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Git migration (2017 January)

This guide explains how to move projects from department Gitlab to the new service.

Migrating from svn

There are many guides online, but a minimum guide is included below (this preserves all history). You should create the repository on yourself, get your computer set up to use, and then do the following:

# If you want to convert svn usernames to email addresses (can be shared among projects):
svn log -q %s | awk -F '|' '/^r/ {sub("^ ", "", $2); sub(" $", "", $2); print $2" = "$2" <"$2">"}' | sort -u >> authors-orig.txt
  # edit authors-orig.txt
mv authors-orig.txt authors.txt

git svn clone --authors-file=authors.txt   svn-url/ tmp_directory/

cd tmp_directory
git svn create-ignore
git commit -a -m 'Add .gitignore from svn ignore'

# Add Aalto gitlab info
git remote add origin $VERSION.AALTO.FI_URL
git push -f origin master

If you have a giant subversion repository with many different unrelated (or loosely related) projects, it is recommended to split this into separate git repositories per project. You can also do this preserving all history. If you are in a Science-IT department, we can help with this, contact Science-IT <../triton/help>. If you aren't, contact us anyway and we can try to help anyway.

Preserving the working directory

Let's say you are switching to git, but have some stuff that isn't checked in yet, so you don't want to re-get the whole repository. You can keep your working directory if you want:

# project/ is the old subversion directory

mv project/.svn project/.svn-old
# Now it won't appear to be a subversion repo anymore.  You may have
# to move other .svn directories in subdirectories.  This step isn't
# really needed, but prevents mistakes!

git clone new-git-repo/
cp -r new-git-repo/.git project/.git
# Now project/ looks like a git repo!  You keep all your old files
# and resume where you left off.

Migrating from other Gitlab (like departments had)


  • The department gitlab must be upgraded to the same version as Your department administrators will tell you when this is done (if they sent you here, it is probably done).
  • Take and push all existing code. You can also commit all code that needs committing. This isn't actually required, but
  • For a shared repository, talk to everyone who is using it and agree on a time. Nothing will be lost if you don't, but it avoids the possibility of confusing or accidentally making conflicts. Make sure everyone stops making wiki edits or issues on the old one.

Instructions: manually

This is easy if you only have code within the repository.

  • Make a new repository on
  • Push the code to the new repository using the instructions under "finalizations" below. They also appear on the new project page, but you need to remove the old remote.

Instructions: import a public repository, main files only

  • Create a new project on
  • Import "repo by url" and give the URL. Do import.

Instructions: full export/import (includes wiki, issues, etc)

On old gitlab

  • Navigate to project to be exported. Go to project settings.
  • In the "Export project", click "Export project". Wait a few seconds and refresh the page. (In theory wait for an email to come, but in practice it is very fast for small repositories)
  • Scroll down to the same section and now select "Download Export" and save the project.


  • Log in, go to projects, create new project, select the namespace and the project name. Leave everything else blank, it won't be used anyway.
  • Under the import project section, click "Gitlab export" and select the downloaded .tar.gz. Upload and click "import project".

Instructions (advanced, scripting using API)

There is an Gitlab API. It can probably be used to automate some or all of the migration, but we don't have a custom script for this yet and we haven't identified other scripts yet. If you develop/find such a thing, let us know and it will be mentioned here.


  • In your old gitlab, either archive or move the project to a new name. This prevents anyone from accidentally using the old one.
  • Update the project metadata on Especially if you are are migrating a lot of old stuff, use this opportunity to update the project description. Add publication references, etc. Remember: data management!
  • Set the project visibility and add back all of the members, if needed. (Note: people do not appear on until they log in once)
  • Set up ssh keys for your own account (once).
  • Update existing cloned copies to point to the new server. This is easy, there is no re-downloading, and all versions match up.

    cd existing_repo
    git remote set-url origin THE_URL
    git push -u origin master   # only pushes master branch
    # To push everything:
    git push -u origin --all
    git push -u origin --tags   # if you want tags mirrored
  • Tell everyone that you are done and to use the new location.


  • How long does it take? In practice about one minute per project once you get started with it.
  • What is migrated? From gitlab itself: Project and wiki repositories, Project uploads, Project configuration including web hooks and services, Issues with comments, merge requests with diffs and comments, labels, milestones, snippets, and other project entities.
  • What is not migrated?: From gitlab itself: Build traces and artifacts, LFS objects, Container registry images
    • We also find this is not exported: project permissions, project descriptions, project visibility, project members.

FAQ about

Moved to the gitlab page <../aalto/git>.