[2]}";

   $newArgs = array();
   $newArgs[0] = $args[0];
   $newArgs[1] = & $args[1];//the reference is kept
   $newArgs[2] = $args[2];//newArgs carry a copy of $args[2], the advice won't be able to update it's value


aop_add_before('callMe', $advice);

$name = "name";
$reference = "reference";
$reference2 = "reference2";
callMe($name, $reference, $reference2);
echo "After the method execution, value of name is $name, reference is $reference and reference2 is $reference2";

will output

NEW name, NEW reference and NEW reference2. After the method execution, value of name is name,  reference is M - NEW reference and reference2 is NEW reference2

As a rule of thumb, if you don't want to mind about references, keep the arguments in the resulting array to update their values and give the array back back to setArguments.

function callMe ($name, & $reference, & $reference2)
   echo "$name, $reference and $reference2. ";
   $name = "M - $name";
   $reference = "M - $reference";
   $reference2 = "M - $reference2";

$advice = function (AopTriggeredJoinpoint $joinpoint) {
   $args = $joinpoint->getArguments();
   $args[0] = "NEW {$args[0]}";
   $args[1] = "NEW {$args[1]}";
   $args[2] = "NEW {$args[2]}";

aop_add_before('callMe', $advice);

$name = "name";
$reference = "reference";
$reference2 = "reference2";
callMe($name, $reference, $reference2);
echo "After the method execution, value of name is $name, reference is $reference and reference2 is $reference2";

will output

NEW name, NEW reference and NEW reference2. After the method execution, value of name is name,  reference is M - NEW reference and reference2 is M - NEW reference2

NOTE : you should only use setArguments while proceeding to advice of kind before and around, else, it might be confusing to update values of the arguments after the execution of the trigering method.


getReturnedValue will give you the returned value of the triggering method. getReturnedValue will only be populated in advices of the kind "after". In every other kind of advices, getReturnedValue will be null.

If the triggering method returns a reference and you want to update the given reference, you will have to explicitely asks for the reference while calling getReturnedValue.

class Writer
   protected $text;

   public function & getText ()
      $this->text = "some text";
      return $this->text;

   public function echoText ()
      echo $this->text;

$advice = function (AopTriggeredJoinpoint $joinpoint) {
   //You're asking explicitely for the reference
   $result = & joinpoint->getReturnedValue();
   //Updating the value of the reference
   $result = "This is the new text";

aop_add_after("Writer::getText", $advice);

$writer = new Writer();
$text = $writer->getText();

will output

"This is the new text"

If you do the same without the use of reference the value of "Writer->foo" won't be updated, e.g. :

class Writer
   protected $text;

   public function & getText ()
      $this->text = "some text";
      return $this->text;

   public function echoText ()
      echo $this->text;

$advice = function (AopTriggeredJoinpoint $joinpoint) {
   //You're NOT asking explicitely for the reference
   $result = joinpoint->getReturnedValue();
   //The returned value of the trigerring method won't be updated
   $result = "This is the new text";

aop_add_after("Writer::getText", $advice);

$writer = new Writer();
$text = $writer->getText();

will output

"some text"

NOTE : Of course if the triggering method doesn't return a reference, asking or not for the reference won't make any difference.


setReturnedValue enables you to define the resulting value of the triggering method. This function makes sense for advices of kind after, around, exception and final.

If you are assigning a returned value to a method that was expected to return a reference, the original reference will be lost and won't be replaced. To replace the content of an original reference, just proceed as explained in the getReturnedValue documentation.



The process method allow you to explicitely launch the triggering method.

The process method will only be available for advices of kind around. Any call to process in advices of other kinds will launch an AopException with a message like "Cannot launch the process method in an advice of kind XXX".




getPointcut returns the pointcut (as a string) that triggered the joinpoint.


getTriggeringObject returns the object of the triggered joinppoint. If the joinpoint does not belongs to an object, getTriggeringObject returns null.


getTriggeringClassName returns the object's class name of the triggered joinpoint. If the joinpoint does not belongs to a class, getTriggeringClassName returns null.

If the class is declared in a namespace, getTriggeringClassName indicates the full name of the class (with the namespace).


Pointcuts syntax

Single selectors

the syntax to describe syntax is quite easy.

  • 'functionName' represent any call of a function called 'functionName' in the root namespace
  • 'namespaceName\functionName' represent any call of a function called 'functionName' in the namespaceName namespace
  • 'ClassName::methodName' represent any call of a method called methodName from an instance (or not) of a class ClassName in the root namespace
  • 'namespaceName\ClassName::methodName' represent any call of a method called methodName from an instance (or not) of a class ClassName located in the namespace namespaceName


  • 'startingFunctionName*' represent any call of a function who's name starts with startingFunctionName in the root namespace
  • '*endingFunctionName' represent any call of a function who's name ends with endingFunctionName in the root namespace
  • '*\functionName' represent any call of a function called functionName in any single level namespace
  • '\\functionName' represent any call of a function called functionName in any two level namespace
  • 'StartingClassName*::methodName' represent any call of a method called methodName from an instance (or not) of a class who's name start with StartingClassName in the root namespace
  • '*EndingClassName::methodName' represent any call of a method called methodName from an instance (or not) of a class who's name end with EndingClassName in the root namespace

Super Wildcard

  • '**\'
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