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ImageFile: Add analyze_face_haarcascades()
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Use OpenCV's haarcascade to find faces and facial features.
This is a flexible method, as haarcascades can be trained for
other features too.

Note that opencv is not a required dependency in this commit.
I.e. It is skipped if cv2 is not importable. Also, a log message
is given mentioning that opencv is required for this analysis
  • Loading branch information
AbdealiLoKo committed Jun 17, 2016
1 parent 6bbca26 commit bc55f90
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Showing 3 changed files with 230 additions and 11 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions .travis.yml
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Expand Up @@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ before_install:

- conda install boost scipy ;
- conda install -c menpo opencv ;
# Install dlib from git (with pip) as there was an issue with libjpeg
# Which was solved and not yet released.
- pip install git+ ;
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187 changes: 180 additions & 7 deletions file_metadata/image/
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Expand Up @@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
import skimage
import skimage.color
import skimage.transform
import zbar
from PIL import Image
from pycolorname.pantone.pantonepaint import PantonePaint
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -81,6 +82,11 @@ def fetch(self, key=''):
# Use empty array as the file cannot be read.
return numpy.ndarray(0)
elif key == 'ndarray_grey':
with warnings.catch_warnings():
return skimage.img_as_ubyte(
return super(ImageFile, self).fetch(key)

def analyze_softwares(self):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -183,6 +189,173 @@ def analyze_color_average(self):
'Color:ClosestLabeledColor': closest_label,
'Color:AverageRGB': tuple(round(i, 3) for i in mean_color)}

def _haarcascade(image, filename, directory=None, **kwargs):
Use OpenCV's haarcascade classifiers to detect certain features.
:param image: Image to use when detecting with the haarcascade.
:param filename: The file to create the CascadeClassifier with.
:param directory: The directory of the haarcascade file.
:param kwagrs: Keyword args to pass to cascade's detectMultiScale().
:return: List of rectangles of the detected objects. A rect
is defined by an array with 4 values i the order:
left, top, width, height.
import cv2
except ImportError:
logging.warn('HAAR Cascade analysis requires the optional '
'dependency OpenCV to be installed.')
return []

directory = (directory if directory is not None
else os.path.abspath(os.path.join(
*([os.pardir] * 4 + ['share', 'OpenCV', 'haarcascades']))))
cascade = cv2.CascadeClassifier(os.path.join(directory, filename),)
features = cascade.detectMultiScale(image, **kwargs)
return features

def analyze_face_haarcascades(self):
Use opencv's haar cascade filters to identify faces, right eye, left
eye, upper body, etc..
import cv2
from cv2 import cv
except ImportError:
logging.warn('HAAR Cascade analysis requires the optional '
'dependency OpenCV 2.x to be installed.')
return {}

image_array = self.fetch('ndarray_grey')
if image_array.ndim == 3:
logging.warn('Faces cannot be detected in animated images '
'using haarcascades yet.')
return {}

# The "scale" given here is relevant for the detection rate.
scale = max(1.0, numpy.average(image_array.shape) / 500.0)

# Equalize the histogram and make the size smaller
with warnings.catch_warnings():
img_shape = map(lambda x: int(x / scale), image_array.shape)
img = skimage.img_as_ubyte(

def haar(im, key, single=False, **kwargs):
cascades = {
'frontal_face': 'haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml',
'profile_face': 'haarcascade_profileface.xml',
'nested': 'haarcascade_eye_tree_eyeglasses.xml',
'mouth': 'haarcascade_mcs_mouth.xml',
'nose': 'haarcascade_mcs_nose.xml',
'right_eye': 'haarcascade_righteye_2splits.xml',
'left_eye': 'haarcascade_lefteye_2splits.xml',
'left_ear': 'haarcascade_mcs_leftear.xml',
'right_ear': 'haarcascade_mcs_rightear.xml',
'upper_body': 'haarcascade_upperbody.xml',
'lower_body': 'haarcascade_lowerbody.xml'}
# Set some default kwargs
kwargs['scaleFactor'] = kwargs.get('scaleFactor', 1.1)
kwargs['minNeighbors'] = kwargs.get('minNeighbors', 2)
kwargs['minSize'] = kwargs.get('minSize', (30, 30))
if single:
flags = (flags | cv.CV_HAAR_FIND_BIGGEST_OBJECT |
kwargs['flags'] = kwargs.get('flags', flags)
return list(self._haarcascade(im, cascades[key], **kwargs))

def drop_overlapping_regions(regions):
drop = set()
# Sort regions by area (leftmost is smallest and dropped first)
regions = sorted(regions, key=lambda x: x[-1] * x[-2])
# overlap: Neither range is completely greater than the other
overlap = (lambda x_min, x_width, y_min, y_width:
x_min <= y_min + y_width and y_min <= x_min + x_width)
for i1, reg1 in enumerate(regions):
for i2, reg2 in enumerate(regions[:i1]):
if (i2 not in drop and
overlap(reg1[0], reg1[2], reg2[0], reg2[2]) and
overlap(reg1[1], reg1[3], reg2[1], reg2[3])):
for i, reg in enumerate(regions):
if i not in drop:
yield reg

frontal = haar(img, 'frontal_face')
profile = haar(img, 'profile_face')
faces = list(drop_overlapping_regions(frontal + profile))

if len(faces) == 0:
return {}

data = []
for face in faces:
scaled_face = list(map(lambda x: int(x * scale), face))
fdata = {'position': {
'left': scaled_face[0], 'top': scaled_face[1],
'width': scaled_face[2], 'height': scaled_face[3]}}
roi = list(map(int, [
max(0, face[0] - (face[2] / 8)),
max(0, face[1] - (face[3] / 8)),
min(img.shape[0], face[2] + (2 * face[2] / 8)),
min(img.shape[1], face[3] + (2 * face[3] / 8))]))
face_img = img[roi[1]:roi[1] + roi[3] - 1,
roi[0]:roi[0] + roi[2] - 1]

def feat_mid(rect, offx, offy):
return (int(scale * (roi[0] + rect[0] + offx + rect[2] / 2)),
int(scale * (roi[1] + rect[1] + offy + rect[3] // 2)))

eye_img = face_img[:roi[3] // 2, :]
nested = list(drop_overlapping_regions(haar(eye_img, 'nested')))
if len(nested) == 2:
nested = sorted(nested, key=lambda x: x[0])
fdata['eyes'] = (feat_mid(nested[0], 0, 0),
feat_mid(nested[1], 0, 0))
eyes_found = []
for eye in ['left_eye', 'right_eye']:
eye_feats = haar(eye_img, eye, single=True)
if len(eye_feats) == 1:
eyes_found.append(feat_mid(eye_feats[0], 0, 0))
if len(eyes_found) > 0:
fdata['eyes'] = tuple(eyes_found)

ear_offy = roi[3] // 8
ear_img = face_img[ear_offy:roi[3] * 7 // 8, :]
ears_found = []
for ear in ['left_ear', 'right_ear']:
ear_feats = haar(ear_img, ear, single=True)
if len(ear_feats) == 1:
ears_found.append(feat_mid(ear_feats[0], 0, ear_offy))
if len(ears_found) > 0:
fdata['ears'] = tuple(ears_found)

nose_offx, nose_offy = roi[2] // 4, roi[3] // 4
nose_img = face_img[nose_offy:roi[3] * 3 // 4,
nose_offx:roi[2] * 3 // 4]
nose_feats = haar(nose_img, 'nose', single=True)
if len(nose_feats) == 1:
fdata['nose'] = feat_mid(nose_feats[0], nose_offx, nose_offy)

mouth_offy = roi[3] // 2
mouth_img = face_img[mouth_offy:, :]
mouth_feats = haar(mouth_img, 'mouth', single=True)
if len(mouth_feats) == 1:
fdata['mouth'] = feat_mid(mouth_feats[0], 0, mouth_offy)

return {'OpenCV:Faces': data}

def analyze_facial_landmarks(self,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -272,9 +445,9 @@ def tup2(pt1, pt2):
# Point 34 is the tip of the nose
fdata['nose'] = tup(shape.part(34))
# Point 40 and 37 are the two corners of the left eye
fdata['left_eye'] = tup2(shape.part(40), shape.part(37))
# Point 46 and 43 are the two corners of the right eye
fdata['right_eye'] = tup2(shape.part(46), shape.part(43))
fdata['eyes'] = (tup2(shape.part(40), shape.part(37)),
tup2(shape.part(46), shape.part(43)))
# Point 49 and 55 are the two outer corners of the mouth
fdata['mouth'] = tup2(shape.part(49), shape.part(55))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -380,11 +553,11 @@ def analyze_barcode_zbar(self):
- confidence - The quality of the barcode. The higher it is
the more accurate the detection is.
with warnings.catch_warnings():
# Supress warning about precision lost in float -> ubyte
image_array = skimage.img_as_ubyte(
image_array = self.fetch('ndarray_grey')
if image_array.ndim == 3:
logging.warn('Barcodes cannot be detected in animated images '
'using zbar.')
return {}
height, width = image_array.shape
zbar_img = zbar.Image(width, height, 'Y800', image_array.tobytes())
scanner = zbar.ImageScanner()
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53 changes: 49 additions & 4 deletions tests/image/
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Expand Up @@ -136,6 +136,51 @@ def test_color_average_animated_image(self):
self.assertEqual(data['Color:ClosestLabeledColorRGB'], (223, 223, 227))

class ImageFileFaceHAARCascadesTest(unittest.TestCase):

def test_face_haarcascade_charlie_chaplin(self):
with ImageFile(fetch_file('charlie_chaplin.jpg')) as uut:
data = uut.analyze_face_haarcascades()
self.assertIn('OpenCV:Faces', data)
self.assertEqual(len(data['OpenCV:Faces']), 1)

face = data['OpenCV:Faces'][0]
self.assertIn((662, 558), face['eyes'])
self.assertEqual(face['nose'], (776, 688))
self.assertEqual(face['mouth'], (735, 794))

def test_face_haarcascade_mona_lisa(self):
with ImageFile(fetch_file('mona_lisa.jpg')) as uut:
data = uut.analyze_face_haarcascades()
self.assertIn('OpenCV:Faces', data)
self.assertEqual(len(data['OpenCV:Faces']), 1)

face = data['OpenCV:Faces'][0]
self.assertEqual(face['nose'], (318, 310))
self.assertEqual(face['mouth'], (325, 341))

def test_face_haarcascade_monkey_face(self):
_file = ImageFile(fetch_file('monkey_face.jpg'))
data = _file.analyze_face_haarcascades()
self.assertEqual(data, {})

def test_face_haarcascade_baby_face(self):
_file = ImageFile(fetch_file('baby_face.jpg'))
data = _file.analyze_face_haarcascades()
self.assertIn('OpenCV:Faces', data)
self.assertEqual(len(data['OpenCV:Faces']), 1)

face = data['OpenCV:Faces'][0]
self.assertEqual(face['mouth'], (851, 1381))
self.assertIn('position', face)

def test_face_haarcascade_animated_image(self):
_file = ImageFile(fetch_file('animated.gif'))
data = _file.analyze_face_haarcascades()
self.assertEqual(data, {})

# Increase the timeout as the first time it will need to download the
# shape predictor data ~60MB
Expand All @@ -153,8 +198,9 @@ def test_facial_landmarks_mona_lisa(self):
self.assertEqual(len(data['dlib:Faces']), 1)
face = data['dlib:Faces'][0]

self.assertEqual(face['left_eye'], (288, 252))
self.assertEqual(face['right_eye'], (361, 251))
self.assertEqual((face['eyes']), 2)
self.assertIn((288, 252), face['eyes'])
self.assertIn((361, 251), face['eyes'])
self.assertEqual(face['nose'], (325, 318))
self.assertEqual(face['mouth'], (321, 338))

Expand All @@ -165,8 +211,7 @@ def test_facial_landmarks_baby_face(self):
self.assertEqual(len(data['dlib:Faces']), 1)

face = data['dlib:Faces'][0]
self.assertNotIn('left_eye', face)
self.assertNotIn('right_eye', face)
self.assertNotIn('eyes', face)
self.assertNotIn('nose', face)
self.assertNotIn('mouth', face)
self.assertIn('position', face)
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