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2014-07-27 23:01

#Issue #25


Restlet API(

This sample application aims at illustrating the port of the Restlet API on the Google Android platform.

Hire Android App Developer(

5 non technical skills to look forward to.

How to use intents to launch several activities(

How to use intents to launch several activities within the same application and how to pass data between them.

Why is my list black?(

An Android optimization - how to customize the listview for Android.

31 Days of Android: Day 4(

Our first App.


Droid-Fo -> Ignition(

Droid-Fu was a nice library of helper classes - you Ignition is aiming to supersede it. It contains several widgets, a better HTTP Client and a nicer and more robust implementation of AsyncTask.

Android and self-signed ssl certificates(

Dealing with self-signed SSL certificates is a real pain, because it's not that simple to add them in your app and let android accept them. But fortunately, there's a workaround that uses an own SSLSocketFactory and an own TrustManager.


Learn about RenderScript( RenderScript is an API that allows developers to better utilize the GPUs in the newest Android phones.


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本文由AWCNTT 原创翻译,AndroidWeekly中国 荣誉推出

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