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The package contains the web-api probe. This is a probe for checking AR and status results are available in Web-API for a given day.


The probe has four required arguments:

  • hostname;
  • tenant token(s) - token(s) for tenant(s); it must be defined in the form <TENANT_NAME>:<TENANT_TOKEN>, because the probe is designed to be multi-tenant aware;
  • type of results to fetch - possible values are ar and status;
  • timeout - the time in seconds after which the probe will stop execution.

There are also two optional arguments. One is --day, which is used to set for which period you wish to check the result. By default, the probe checks the results for previous day (--day parameter set to 1). You can, if you wish, check the results from, e.g., two days ago, in which case you will want to set --day parameter to 2.

There is also option to increase verbosity, so the probe output will show response detail per tenant and per report.

# /usr/libexec/argo/probes/webapi/web-api -h
usage: web-api -H HOSTNAME -k TENANT_TOKEN [TENANT_TOKEN ...] --rtype
               {status,ar} -t TIMEOUT [--day DAY] [-v] [-h]

ARGO probe that checks ARGO Web-API for AR or status results

required arguments:
  -H HOSTNAME           hostname
                        token for authentication of tenant; must be of form
  --rtype {status,ar}   type of results to fetch: can be status or ar (default
  -t TIMEOUT            seconds before connection times out (default: 180)

optional arguments:
  --day DAY             days for which to check the results; eg. 1 for one day
                        ago, 2 for two days ago (default 1)
  -v, --verbose         verbosity level; if used, the output has detailed
                        lines for individual reports
  -h, --help            Show this help message and exit

Example execution of probe for one tenant:

# /usr/libexec/argo/probes/webapi/web-api -H -t 120 --rtype status --day 1 -k TENANT:<TENANT_TOKEN>
OK - Status results available for all reports|time=0.279122s;size=8927B

Example execution of probe for one tenant with increased verbosity:

# /usr/libexec/argo/probes/webapi/web-api -H -t 120 --rtype status --day 1 -k TENANT:<TENANT_TOKEN> -v
OK - Status results available for all reports|time=0.279122s;size=8927B
Status for report REPORT1 - OK
Status for report REPORT2 - OK
Status for report REPORT3 - OK

Example execution of probe for multiple tenants:

# /usr/libexec/argo/probes/webapi/web-api -H -t 120 --rtype status --day 1 -k TENANT1:<TENANT1_TOKEN> -k TENANT2:<TENANT2_TOKEN>
OK - Status results available for all tenants and reports|time=0.196456s;size=5038B

Example execution of probe for multiple tenants with increased verbosity:

# /usr/libexec/argo/probes/webapi/web-api -H -t 120 --rtype status --day 1 -k TENANT1:<TENANT1_TOKEN> -k TENANT2:<TENANT2_TOKEN> -v
OK - Status results available for all tenants and reports|time=0.205328s;size=12637B
Status for report REPORT1 - OK
Status for report REPORT2 - OK
Status for report REPORT3 - OK
Status for report CORE - OK