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Lab 04 - Using React Router

Table of Contents

Installing React Router

React Router is the standard routing library for React that keeps your UI in sync with the URL.

The library has been divided into three packages: react-router, react-router-dom and react-router-native. The main package provides the core routing components and functions and the other two provide environment specific (browser and mobile) components.

You should choose the right one depending on your application. Because you are building a website, start installing the react-router-dom.

Install React Router (react-router-dom)

npm install react-router-dom --save

Adding a Router Component

At the core of every React Router application should be a router component. Also, you need to determine which type of router to use. For web projects that need to handle dynamic requests BrowserRouter is the most suitable.

BrowserRouter is a wrapper for your application that uses the HTML5 history API (pushState, replaceState and the popstate event) to keep your UI in sync with the URL of the browser.

  1. Import BrowserRouter from react-router-dom in your App controller:

    /* App.jsx */
    import { BrowserRouter } from "react-router-dom";
  2. Wrap the App render with your imported <BrowserRouter>:

    /* App.jsx */
    render() {
        return (
            <div className="App">
                    <div className="App__root">
                        <Fetch path={'general'} fetchOptions={FETCH_OPTIONS}>
                            {({ data, loading, error }) => {
                                if (error) {
                                    return (
                                        <Notification type="error"
                                            message= {error.message}
                                if (loading) {
                                    return <Loader />;
                                if (data && data.logo) {
                                    return <Header logo={data.logo} />
                                return <Loader />;
                        <div className="Main">
                            Main content
                        <Footer />

    A Router component only expect to receive a single child element. So, to handle this limitation, you have created a <div class="App__root"></div> tag to wrap the rest of the components.

Learn more about React Router

Creating a Main Container and Refactoring

  1. Create a new directory src/containers/Main and add a Main component:

    /* Main.jsx */
    import React from 'react';
    import './Main.css';
    class Main extends React.Component {
        render() {
            return (
                <div className="Main">
                    Main content
    export default Main;

    Create an index.js file and import/export your component:

    /* src\containers\index.js */
    import Main from './Main/Main';
    export {
  2. Create an empty Main.scss file and add the following styles:

    /* Main.scss */
    @import 'assets/styles/common/variables';
    .Main {
        padding: 2.5rem 0;
        background: $light-gray;
        text-align: center;
  3. In App.jsx, remove the Main div and replace it by the new Main component:

      /* App.jsx */
    import { Main } from '../../containers';
    /* App.jsx */
    render() {
        return (
            <div className="App">
                    <div className="App__root">
                        <Fetch path={'general'} options={FETCH_OPTIONS}>
                            {({ data, loading, error }) => {
                                if (error) {
                                    return (
                                        <Notification type="error"
                                            message= {error.message}
                                if (loading) {
                                    return <Loader />;
                                if (data && data.logo) {
                                    return <Header logo={data.logo} />
                                return <Loader />;
    -                   <p className="Main">
    -                       Main content
    -                   </p>
    +                   <Main />
                        <Footer />

Refactoring in React is a common process to maintain a clean code and improve the quality of your project, identifying reusable pieces of components and changing the design without modifying the end result of the application and how it is working.

  1. Remove the Fetch component in the App controller and render only the Header, Main and Footer components:

    /* App.jsx */
    render() {
        return (
            <div className="App">
                    <div className="App__root">
                        <Header />
                        <Main />
                        <Footer />
  2. Add the Fetch service in the Header component to get the logo url and delete the PropTypes (Now, you don't need to check the type of the props because the component it is not receiving props):

    /* Header.jsx */
    import { Menu, Loader, Notification } from '../../components';
    import { Fetch } from '../../services/api';
    const FETCH_OPTIONS = {
        method: 'GET',
        headers: {}
        <div className="Header__logo">
            <Fetch path={'general'} options={FETCH_OPTIONS}>
                {({ data, loading, error }) => {
                    if (error) {
                        return (
                            <Notification type="error"
                                message= {error.message}
                    if (loading) {
                        return <Loader />;
                    if (data && data.logo) {
                        return (
                            <img alt="Accenture Logo"
                    return <Loader />;

    Now, your Header component is responsible by itself to call to the Fetch service and get the url for the logo.

An online search about how to Refactor in React will return a lot of information, tips and tricks.

React Navigation: Links, Switches and Routes

React Router provides a Link component to render an accessible navigation around the application. Wherever you render a <Link>, an anchor <a> will appear in the DOM.

Link component is responsible for requesting the location that it should navigate to using the to prop, which value can be either a string or a location object.

  1. Replace the anchor <a> links inMenu.js using Link component:

    /* Menu.jsx */
    import { Link } from 'react-router-dom'
            <li><Link to="/">Home</Link></li>
            <li><Link to="/services">Services</Link></li>
            <li><Link to="/innovation">Innovation</Link></li>
            <li><Link to="/guestbook">Guestbook</Link></li>

    Learn more about Link Component

    Now, launch your application by running npm start and click on each menu link. The address in your browser is updated each time you click on a link item.

  2. Create four new containers —Home, Services, Innovation and Guestbook— as React Components, to render each page of your application following this basic structure:

    /* Home.jsx */
    import React from 'react';
    class Home extends React.Component {
        render() {
            return (
                <div className="Home">
                    Home Page
    export default Home;
  3. Add your new container Components to the containers/index.js file:

    /* src/containers/index.js */
    import Main from './Main/Main';
    import Home from './Home/Home';
    import Services from './Services/Services';
    import Innovation from './Innovation/Innovation';
    import Guestbook from './Guestbook/Guestbook';
    export {
  4. Render the content for each page using Switch and Routes from React Router inside of your Main controller. The Switch component renders the first Route or Redirect that matches the location. On the other hand, the Route component, perhaps the most important in React Router, is responsible to render other components or HTML content when a location matches the route’s path.

    /* Main.jsx */
    import { Switch, Route } from "react-router-dom";
    import { Home, Services, Innovation, Guestbook } from "../../containers";
    <div className="Main">
            <Route exact path="/" component={Home} />
            <Route path="/services" component={Services} />
            <Route path="/innovation" component={Innovation} />
            <Route path="/guestbook" component={Guestbook} />

    The route for Home includes an exact prop to __ match only when the pathname matches the route’s path exactly.

    Learn more about Switch and Route

Creating a custom 404 NotFound Page

Now, what happens if a user hits a route that is not defined? Let’s set up a 404 route and component that will return if the route is not found.

  1. Create a new NotFound folder in scr/containers directory.

  2. Create a NotFound.jsx and a NotFound.scss files:

    /* NotFound.jsx */
    import React from 'react';
    import { Link } from 'react-router-dom';
    import './NotFound.css'
    class NotFound extends React.PureComponent {
        render() {
            return (
                <div className="NotFound">
                    <p className="NotFound__title">404<br/>This page is not found</p>
                    <p><Link to="/">Return to Home Page</Link></p>
    export default NotFound;
    /* NotFound.scss */
            font-size: 2.5rem;
  3. Import your new component into the containers/index.jsfile:

    /* src/containers/index.js */
        import Home from './Home/Home';
        import Main from './Main/Main';
    +   import NotFound from './NotFound/NotFound';
        import Services from './Services/Services';
        import Innovation from './Innovation/Innovation';
        import Guestbook from './Guestbook/Guestbook';
        export {
    +       NotFound,
  4. Below your /guestbook route in Main component, create a new route:

    /* Main.jsx */
    import {
    +   NotFound,
    } from "../../containers";
        <Route exact path="/" component={Home} />
        <Route path="/services" component={Services} />
        <Route path="/innovation" component={Innovation} />
        <Route path="/guestbook" component={Guestbook} />
    +   <Route path='*' component={NotFound} />

Now, if you navigate to some route that has not been defined http://localhost:3000/example, your 404 NotFound page will appear.

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