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126 lines (103 loc) · 2.9 KB

File metadata and controls

126 lines (103 loc) · 2.9 KB
interface ExcelFileProps {
    hideElement?: boolean; //Hide download element
    filename?: string;
    fileExtension?: string;
    element?: React.ReactElement; //Download Element
    children: Array<React.ReactElement<ExcelSheetProps>> | React.ReactElement<ExcelSheetProps>;

interface ExcelSheetProps {
    name: string;
    bigHeading?: ExcelSheetCol;
    data?: any[];
    dataSet?: ExcelSheetData[];
    value?: ExcelValue[] | (() => void);
    children?: React.ReactElement | Array<React.ReactElement>;
    autoFilterForAllColumn?: boolean;

interface ExcelSheetData {
    xSteps?: number;
    ySteps?: number;
    columns: ExcelSheetCol[];
    data: ExcelCellData[][];

interface ExcelSheetCol {
    title: string;
    width?: ExcelWidth;
    style?: ExcelStyle;

interface ExcelWidth {
    /** width in screen pixels */
    wpx?: number;

    /** width in "characters" */
    wch?: number;
    /** hidden column if true, default, false */
    hidden?: boolean;

type ExcelCellData = ExcelValue | ExcelCell;
type ExcelValue = string | number | Date | boolean;

interface ExcelCell {
    value: ExcelCell;
    style: ExcelStyle;

interface ExcelColumnProps {
    label: string;
    value: number | boolean | string | Function;

interface ExcelStyle {
    fill?: ExcelCellFillType;
    font?: ExcelFont;
    numFmt?: ExcelNumFormat;
    alignment?: ExcelAlignment;
    border?: ExcelBorder;

/* ExcelCell Fill Type */
type ExcelCellPatternType = "solid" | "none";

interface ExcelColorSpec {
    auto?: number; //default 1
    rgb?: string; //hex ARGB color
    theme?: ExcelTheme;
    indexed?: number;

interface ExcelTheme {
    theme: string;
    tint: string;

interface ExcelCellFillType {
    patternType?: ExcelCellPatternType;
    fgColor?: ExcelColorSpec;
    bgColor?: ExcelColorSpec;

/* Excel Font */
interface ExcelFont {
    name?: string;          // default `"Calibri"`
    sz?: number;             //font size in points default 11
    color?: ExcelColorSpec;
    bold?: boolean;
    underline?: boolean;
    italic?: boolean;
    strike?: boolean;
    outline?: boolean;
    shadow?: boolean;
    vertAlign?: boolean;

/* ExcelNumFormat */
type ExcelNumFormat = "0" | "0.00%" | "0.0%" | "0.00%;\\(0.00%\\);\\-;@" | "m/dd/yy" | string;

/* ExcelAlignment */
interface ExcelAlignment {
    vertical?: ExcelAlignmentType;
    horizontal?: ExcelAlignmentType;
    wrapText?: boolean;
    readingOrder?: ExcelReadingOrder;
    textRotation?: ExcelTextRotation;

type ExcelTextRotation = 0 | 45 | 90 | 135 | 180 | 255;

enum ExcelReadingOrder { LeftToRight = 1, RightToLeft}

type ExcelAlignmentType = "bottom" | "center" | "top";

/* ExcelBorder */
interface ExcelBorder {
    style: ExcelBorderStyle;
    color: ExcelColorSpec;

type ExcelBorderStyle = "thin" | "medium" | "thick" | "dotted" | "hair" | "dashed" | "mediumDashed" | "dashDot" | "mediumDashDot" | "dashDotDot" | "mediumDashDotDot" | "slantDashDot";