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User Guide
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Productiv is a one-stop desktop app for product managers like yourself to organise your deliverables, meetings and contacts so that you can track your product's development easily.

Productiv is optimized for use via Command Line Interface (CLI). Thus, if you like to type and/or type fast, Productiv has just become better for you. Nevertheless, Productiv still has the benefits of a Graphical User Interface (GUI).


To get you familiarised, the following is Productiv's GUI.



ℹ️ GUI components:

  1. Navigation bar: where you navigate to other modes.
  2. Command box: where you enter your commands.
  3. Feedback box: where you can see the feedback of your command. If your command is successful, you can see a success message. Otherwise, you can see an error message.
  4. Left panel: where you can view
    • your product's overall completion percentage (in dashboard mode), or
    • your list of deliverables, meetings, or contacts (in deliverable, meeting, or contact mode)
  5. Right panel: where you can view
    • your product management schedule (in dashboard mode), or
    • an expanded view of your selected deliverable, meeting, or contact (in deliverable, meeting, or contact mode)

Note: For modes other than the dashboard, you can see your file path at the bottom of your GUI.

Quick start

  1. Ensure you have Java 11 installed in your computer (it should be your default Java version).

  2. Download the latest productiv.jar from here.

  3. Copy the .jar file to an empty folder.

  4. From your terminal, navigate to the folder containing the .jar file and enter java -jar productiv.jar to start Productiv. Your dashboard should appear in a few seconds. Note that the app contains some sample data.


  5. Type a command in the command box and press Enter to execute it. Here is a sequence of example commands you can try:

    1. switch dv: Switches to deliverable mode.

    2. add t/Find profile page template by/11-12-2020 12:00 m/2.1.1: Adds a deliverable with the title Find profile page template, deadline 11-12-2020 12:00 and milestone 2.1.1.

    3. delete 1: Deletes the 1st deliverable shown.

    4. exit: Exits the app.

  6. Refer to Features below for details of each available command.


ℹ️ Notes about the command format:

  • Words in upper case are the parameters to be supplied by you for their respective fields.
    e.g. in add n/NAME, NAME is a parameter for the name field n, which can be used as add n/Jason.
    💡 Tip: If you are not sure what specific parameter to supply for any of the required fields, supply an estimate or random value as place holder.

  • Field-parameter pairs in square brackets are optional.
    e.g n/NAME [p/PHONE] can be used as n/Jason p/98890112 or as n/Jason.

  • Field-parameter pairs can be in any order.
    e.g. if the command specifies n/NAME e/EMAIL, e/EMAIL n/NAME is also acceptable.

  • If multiple and/or repeat parameters are provided for the same field, only the last parameter will be accepted.
    e.g. if you input the command add r/dev n/NAME r/stk e/EMAIL r/stk, it will be accepted as add n/NAME r/stk e/EMAIL.

  • For single-word commands without fields, any word(s) following it will be ignored.
    e.g. if you input the command list everything please, it will be accepted as list.


Switching modes: switch

Switches to dashboard, deliverable, meeting or contact mode.

Format: switch MODE

  • MODE can be db (dashboard), dv (deliverable), m (meeting) or c (contact).
  • switch dv, m or c will display information related to your deliverables, meetings and contacts respectively, e.g. switch c will display your contacts.
  • switch db will display your project's completion status and your own schedule.
  • How the commands will be executed depend on which mode you are currently in, e.g. delete 1 in meeting mode deletes the 1st meeting shown.


  • switch db switches to dashboard mode.
  • switch m switches to meeting mode.

Viewing help: help

Shows a message directing you to this User Guide. help

Format: help

Exiting Productiv: exit

Exits the program.

Format: exit

Saving the data

Productiv automatically saves any changes that you made, to your computer's hard disk. Hence, you can focus on managing your product without fearing any unsaved changes.


The dashboard gives you an overview of information related to your product. The dashboard is the default landing page of Productiv. Whenever you start up Productiv, you will be brought to dashboard mode.

The Overall Completion Percentage (OCP) will be displayed in the left panel. The OCP gives you a quick overview of the progress of your product’s development.

Your schedule will be displayed in the right panel. The schedule contains all your deliverables and meetings, chronologically sorted.

ℹ️ Note: There are no commands specific to the Dashboard. You can only use commands found under General.



Initial display of a deliverable list

ℹ️ Note: You must be in the deliverable mode to execute the following commands. Refer to switch for more information.

Adding a deliverable: add

Adds a deliverable to your deliverable list.


  • TITLE is the main heading of the deliverable.
  • DEADLINE is the due date time of the deliverable in dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm format.
  • DEADLINE can be in the past but must not be earlier than the year 2019.
  • MILESTONE is the milestone tagged to the deliverable.
  • MILESTONE is a non-negative integer, or a period-separated string of non-negative integers, e.g. 2, 14.2.1.
  • CONTACTS represents the contact(s) involved in seeing through the deliverable.
  • CONTACTS is a name, or a comma-separated string of names, e.g. conan, nancy, drew, paul.
  • DESCRIPTION contains additional information about the deliverable, e.g. sub-requirements.

ℹ️ Notes:

  • As CONTACTS is not related to your contact list, you can include those not present in it.

  • You cannot add a deliverable with the same TITLE and DEADLINE as an existing deliverable.

  • All newly-added deliverables will be assigned the on-going tag regardless of their deadline. You will need to manually mark past deliverables as completed. Refer to Marking a deliverable as completed below for more details on the done command.


  • add t/Login screen by/10-10-2020 18:00 m/1.1 c/Jordan Woods, Betsy Crowe d/Include email and password fields adds a deliverable with the title Login screen, deadline 10-10-2020 18:00, milestone 1.1, contacts Jordan Woods, Betsy Crowe and description Include email and password fields.
  • add t/Find profile page template by/08-12-2020 12:00 m/2.1.1 adds a deliverable with the title Find profile page template, deadline 08-12-2020 12:00 and milestone 2.1.1.

Editing a deliverable: edit

Edits an existing deliverable in your displayed deliverable list.


  • INDEX is the index number of the deliverable in your displayed deliverable list.
  • INDEX must be a positive integer.
  • At least one of the fields of the deliverable must be changed.
  • The existing values of the specified deliverable will be updated to the input values.
  • You can clear an optional field by inputting an empty parameter, e.g. edit 1 d/ will empty the description of the 1st deliverable.

ℹ️ Note: You cannot edit a deliverable to have the same TITLE and DEADLINE as an existing deliverable.


  • edit 1 d/Must include username, email and password fields by/15-12-2020 12:00 edits the description of the 1st deliverable to be Must include username, email and password fields and its deadline to be 15-12-2020 12:00.
  • edit 2 c/ clears the optional contacts field of the 2nd deliverable.

Marking a deliverable as completed: done

Marks the specified deliverable from your displayed deliverable list as completed.

Format: done INDEX

  • INDEX is the index number of the deliverable in your displayed deliverable list.
  • INDEX must be a positive integer.


  • done 1 marks the 1st deliverable in your displayed deliverable list as completed.

Marking a deliverable as on-going: undone

Marks the specified deliverable from your displayed deliverable list as on-going.

Format: undone INDEX

  • INDEX is the index number of the deliverable in your displayed deliverable list.
  • INDEX must be a positive integer.


  • undone 1 marks the 1st deliverable in your displayed deliverable list as on-going.

Viewing a deliverable: view

Displays more details of the specified deliverable from your displayed deliverable list.

Format: view INDEX

  • INDEX is the index number of the deliverable in your displayed deliverable list.
  • INDEX must be a positive integer.


  • view 2 views the 2nd deliverable in your displayed deliverable list.


    Viewing a deliverable

Finding deliverables: find

Finds the deliverables whose titles or descriptions contain any of the given keywords.

Format: find KEYWORDS

  • KEYWORDS contains one or more keywords used to match deliverables.
  • Searches only consider title and description.
  • Searches are case-insensitive, e.g. homepage will match Homepage.
  • Order of keywords does not matter, e.g. Homepage Navigation will match Navigation Homepage.
  • Searches only account for full words, e.g. Deploy will not match Deployment but Stand-up will match Up button and Laptop stand.
  • Searches return deliverables matching at least one keyword, e.g. Homepage Navigation will return Complete Homepage and Increase size of Navigation Bar.


  • find mock-up urgent returns a deliverable with title Finish mock-ups and another with description This is urgent and important!.
  • find plan returns a deliverable with title Finalise design and plan and another with description Reminder to plan time wisely..

Listing all deliverables: list

Lists out all deliverables in your deliverable list, if any.

Format: list


Tip: Use this command when you want to list all your deliverables back after using the find command. Refer to Finding deliverables above for details of the find command.

Deleting a deliverable: delete

Deletes the specified deliverable from your deliverable list.

Format: delete INDEX

  • INDEX is the index number of the deliverable in your displayed deliverable list.
  • INDEX must be a positive integer.


  • delete 2 deletes the 2nd deliverable in your deliverable list.

Clearing all deliverables: clear

Clears all deliverables from your deliverable list, if any.

Format: clear



Initial display of a meeting list

ℹ️ Note: You must be in the meeting mode to execute the following commands. Refer to switch for more information.

Adding a meeting: add

Adds a meeting to your meeting list.


  • TITLE is the main heading of the meeting.
  • FROM is the start date and time of the meeting in dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm format.
  • FROM can accept dates in the past but must not be earlier than the year 2019.
  • TO is the end time of the meeting in HH:mm format.
  • CONTACTS represents the contact(s) involved in the meeting.
  • CONTACTS is a name, or a comma-separated string of names, e.g. conan, nancy, drew, paul.
  • LOCATION is the location of the meeting.
  • DESCRIPTION contains additional details about the meeting, e.g. agenda.

ℹ️ Notes:

  • Different meetings may have overlapping timings as you may wish to send a representative for your clashing meetings.

  • As CONTACTS is not related to your contact list, you can include those not present in it.

  • You cannot add a meeting with the same TITLE, FROM and TO as an existing meeting.


  • add t/Discuss app requirements from/11-12-2020 09:00 to/10:00 c/Jordan Woods, Betsy Crowe d/Refine with business associates adds a meeting with the title Discuss app requirements, start date and time 11-12-2020 09:00, end time 10:00, contacts Jordan Woods, Betsy Crowe and description Refine with business associates.
  • add t/User research review from/15-12-2020 13:00 to/15:00 l/Meeting room A adds a meeting with the title User research review, start date and time 15-12-2020 13:00, end time 15:00 and location Meeting room A.

Editing a meeting: edit

Edits an existing meeting in your displayed meeting list.

Format: edit INDEX [t/TITLE] [from/FROM] [to/TO] [c/CONTACTS] [l/LOCATION] [d/DESCRIPTION]

  • INDEX is the index number of the meeting in your displayed meeting list.
  • INDEX must be a positive integer.
  • At least one of the fields of the meeting must be changed.
  • The existing values of the specified meeting will be updated to the input values.
  • You can clear an optional field by inputting an empty parameter, e.g. edit 1 d/ will empty the description of the 1st meeting.

ℹ️ Note: You cannot edit a meeting to have the same TITLE, FROM and TO as an existing meeting.


  • edit 2 t/Discuss final release features d/Finalise dashboard functions edits the title of the 2nd meeting to be Discuss final release features and its description to be Finalise dashboard functions.
  • edit 4 c/ clears the optional contact field of the 4th meeting.

Viewing a meeting: view

Displays more details of the specified meeting from your displayed meeting list.

Format: view INDEX

  • INDEX is the index number of the meeting in your displayed meeting list.
  • INDEX must be a positive integer.


  • view 2 views the 2nd meeting in your meeting list.


    Viewing a meeting

Finding meetings: find

Finds the meetings whose titles or descriptions contain any of the given keywords.

Format: find KEYWORDS

  • KEYWORDS contains one or more keywords used to match meetings.
  • Searches only consider title and description.
  • Searches are case-insensitive, e.g. version will match Version.
  • Order of keywords does not matter, e.g. v1.2 mid will match mid v1.2.
  • Searches only account for full words, e.g. Meeting will not match Meetings.
  • Searches return meetings matching at least one keyword, e.g. Complete game will return Complete features and Final game.


  • find Survey returns a meeting with title Survey potential customers and another with description Don't forget to present survey results..
  • find consult goals returns a meeting with title Consult about marketing goals and another with description Goals must be achieved!.

Listing all meetings: list

Lists out all meetings in your meeting list, if any.

Format: list


Tip: Use this command when you want to list all your meetings back after using the find command. Refer to Finding meetings above for details of the find command.

Deleting a meeting: delete

Deletes the specified meeting from your displayed meeting list.

Format: delete INDEX

  • INDEX is the index number of the meeting in your displayed meeting list.
  • INDEX must be a positive integer.


  • delete 3 deletes the 3rd meeting in your displayed meeting list.

Clearing all meetings: clear

Clears all meetings from your meeting list, if any.

Format: clear



Initial display of a contact list

ℹ️ Note: You must be in the contact mode to execute the following commands. Refer to switch for more information.

Adding a contact: add

Adds a developer or stakeholder to your contact list.


  • NAME is the name of the contact.
  • NAME should only take alphabetic characters and (optionally) spaces.
  • ROLE is the type of contact, either dev (developer) or stk (stakeholder).
  • EMAIL is the email address of the contact.
  • PHONE is the phone number of the contact.
  • PHONE should only contain numbers, and must be at least 3-digits long.
  • DESCRIPTION contains additional information about the contact, such as their job position.

ℹ️ Note: You cannot add a contact with the same NAME and EMAIL as an existing contact.


Tip: Leave out the + sign for PHONEs with country codes.


  • add n/Jordan Woods r/dev e/ p/81234567 adds a developer with the name Jordan Woods, email and phone number 81234567.
  • add n/Betsy Crowe r/stk e/ adds a stakeholder with the name Betsy Crowe and email

Editing a contact: edit

Edits an existing contact in your displayed contact list.

Format: edit INDEX [n/NAME] [r/ROLE] [e/EMAIL] [p/PHONE] [d/DESCRIPTION]

  • INDEX is the index number of the contact in your displayed contact list.
  • INDEX must be a positive integer.
  • At least one of the fields of the contact must be changed.
  • The existing values of the specified contact will be updated to the input values.
  • You can clear an optional field by inputting an empty parameter, e.g. edit 1 d/ will empty the description of the 1st contact.

ℹ️ Note: You cannot edit a contact to have the same NAME and EMAIL as an existing contact.


  • edit 1 e/ p/81234567 edits the email and phone number of the 1st contact to be and 81234567 respectively.
  • edit 2 p/ clears the optional phone field of the 2nd contact.

Viewing a contact: view

Displays more details of the specified contact from your displayed contact list.

Format: view INDEX

  • INDEX is the index number of the contact in your displayed contact list.
  • INDEX must be a positive integer.


  • view 2 views the 2nd contact in your contact list.


    Viewing a contact

Finding contacts: find

Finds the contacts whose names or descriptions contain any of the given keywords.

Format: find KEYWORDS

  • KEYWORDS contains one or more keywords used to match contacts.
  • Searches only consider name and description.
  • Searches are case-insensitive, e.g. hans will match Hans.
  • Order of keywords does not matter, e.g. Hans Bo will match Bo Hans.
  • Searches only account for full words, e.g. Han will not match Hans.
  • Searches return contacts matching at least one keyword, e.g. Hans Bo will return Hans Seed and Bo Yarns.


  • find alex yeoh returns a contact with name Alex Yeoh and another with description Business analyst. Alex works with him..
  • find Johnson returns a contact with name Amber Johnson and another with description Works at Johnson & Johnson.

Listing all contacts: list

Lists out all contacts from your contact list, if any.

Format: list


Tip: Use this command when you want to list all your contacts back after using the find command. Refer to Finding contacts above for details of the find command.

Deleting a contact: delete

Deletes the specified contact from your displayed contact list.

Format: delete INDEX

  • INDEX is the index number of the contact in your displayed contact list.
  • INDEX must be a positive integer.


  • delete 3 deletes the 3rd contact in the displayed contact list.

Clearing all contacts: clear

Clears all contacts from your contact list, if any.

Format: clear


Q: How do I start using Productiv?
A: You can refer to our Quick Start Guide.

Q: Which operating systems can I run Productiv on?
A: Currently, Productiv is supported on both Windows and Mac. Just ensure that you have Java 11 installed on your computer and it is your default Java version.

Command summary


Action Format, Examples
Switch switch MODE
e.g. switch dv
Help help
Exit exit


Action Format, Examples
e.g. add t/Login screen by/10-10-2020 18:00 m/1.1 c/Jordan Woods, Betsy Crowe d/Include email and password fields
e.g. edit 1 by/14-12-2020 12:00 d/Must include username, email and password fields
Mark as completed done INDEX
e.g. done 3
Mark as on-going undone INDEX
e.g. undone 1
View view INDEX
e.g. view 2
Find find KEYWORDS
e.g. find Homepage urgent
List list
Delete delete INDEX
e.g. delete 3
Clear clear


Action Format, Examples
e.g. add t/Discuss app requirements from/11-12-2020 09:00 to/10:00 c/Jordan Woods, Betsy Crowe l/Meeting Room A d/Refine with business associates
e.g. edit 2 t/Discuss final release features d/Finalise dashboard functions
View view INDEX
e.g. view 2
Find find KEYWORDS
e.g. find discuss user guide John
List list
Delete delete INDEX
e.g. delete 3
Clear clear


Action Format, Examples
e.g. add n/Johnny r/stk e/ p/12345678 d/Business Analyst
e.g. edit 1 n/John r/dev e/
View view INDEX
e.g. view 2
Find find KEYWORDS
e.g. find John Kite
List list
Delete delete INDEX
e.g. delete 3
Clear clear


# Term Description
1 Command Line Interface (CLI) A text-based user interface (UI) used to view and manage computer files.
2 Graphical User Interface (GUI) A system of interactive visual components for computer software.
3 Deliverable An item to be completed as part of the product development process.
4 Milestone A stage in the software development process associated with a particular group of deliverables.
5 Mode The state of the application that affects how each command will be executed. The app can be in dashboard, deliverable, meeting or contact mode.
6 Stakeholder An external party involved with the product.