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Acala Runtime Events

Runtime Events

Auction Related

Event Parameters Description Module
NewCollateralAuction 1. AuctionId : new collateral auction id</br> 2. CurrencyId : collateral type</br> 3. Balance : collateral amount</br> 4. Balance : target aUSD amount, when bid >= target, auction is in reverse stage</br> collateral auction created AuctionManager
NewDebitAuction 1. AuctionId : auction id</br> 2. Balance : initial avalible ACA amount </br> 3. Balance : fixed aUSD amount, bid must >= it</br> debit auction created AuctionManager
NewSurplusAuction 1. AuctionId : auction id</br> 2. Balance : aUSD amount of surplus</br> surplus auction created AuctionManager
CancelAuction 1. AuctionId : auction id</br> auction canceled AuctionManager
AuctionDealed 1. AuctionId : auction id</br> auction dealed AuctionManager
Bid 1. AuctionId : auction id</br> 2. AccountId : bidder address </br> 3. Balance : bid price</br> bid succeeded Auction

DEX Related

Event Parameters Description Module
AddLiquidity 1. AccountId : who add liquidity to pool</br> 2. CurrencyId : specific liquidity pool of other token / aUSD pair</br> 3. Balance : other token amount added</br> 4. Balance : aUSD amount added</br> 5. Share : increased share amount</br> add liquidity to specific pool Dex
WithdrawLiquidity 1. AccountId : who withdraw liquidity from pool</br> 2. CurrencyId : specific liquidity pool of other token / aUSD pair</br> 3. Balance : other token amount withdrew </br> 4. Balance : aUSD amount withdrew</br> 5. Share : decreased share amount</br> withdraw liquidity from specific pool Dex
Swap 1. AccountId : exchanger</br> 2. CurrencyId : the token type which exchanger sold to DEX </br> 3. Balance : amount of sold token </br> 4. CurrencyId : the token type which exchanger bought from DEX</br> 5. Balance : amount of bought token</br> swap token to another token with DEX Dex

Homa Related

Event Parameters Description Module
BondAndMint 1. AccountId : caller</br> 2. Balance : DOT amount to bond by homa protocol </br> 3. Balance : issued LDOT amount to caller</br> lock DOT to Homa protocal and issue liquid DOT StakingPool
RedeemByUnbond 1. AccountId : caller</br> 2. Balance : amount of LDOT to redeem</br> redeem DOT by normal unbonding StakingPool
RedeemByFreeUnbonded 1. AccountId : caller</br> 2. Balance : fee in LDOT</br> 3. Balance : LDOT amount to redeem</br> 4. Balance : redeemed DOT amount</br> redeem DOT directly with Homa free pool StakingPool
RedeemByClaimUnbonding 1. AccountId : caller</br> 2. EraIndex: target era index to claim redeption</br> 3. Balance : fee in LDOT</br> 4. Balance : LDOT amount to redeem</br> 5. Balance : redeemed DOT amount</br> redeem DOT by claiming unbonding StakingPool

CDP Related

Event Parameters Description Module
Authorization 1. AccountId : authorizer account</br> 2. AccountId : the authorized account</br> 3. CurrencyId : the authorized loan type</br> An account authorize other account to manipulate its specific type of loan Honzon
UnAuthorization 1. AccountId : authorizer account</br> 2. AccountId : the authorized account</br> 3. CurrencyId : the authorized loan type</br> authorizer account revoke the right of authorized account to manipulate specific type of loan Honzon
UnAuthorizationAll 1. AccountId : authorizer account</br> account revoked all authorization to other accounts with all loan types Honzon
LiquidateUnsafeCDP 1. CurrencyId : collateral token type</br> 2. AccountId : owner of the liquidated CDP</br> 3. Balance : the confiscated amount for liquidation</br> 4. Balance : the bad debt amount(in aUSD) produced by the liquidated Cdp</br> liquidate an unsafe CDP CdpEngine
SettleCDPInDebit 1. CurrencyId : collateral token type</br> 2. AccountId : owner of the settled CDP</br> settle a CDP has debit after emergency shutdown begin CdpEngine
UpdatePosition 1. AccountId : CDP's owner</br> 2. CurrencyId : CDP's collateral type</br> 3. Amount : collateral adjustment amount, positive means collateral increased, negative means collateral decreased</br> 4. DebitAmount : debit adjustment amount, positive means CDP's debit increased and owner get more aUSD loan, negative means CDP's debit decreased and owner repay some debt</br> cdp owner manipulate his loan and collateral Loans
ConfiscateCollateralAndDebit 1. AccountId : CDP's owner</br> 2. CurrencyId : CDP's collateral type</br> 3. Balance : collateral amount to be confiscated </br> 4. DebitBalance : debit balance to be confiscated </br> emit by system operations for CDPs, such as settlement, liquidation Loans
TransferLoan 1. AccountId : sender</br> 2. AccountId : receiver</br> 3. CurrencyId : collateral type</br> sender transfer his whole specific collateral CDP(include all collateral amount and debit amount) to receiver Loans

Emergency Shutdown Related

Event Parameters Description Module
Shutdown 1. BlockNumber : block number the emergency shutdown occurs system emergency shutdown EmergencyShutdown
OpenRefund 1. BlockNumber : block number when refund operation is allowed refund operation opened EmergencyShutdown
Refund 1. Balance : aUSD amount used to refund refund succeeded EmergencyShutdown

Risk Management Parameters Related

Event Parameters Description Module
UpdateStabilityFee 1. CurrencyId : collateral type</br> 2. Option<Rate> : extra stalibity fee rate param updated CdpEngine
UpdateLiquidationRatio 1. CurrencyId : collateral type</br> 2. Option<Ratio> : liquidation ratio param updated CdpEngine
UpdateLiquidationPenalty 1. CurrencyId : collateral type</br> 2. Option<Rate> : extra penalty rate when CDP liquidated param updated CdpEngine
UpdateRequiredCollateralRatio 1. CurrencyId : collateral type</br> 2. Option<Ratio> : the limit of collateral ratio when owner manipulate param updated CdpEngine
UpdateMaximumTotalDebitValue 1. CurrencyId : collateral type</br> 2. Balance : aUSD cap issued by this type of collateral param updated CdpEngine
UpdateSurplusAuctionFixedSize 1. Balance : fixed aUSD amount to be sold in a surplus auction</br> param updated CdpTreasury
UpdateSurplusBufferSize 1. Balance : surplus pool buffer size, surplus auction is only created when surplus pool exceed it</br> param updated CdpTreasury
UpdateInitialAmountPerDebitAuction 1. Balance : initial ACA amount to be sold in a debit auction</br> param updated CdpTreasury
UpdateDebitAuctionFixedSize 1. Balance : fixed aUSD amount to buy a debit auction</br> param updated CdpTreasury
UpdateCollateralAuctionMaximumSize 1. CurrencyId : collateral type</br> 2. Balance : max collateral amount to be sold when create new collateral auction param updated CdpTreasury