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File metadata and controls

550 lines (467 loc) · 27.2 KB


本节将对 pulsar2 build 中的 config 文件进行详细介绍.


  • 工具链支持的全部编译参数定义请参考 :ref:`《proto 配置定义》 <config_define>` ,基础数据结构为 BuildConfig

  • 用户可以根据参数规格编写 prototxt / 宽松 json / yaml / toml 格式的配置文件,通过命令行参数 --config 指向配置文件;

    • 宽松的 json 格式:支持包含 js-style 或者 python-style 注释的 json 文件;
  • 部分编译参数支持命令行传入,且优先级高于配置文件,通过 pulsar2 build -h 查看支持的命令行编译参数,比如命令行参数 --quant.calibration_method 相当于配置了 QuantConfig 结构体的 calibration_method 字段.

完整的 json 配置参考

  // input model file path. type: string. required: true.
  "input": "/path/to/lenet5.onnx",
  // axmodel output directory. type: string. required: true.
  "output_dir": "/path/to/output_dir",
  // rename output axmodel. type: string. required: false. default: compiled.axmodel.
  "output_name": "compiled.axmodel",
  // temporary data output directory. type: string. required: false. default: same with ${output_dir}.
  "work_dir": "",
  // input model type. type: enum. required: false. default: ONNX. option: ONNX, QuantAxModel, QuantONNX.
  "model_type": "ONNX",
  // target hardware. type: enum. required: false. default: AX650. option: AX650, AX620E, M76H.
  "target_hardware": "AX650",
  // npu mode. while ${target_hardware} is AX650, npu mode can be NPU1 / NPU2 / NPU3. while ${target_hardware} is AX620E, npu mode can be NPU1 / NPU2. type: enum. required: false. default: NPU1.
  "npu_mode": "NPU1",
  // modify model input shape of input model, this feature will take effect before the `input_processors` configuration. format: input1:1x3x224x224;input2:1x1x112x112. type: string. required: false. default: .
  "input_shapes": "input:1x1x28x28",
  "onnx_opt": {
    // disable onnx optimization. type: bool. required: false. default: false.
    "disable_onnx_optimization": false,
    // enable onnx simplify by type: bool. required: false. default: false.
    "enable_onnxsim": false,
    // enable model check. type: bool. required: false. default: false.
    "model_check": false,
    // disable transformation check. type: bool. required: false. default: false.
    "disable_transformation_check": false,
    // save tensors data to optimize memory footprint. type: bool. required: false. default: false.
    "save_tensors_data": false
  "quant": {
    "input_configs": [
        // input tensor name in origin model. "DEFAULT" means input config for all input tensors. type: string. required: true.
        "tensor_name": "input",
        // quantize calibration dataset archive file path. type: string. required: true. limitation: tar, tar.gz, zip.
        "calibration_dataset": "/path/to/dataset",
        // quantize calibration data format. type: enum. required: false. default: Image. option: Image, Numpy, Binary.
        "calibration_format": "Image",
        // quantize calibration data size is min(${calibration_size}, size of ${calibration_dataset}), "-1" means load all dataset. type: int. required: false. default: 32.
        "calibration_size": 32,
        // quantize mean parameter of normlization. type: float array. required: false. default: [].
        "calibration_mean": [127],
        // quantize std parameter of normlization. type: float array. required: false. default: [].
        "calibration_std": [1]
    "layer_configs": [
        // set layer quantize precision. type: string. required: must choose between `layer_name` and `op_type`. default: .
        "layer_name": "Conv_0",
        // quantize data type. type: enum. required: false. default: U8. option: U8, S8, U16, S16, FP32.
        "data_type": "U8",
        // quantize data type for Conv. type: enum. required: false. default: U8. option: U8, S8, U16, S16, FP32.
        "output_data_type": "U8",
        // quantize weight type for Conv. type: enum. required: false. default: S8. option: S8, FP32.
        "weight_data_type": "S8"
        // set quantize precision by operator type. type: string. required: must choose between `layer_name` and `op_type`. default: .
        "op_type": "MaxPool",
        // quantize data type. type: enum. required: false. default: U8. option: U8, S8, U16, S16, FP32.
        "data_type": "U8"
        // start tensor names of subgraph quantization config. type: string array. required: false. default: [].
        "start_tensor_names": ["13"],
        // end tensor names of subgraph quantization config. type: string array. required: false. default: [].
        "end_tensor_names": ["15"],
        // quantize data type. type: enum. required: false. default: U8. option: U8, S8, U16, S16, FP32.
        "data_type": "U16"
    // quantize calibration method. type: enum. required: false. default: MinMax. option: MinMax, Percentile, MSE.
    "calibration_method": "MinMax",
    // enable quantization precision analysis. type: bool. required: false. default: false.
    "precision_analysis": true,
    // precision analysis method. type: enum. required: false. default: PerLayer. option: PerLayer, EndToEnd.
    "precision_analysis_method": "PerLayer",
    // precision analysis mode. type: enum. required: false. default: Reference. option: Reference, NPUBackend.
    "precision_analysis_mode": "Reference",
    // input sample data dir for precision analysis. type: string. required: false. default: .
    "input_sample_dir": "",
    // enable highest mix precision quantization. type: bool. required: false. default: false.
    "highest_mix_precision": false,
    // conv bias data type. type: enum. required: false. default: S32. option: S32, FP32.
    "conv_bias_data_type": "S32",
    // LayerNormalization scale data type. type: enum. required: false. default: FP32. option: FP32, S32, U32.
    "ln_scale_data_type": "FP32",
    // refine weight threshold, should be a legal float number, like 1e-6. -1 means disable this feature. type: float. required: false. default: 1e-6. limitation: 0 or less than 0.0001.
    "refine_weight_threshold": 1e-6,
    // enalbe smooth quant strategy for conv 1x1. type: bool. required: false. default: false.
    "enable_smooth_quant": false,
    // tranformer opt level. type: int. required: false. default: 0. limitation: 0~2.
    "transformer_opt_level": 0,
    // quant check level, 0: no check; 1: check node dtype. type: int. required: false. default: 0.
    "check": 0,
    // refine weight scale and input scale, type: bool. required: false. default: false.
    "disable_auto_refine_scale": false
  "input_processors": [
      // input tensor name in origin model. "DEFAULT" means processor for all input tensors. type: string. required: true.
      "tensor_name": "input",
      // input tensor format in origin model. type: enum. required: false. default: AutoColorSpace. option: AutoColorSpace, BGR, RGB, GRAY.
      "tensor_format": "AutoColorSpace",
      // input tensor layout in origin model. type: enum. required: false. default: NCHW. option: NHWC, NCHW.
      "tensor_layout": "NCHW",
      // input format in runtime. type: enum. required: false. default: AutoColorSpace. option: AutoColorSpace, GRAY, BGR, RGB, YUYV422, UYVY422, YUV420SP, YVU420SP.
      "src_format": "AutoColorSpace",
      // input layout in runtime; if `src_format` is YUV/YVU, `src_layout` will be changed to NHWC. type: enum. required: false. default: NCHW. option: NHWC, NCHW.
      "src_layout": "NHWC",
      // input data type in runtime. type: enum. required: false. default: FP32. option: U8, S8, U16, S16, U32, S32, FP16, FP32.
      "src_dtype": "U8",

      // extra compiler shapes for this input. src_extra_shapes size of every input should be the same. shape at the same index of every input will be treated as a input group which can inference independently at runtime. type: list of Shape. required: false. default [].
      "src_extra_shapes": [],

      // color space mode. type: enum. required: false. default: NoCSC. option: NoCSC, Matrix, FullRange, LimitedRange.
      "csc_mode": "NoCSC",
      // color space conversion matrix, 12 elements array that represents a 3x4 matrix. type: float array. required: false. default: [].
      "csc_mat": [1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4],
      // mean parameter of normlization in runtime. type: float array. required: false. default: same with ${quant.input_configs.calibration_mean}.
      "mean": [],
      // std parameter of normlization in runtime. type: float array. required: false. default: same with ${quant.input_configs.calibration_std}.
      "std": []
  "output_processors": [
      // output tensor name in origin model. "DEFAULT" means processor for all output tensors. type: string. required: true.
      "tensor_name": "output",
      // permute the output tensor. type: int32 array. required: false. default: [].
      "dst_perm": [0, 1],
      // output data type. type: enum. required: false. default: FP32. option: FP32, U8.
      "output_dtype": "FP32"
  "const_processors": [
      // const tensor name in origin model. type: string. required: true.
      "name": "fc2.bias",
      // const tensor data array. type: list of double. required: false.
      "data": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9],
      // const tensor data file path, support .bin / .npy / .txt. type: string. required: false.
      "data_path": "replaced_data_file_path"
  "quant_op_processors": [
      // operator name in origin model. type: string. required: true.
      "op_name": "MaxPool_3",
      // operator attributes to be patched. type: dict. default: {}. required: true.
      "attrs": {
        "ceil_mode": 0
      "op_name": "Flatten_4", // AxReshape
      "attrs": {
        "shape": [0, 800]
  "compiler": {
    // static batch sizes. type: int array. required: false. default: [].
    "static_batch_sizes": [],
    // max dynamic batch. type: int, required: false. default: 0.
    "max_dynamic_batch_size": 0,
    // disable ir fix, only work in multi-batch compilation. type: bool. required: false. default: false.
    "disable_ir_fix": false,
    // compiler check level, 0: no check; 1: simulate compile result; 2: simulate and check compile result (for debug). type: int. required: false. default: 0.
    "check": 0,
    // compiler debug level. type: int. required: false. default: 0.
    "debug": 0,
    // input sample data dir for compiler check. type: string. required: false. default: .
    "input_sample_dir": ""


  • input_configs 中的 tensor_name 需要根据模型的实际输入/输出节点名称进行设置。
  • input_configs 中的 tensor_name 可以设置为 DEFAULT 代表量化配置应用于全部输入。
  • 模型输入的色彩空间由预处理 input_processors 配置中的 tensor_format 参数来表达。
  • 工具链读取量化校准集时,会根据 input_processors 中的 tensor_format 参数自动转换校准集数据的色彩空间。
  • layer_configs 中的 layer_nameop_type 选项不可以同时配置。
  • transformer_opt_level 设置 Transformer 模型的优化选项。


  • 精度分析计算方法,precision_analysis_mode 字段。

    • Reference 可以运行编译器支持的全部模型(支持包含 CPU 及 NPU 子图的模型),但是计算结果相比于最终上板结果会有少量误差(基本上差距在正负 1 内,且无系统性误差)。
    • NPUBackend 可以运行仅包含 NPU 子图的模型,但是计算结果与上板结果比特对齐。
  • 精度分析方法,precision_analysis_method 字段。

    • PerLayer 意味着每一层都采用浮点模型对应的层输入,计算每一层的输出与浮点模型输出的相似度。
    • EndToEnd 代表首层采用浮点模型输入,然后进行完整模型的仿真,计算最终输出结果与浮点模型输出的相似度。


  • input_processors / output_processors 配置说明

    • tensor_name 需要根据模型的实际输入/输出节点名称进行设置。

    • tensor_name 可以设置为 DEFAULT 代表配置应用于全部输入或者输出。

    • 前缀为 tensor_ 的参数代表原始模型中的输入输出属性。

    • 前缀为 src_ 的参数代表着运行时实际的输入输出属性。

    • 工具链会根据用户的配置自动添加算子,以完成运行时输入输出与原始模型输入输出之间的转换。

      • 例如:当 tensor_layoutNCHW,且 src_layoutNHWC 时,工具链会在原始模型输入之前自动添加一个 perm 属性为 [0, 3, 1, 2] 的 Transpose 算子。
  • 色彩空间转换预处理

    • csc_modeLimitedRange 或者 FullRangesrc_formatYUV 色彩空间 时,工具链会根据内置的模板参数,在原始的输入前添加一个色彩空间转换算子,此时 csc_mat 配置无效;
    • csc_modeMatrixsrc_formatYUV 色彩空间 时,工具链会根据用户配置的 csc_mat 矩阵,在原始的输入前添加一个色彩空间转换算子,以实现在运行时将输入的 YUV 数据转换为模型计算所需的 BGR 或者 RGB 数据;
    • csc_modeMatrix 时,计算流程为,先将 YUV / YVU 色彩空间 输入统一转换为 YUV444 格式,然后再乘以 csc_mat 系数矩阵。
    • csc_modeMatrix 时,bias (csc_mat[3] / csc_mat[7] / csc_mat[11]) 数值范围为 (-9, 8)。其余参数 (csc_mat[0-2] / csc_mat[4-6] / csc_mat[8-10]) 数值范围为 (-524289, 524288)。
  • 归一化预处理

    • input_processors 中的 mean / std 参数,默认为用户在量化配置中 calibration_mean / calibration_std 参数所配置的值。
    • 如果用户希望在运行时采用不同的归一化参数,那么可以显示的配置 中的 mean / std 参数以覆盖默认值。

proto 配置定义

syntax = "proto3";

package common;

enum ColorSpace {
  AutoColorSpace = 0;
  GRAY = 1;
  BGR = 2;
  RGB = 3;
  RGBA = 4;
  YUV420SP = 6;   // Semi-Planner, NV12
  YVU420SP = 7;   // Semi-Planner, NV21
  YUYV422 = 8;     // Planner, YUYV
  UYVY422 = 9;     // Planner, UYVY

enum Layout {
  DefaultLayout = 0;
  NHWC = 1;
  NCHW = 2;

enum DataType {
  DefaultDataType = 0;
  U8 = 1;
  S8 = 2;
  U16 = 3;
  S16 = 4;
  U32 = 5;
  S32 = 6;
  U64 = 7;
  S64 = 8;
  FP16 = 9;
  FP32 = 10;

enum NPUMode {
  NPU1 = 0;
  NPU2 = 1;
  NPU3 = 2;

enum HardwareType {
  AX650 = 0;
  AX620E = 1;
  M76H = 2;
syntax = "proto3";

import "path/to/common.proto";
import "google/protobuf/struct.proto";


enum ModelType {
  ONNX = 0;
  QuantAxModel = 1;
  QuantONNX = 3;

enum QuantMethod {
  MinMax = 0;
  Percentile = 1;
  MSE = 2;

enum PrecisionAnalysisMethod {
  PerLayer = 0;
  EndToEnd = 1;

enum PrecisionAnalysisMode {
  Reference = 0;
  NPUBackend = 1;

enum DataFormat {
  Image = 0;
  Numpy = 1;
  Binary = 2;

enum CSCMode {
  NoCSC = 0;
  Matrix = 1;
  FullRange = 2;
  LimitedRange = 3;

message InputQuantConfig {
  // input tensor name in origin model. "DEFAULT" means input config for all input tensors. type: string. required: true.
  string tensor_name = 1;
  // quantize calibration dataset archive file path. type: string. required: true. limitation: tar, tar.gz, zip.
  string calibration_dataset = 2;
  // quantize calibration data format. type: enum. required: false. default: Image. option: Image, Numpy, Binary.
  DataFormat calibration_format = 3;
  // quantize calibration data size is min(${calibration_size}, size of ${calibration_dataset}), "-1" means load all dataset. type: int. required: false. default: 32.
  int32 calibration_size = 4;
  // quantize mean parameter of normlization. type: float array. required: false. default: [].
  repeated float calibration_mean = 5;
  // quantize std parameter of normlization. type: float array. required: false. default: [].
  repeated float calibration_std = 6;

message LayerConfig {
  // set layer quantize precision. type: string. required: must choose between `layer_name` and `op_type`. default: .
  string layer_name = 1;

  // set quantize precision by operator type. type: string. required: must choose between `layer_name` and `op_type`. default: .
  string op_type = 2;

  // start tensor names of subgraph quantization config. type: string array. required: false. default: [].
  repeated string start_tensor_names = 3;
  // end tensor names of subgraph quantization config. type: string array. required: false. default: [].
  repeated string end_tensor_names = 4;

  // quantize data type. type: enum. required: false. default: U8. option: U8, S8, U16, S16, FP32.
  common.DataType data_type = 5;

  // quantize weight type for Conv. type: enum. required: false. default: S8. option: S8, FP32.
  common.DataType weight_data_type = 6;

  // quantize data type for Conv. type: enum. required: false. default: U8. option: U8, S8, U16, S16, FP32.
  common.DataType output_data_type = 10;

message OnnxOptimizeOption {
  // disable onnx optimization. type: bool. required: false. default: false.
  bool disable_onnx_optimization = 1;
  // enable onnx simplify by type: bool. required: false. default: false.
  bool enable_onnxsim = 2;
  // enable model check. type: bool. required: false. default: false.
  bool model_check = 3;
  // disable transformation check. type: bool. required: false. default: false.
  bool disable_transformation_check = 4;

message QuantConfig {
  repeated InputQuantConfig input_configs = 1;
  repeated LayerConfig layer_configs = 2;

  // quantize calibration method. type: enum. required: false. default: MinMax. option: MinMax, Percentile, MSE.
  QuantMethod calibration_method = 3;
  // enable quantization precision analysis. type: bool. required: false. default: false.
  bool precision_analysis = 4;
  // precision analysis method. type: enum. required: false. default: PerLayer. option: PerLayer, EndToEnd.
  PrecisionAnalysisMethod precision_analysis_method = 5;
  // precision analysis mode. type: enum. required: false. default: Reference. option: Reference, NPUBackend.
  PrecisionAnalysisMode precision_analysis_mode = 6;
  // enable highest mix precision quantization. type: bool. required: false. default: false.
  bool highest_mix_precision = 7;
  // conv bias data type. type: enum. required: false. default: S32. option: S32, FP32.
  common.DataType conv_bias_data_type = 8;
  // refine weight threshold, should be a legal float number, like 1e-6. -1 means disable this feature. type: float. required: false. default: 1e-6. limitation: 0 or less than 0.0001.
  float refine_weight_threshold = 9;
  // enalbe smooth quant strategy for conv 1x1. type: bool. required: false. default: false.
  bool enable_smooth_quant = 10;
  // tranformer opt level. type: int. required: false. default: 0. limitation: 0~2.
  int32 transformer_opt_level = 20;
  // input sample data dir for precision analysis. type: string. required: false. default: .
  string input_sample_dir = 30;
  // LayerNormalization scale data type. type: enum. required: false. default: FP32. option: FP32, S32, U32.
  common.DataType ln_scale_data_type = 40;
  // quant check level, 0: no check; 1: check node dtype. type: int. required: false. default: 0.
  int32 check = 50;
  // refine weight scale and input scale, type: bool. required: false. default: false.
  bool disable_auto_refine_scale = 60;

message InputProcessor {
  // input tensor name in origin model. "DEFAULT" means processor for all input tensors. type: string. required: true.
  string tensor_name = 1;

  // input tensor format in origin model. type: enum. required: false. default: AutoColorSpace. option: AutoColorSpace, BGR, RGB, GRAY.
  common.ColorSpace tensor_format = 2;
  // input tensor layout in origin model. type: enum. required: false. default: NCHW. option: NHWC, NCHW.
  common.Layout tensor_layout = 3;

  // input format in runtime. type: enum. required: false. default: AutoColorSpace. option: AutoColorSpace, GRAY, BGR, RGB, YUYV422, UYVY422, YUV420SP, YVU420SP.
  common.ColorSpace src_format = 4;
  // input layout in runtime; if `src_format` is YUV/YVU, `src_layout` will be changed to NHWC. type: enum. required: false. default: NCHW. option: NHWC, NCHW.
  common.Layout src_layout = 5;
  // input data type in runtime. type: enum. required: false. default: FP32. option: U8, S8, U16, S16, U32, S32, FP16, FP32.
  common.DataType src_dtype = 6;

  // extra compiler shapes for this input. src_extra_shapes size of every input should be the same. shape at the same index of every input will be treated as a input group which can inference independently at runtime. type: list of Shape. required: false. default [].
  repeated common.Shape src_extra_shapes = 11;

  // color space mode. type: enum. required: false. default: NoCSC. option: NoCSC, Matrix, FullRange, LimitedRange.
  CSCMode csc_mode = 7;
  // color space conversion matrix, 12 elements array that represents a 3x4 matrix. type: float array. required: false. default: [].
  repeated float csc_mat = 8;
  // mean parameter of normlization in runtime. type: float array. required: false. default: same with ${quant.input_configs.calibration_mean}.
  repeated float mean = 9;
  // std parameter of normlization in runtime. type: float array. required: false. default: same with ${quant.input_configs.calibration_std}.
  repeated float std = 10;

message OutputProcessor {
  // output tensor name in origin model. "DEFAULT" means processor for all output tensors. type: string. required: true.
  string tensor_name = 1;

  common.Layout tensor_layout = 2;

  // permute the output tensor. type: int32 array. required: false. default: [].
  repeated int32 dst_perm = 3;

  // output data type. type: enum. required: false. default: FP32. option: FP32, U8.
  common.DataType output_dtype = 4;

message OpProcessor {
  // operator name in origin model. type: string. required: true.
  string op_name = 1;

  // operator attributes to be patched. type: dict. default: {}. required: true.
  .google.protobuf.Struct attrs = 2;

message ConstProcessor {
  // const tensor name in origin model. type: string. required: true.
  string name = 1;

  // const tensor data array. type: list of double. required: false.
  repeated double data = 2;

  // const tensor data file path, support .bin / .npy / .txt. type: string. required: false.
  string data_path = 3;

message CompilerConfig {
  // static batch sizes. type: int array. required: false. default: [].
  repeated int32 static_batch_sizes = 1;
  // max dynamic batch. type: int, required: false. default: 0.
  int32 max_dynamic_batch_size = 2;
  // disable ir fix, only work in multi-batch compilation. type: bool. required: false. default: false.
  bool disable_ir_fix = 3;
  // compiler check level, 0: no check; 1: simulate compile result; 2: simulate and check compile result (for debug). type: int. required: false. default: 0.
  int32 check = 5;
  // compiler debug level. type: int. required: false. default: 0.
  int32 debug = 6;
  // input sample data dir for compiler check. type: string. required: false. default: .
  string input_sample_dir = 30;

message BuildConfig {
  // input model file path. type: string. required: true.
  string input = 1;
  // axmodel output directory. type: string. required: true.
  string output_dir = 2;
  // rename output axmodel. type: string. required: false. default: compiled.axmodel.
  string output_name = 3;
  // temporary data output directory. type: string. required: false. default: same with ${output_dir}.
  string work_dir = 4;

  // input model type. type: enum. required: false. default: ONNX. option: ONNX, QuantAxModel, QuantONNX.
  ModelType model_type = 5;

  // target hardware. type: enum. required: false. default: AX650. option: AX650, AX620E, M76H.
  common.HardwareType target_hardware = 6;
  // npu mode. while ${target_hardware} is AX650, npu mode can be NPU1 / NPU2 / NPU3. while ${target_hardware} is AX620E, npu mode can be NPU1 / NPU2. type: enum. required: false. default: NPU1.
  common.NPUMode npu_mode = 7;

  // modify model input shape of input model, this feature will take effect before the `input_processors` configuration. format: input1:1x3x224x224;input2:1x1x112x112. type: string. required: false. default: .
  string input_shapes = 8;

  OnnxOptimizeOption onnx_opt = 10;

  QuantConfig quant = 20;

  repeated InputProcessor input_processors = 31;
  repeated OutputProcessor output_processors = 32;
  repeated ConstProcessor const_processors = 33;
  repeated OpProcessor op_processors = 34;
  repeated OpProcessor quant_op_processors = 35;

  CompilerConfig compiler = 40;