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A audio visual performance interface experiment using Quil.


I hope you like the terminal.

  1. Install Leiningen. See the installation instructions on the Leiningen homepage.
  2. Navigate to this directory in the terminal. cd /path/to/this/dir/
  3. Run Leiningen's Read Eval Print Loop. lein repl
  4. Load Reactant. (use 'reactant.core)
  5. Play.

You can reload namespaces to modify the application while running. i.e. (use :reload 'reactant.dynamic)

Editor integration


Maybe you like emacs.

  1. Install Leiningen as above.
  2. Configure Leiningen if you haven't done so yet:
    1. Make sure your ~/.lein/profile.clj has at least: {:user {:plugins [[cider/cider-nrepl "x.y.z"]]}}1
    2. Navigate to this directory in the terminal. cd /path/to/this/dir/
    3. Ask Leiningen to install the dependencies. lein deps
  3. Configure emacs if you haven't done so yet:
    1. Start emacs
    2. Install clojure-mode. M-x package-install RET clojure-mode
    3. Install cider. M-x package install RET cider
    4. Add to your emacs config: (require 'clojure-mode-autoloads)
    5. Restart emacs (or eval the require above)

Now the fun bit.

  1. Open in emacs Reactant's core.clj
  2. Ask cider to start the Leiningen Repl server and connect to it: M-x cider-jack-in
  3. Wait a bit until you see an inspirational quote.
  4. Hit C-c C-c... wow!
  5. Open Reactant's dynamic.clj
  6. Change something in update or draw, hit C-c C-c ... wow!
  7. Play.


Maybe you like vim.

  1. Install Leiningen as above.
  2. Add the CIDER nREPL plugin to your ~/.lein/profile.clj.
  3. Install tpope's fireplace vim plugin. If you don't have a favourite package manager, I recommend gmarik's Vundle.
  4. Open the project directory in two terminals.
  5. Install the leiningen dependencies. lein deps
  6. Run Leiningen's Read Eval Print Loop. lein repl

Now the fun bit.

  1. Open vim in the other terminal.
  2. Open src/reactant/core.clj.
  3. Run :Require... Magic!
  4. Open src/reactant/dynamic.clj
  5. Change something in draw, run :Require... Cool, huh?
  6. Play.

I recommend mapping :Require to something. I like <leader>r.

Sublime Text

Maybe you like Sublime Text

  1. Consider installing Emacs
  2. Consider installing Vim


  1. currently "x.y.z" is "0.8.2-SNAPSHOT"