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205 lines (135 loc) · 4.63 KB

File metadata and controls

205 lines (135 loc) · 4.63 KB

4. Usage

Table of contents

  1. Methods
  2. Auto-saving
  3. [Storages]
  • JSON storage
  • Database storage
  • Custom storage

You can either access the Setting's store via its facade or inject it by type-hinting towards the abstract class.


Setting::set('foo', 'bar');


// 'bar'

To check if the settings has a specific record, use Setting::has():

Setting::set('foo', 'bar');


// true


// false

You can specify a default value if the record was not found:

var_dump(Setting::get('baz', 'Default value'));

// 'Default value'

You can set and get a value with a dot keys:

Setting::set('', 'baz');


// [
//   'bar' => 'baz',
// ]


// 'baz'

To get all the settings, use Setting::all():

Setting::set('foo', 'bar');
Setting::set('baz', 'qux');


// [
//   'foo' => 'bar',
//   'baz' => 'qux',
// ]

To forget/remove a setting, use Setting::forget():

Setting::set('foo', 'bar');
Setting::set('baz', 'qux');



// [
//   'foo' => 'bar',
// ]

To reset/remove all the settings, use Setting::reset():

Setting::set('foo', 'bar');
Setting::set('baz', 'qux');



// []

Important : Call the Setting::save() to save all changes you've made.


To save all changes without calling each time the Setting::save(), you simply add the middleware SettingsMiddleware at the end to your middleware list in app\Http\Kernel.php, settings will be saved automatically when the HTTP requests are terminated.

// app/Http/Kernel.php

namespace App\Http;

use Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel as HttpKernel;

class Kernel extends HttpKernel
     * The application's global HTTP middleware stack.
     * @var array
    protected $middleware = [
        // ... Other middlewares

    // ...

Important : You'll still need to call Setting::save() explicitly in console commands, queue workers etc.


JSON storage

For the JSON storage, you can modify the storage path of your json file on the fly by using Setting::setPath($path).

Database storage

To use the database storage, you need first migrate the settings table.

You can publish the settings migration by running :

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Arcanedev\Settings\SettingsServiceProvider" --tag=migrations

Don't forget to run php artisan migrate to migrate the settings table.

Or by running the migration directly from the package : php artisan migrate --path=vendor/arcanedev/settings/database/migrations

After the migration, you can now use the same methods as mentioned above plus the methods specific to the database store.

For example, if you want to associate settings for a user in the same database, you need specify the extra columns:

    'user_id' => Auth::user()->id

// Call the other settings methods ...

Very Important : Before specifying the extra columns, you must add these columns to your settings migration.

If you need more an additional control over the queried settings records, you can use the setConstraint method which takes a closure with two arguments:

  • $model : is the eloquent Setting model.
  • $insert : is a boolean telling you whether the query is an insert or not. If it is an insert, you usually don't need to do anything to $model.
Setting::setConstraint(function(\Arcanedev\Settings\Models\Setting $model, $insert) {
    if ($insert) {
        return $model;

    return $model->where(/* Your condition here... */);

Custom storages

This package uses the Laravel Illuminate\Support\Manager class under the hood, so it's easy to add your own custom session store driver if you want to store in some other way.

All you need to do is extend the abstract Arcanedev\Settings\Bases\Store class and implement the Arcanedev\Settings\Contracts\Store interface and register it with the Setting::extend().

<?php namespace YourNamespace;

use Arcanedev\Settings\Bases\Store;
use Arcanedev\Settings\Contracts\Store as StoreContract;

class MyCustomStore extends Store implements StoreContract
    // ... Your implementations
Setting::extend('my-custom-store', function($app) {
    return $app->make(\YourNamespace\MyCustomStore::class);