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A Quite Rude Password Checker

You're so damn ignorant, it's fantastic. This is AQRPC. We both know you're an inconciderate little prick, and you don't know how to choose a half-decent password. Get AQRPC, A Quite Rude Password Checker, it might help your tiny brain understand what a good password is.

Why the fuck are password checkers so fucking polite?
"Dear user, please consider using a tad more symbols if convenient. It would really mean a lot to your security."
Like fucking really, if you're not using symbols, what's your problem motherfucker?
Here's what I would do: I would fucking beat you up purely with words. I'd make you fear the day you chose a bad motherfucking password.

So let's fucking do it. Here's an example:

Ugh, another idiot. Hello. I'm AQRPC. Who are you? Blah blah blah et.c.
I honestly couldn't care less of who you are. Now enter your fucking password.
Password: StarW4rsFan@12345
So, congratz. You just put 3 words together (star, wars, fan) and boom,
there's your password. Well, lemme tell you what. DICTIONARY ATTACKS, bitch. Ever heard of it?
Let me spell it fucking out for you. D-I-C-T-I-O-N-A-R-Y attacks. I can imagine you bragging to your friends
how good your password is, because you're such a D-I-C-K. One of those 'hackers' you worry to little about
can just loop through words and put them together and boom they got your password.
Notice how fast it was to detect this your password is so bad? I had to loop through the entire list of English words,
make it lowercase, and match with your password. Did you notice how slow it was? No? Exactly.
It's a matter of minutes before somebody cracks your password. Do you still think you're a genius?

You literally have only 1 fucking symbol.
If somebody tries to brute force you, they will probably get away with the most basic dictionary.
And since you're so stupid you probably don't know what I mean by dictionary: I mean the amount of characters it has to try.
The less passwords it has to try, the faster. You'll lose your fucking account in no time.
But then again, if this is the best you can come up with, perhaps you deserve it.

Fantastic bloody work, pal. Just kidding, I'm not your pal. I'm quite happy I don't know you.
I love how you just stand there. COME ON! Can't you see what's going on? YOUR PASSWORD!
IT'S HAS A PATTERN. You're so damn ignorant, it's fantastic. It might not even take a robot to crack this.
No, a human can do patterns just fine. Who's outsmarted now? Do you really think you're the only human in the world
who can add and subtract things?
That's all.
Seriously, that's all. I'm not going to insult you until you're done.
I'm waiting...
Change your passwords. Because I doubt somebody as stupid as you use a password manager. Go change your bloody passwords.