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Retroceptor Android Library

Simple library that allows you to define custom network interceptors on Retrofit layer with support for returning Deferred types, so you can use Kotlin suspend functions for making your requests.


Maven Central


  • Provides a chainable abstraction with CallFactoryInterceptor allowing you to define custom interceptors to alter network requests behaviour.


implementation 'io.github.ackeecz:retroceptor-core:x.x.x'


When creating your API service, just provide RetroceptorCallAdapterFactory with custom defined CallChainInterceptors to Retrofit builder.

Caution! Do not add multiple RetroceptorCallAdapterFactory instances, because only the first one will be used due to Retrofit implementation. When you want to provide multiple interceptors, just pass all of them to single RetroceptorCallAdapterFactory as illustrated in the example below:

    class MyLoggingInterceptor : CallFactoryInterceptor {

        override fun intercept(chain: CallChain): Call<*> {
            return chain.proceed(LoggingCall(

    class LoggingCall<T>(private val call: Call<T>) : CallDelegate<T, T>(call) {
        override fun cloneImpl(): Call<T> = LoggingCall(call.clone())

        override fun enqueueImpl(callback: Callback<T>) {
            call.enqueue(object : Callback<T> {
                override fun onFailure(call: Call<T>, t: Throwable) {
                    // check if error is something you want to log and proceed

                override fun onResponse(call: Call<T>, response: Response<T>) {
                    callback.onResponse(call, response)

    val apiDescription = retrofitBuilder



Maven Central


This library provides easy mechanism for authentication handling, which consists of two basic parts:

  1. Adding authentication metadata such as HTTP headers to all Retrofit requests
  2. Automatic refresh of expired auth credentials such as access tokens

It includes support for OAuth2 flow including refresh token handling. However, you can write custom implementation if you use different type of authentication flow.


implementation 'io.github.ackeecz:retroceptor-auth:x.x.x'

Usage - OAuth2

Working sample with OAuth2 flow is provided in the app module.


  • Create instance of OAuthManager
  • Add RetroceptorCallAdapterFactory with OAuthRefreshCallInterceptor to Retrofit call adapter factories
  • Add OkHttp interceptor provided by oAuthManager.provideAuthInterceptor() function to inject Authorization HTTP header to your requests
  • (optional) Annotate API Service interface method with @IgnoreAuth to skip access token injection into request headers for requests that do not require authentication (such as login endpoints).
val oAuthManager = OAuthManager(
        context = app,
        refreshTokenAction = { authApiDescription.refreshAccessToken(it) },
        onRefreshTokenFailed = { logouter.logout() }

val authHeaderInterceptor = oAuthManager.provideAuthInterceptor()
val callAdapterFactory: RetroceptorCallAdapterFactory = RetroceptorCallAdapterFactory(OAuthCallInterceptor(oAuthManager))

val okHttpClient = OkHttpClient.Builder()
    // ...
val retrofit = Retrofit.Builder()
    // ...

Storing credentials

You can save OAuth credentials with saveCredentials(credentials: OAuthCredentials) method. You may want to do this after receiving credentials from server, e.g. after login or sign in.

suspend fun login(username: String, password: String): User {
    return with(api.login(ApiUsernameLoginRequest(username, password))) {

Clearing credentials

After logging out, you may want to remove credentials from the store.

suspend fun logout() {
    authDescription.logout().also {

Error handling

By default, access token is considered as expired when server returns HTTP 401 Unauthorized response. Refresh token is considered as expired when server returns HTTP 400 Bad Request or HTTP 401 Unauthorized responses. You can modify this behavior with providing custom AuthErrorChecker to OAuthManager.

// Equivalent to invalid access token in OAuth2 flow - called when network request failed
override fun invalidCredentials(t: Throwable): Boolean {
    if (t is HttpException) {
        if (t.code() == HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED) {
            return true // access token invalid
    return false // access token valid

// Equivalent to invalid refresh toke in OAuth2 flow - called when request for credentials refresh failed
override fun invalidRefreshCredentials(t: Throwable): Boolean {
    if (t is HttpException) {
        when (t.code()) {
            HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED -> true // refresh token invalid
            else -> false // refresh token valid
    return false // refresh token valid

Please note that when you use custom CallFactoryInterceptor that maps exceptions on network layer, it should be added before your AuthInterceptor. In this case you need to provide custom AuthErrorChecker which will receive mapped exceptions.

Usage - custom authentication flow

When using different auth flow than OAuth2, you have to write custom AuthManager implementation. Otherwise usage is exactly the same as when using provided OAuthManager .

But don't worry, it's easier than it sounds! These are necessary steps for the implementation:

  1. Create custom AuthCredentials
  2. Implement AuthStore for storing your credentials
  3. Create OkHttp Interceptor for injecting authorization metadata to network requests
  4. Create your custom AuthManager<C : AuthCredentials>


Simple interface for auth credentials model entity. If your credentials contains information about time of expiration, you should override areExpired() function.


data class OAuthCredentials(
    val accessToken: String,
    val refreshToken: String,
    val expiresIn: Long? = null
) : AuthCredentials {

    override fun areExpired(): Boolean {
        return expiresIn?.let { expiration ->
            System.currentTimeMillis() >= expiration
        } ?: false


Library doesn't know how to serialize and properly store your newly created AuthCredentials, that's why you have to create custom AuthStore. You can use SharedPreferences, local database or any other persistency solution that you prefer.

Simplified example:

class OAuthStore : AuthStore<OAuthCredentials> {

    private val sp: SharedPreferences

    override val authCredentials: OAuthCredentials?
        get() = sp.getString("credentials", null)?.deserialize()

    override fun saveCredentials(credentials: OAuthCredentials) {
        sp.edit {
            putString("credentials", credentials.serialize())

    override fun clearCredentials() {

OkHttp Authentication Interceptor

Custom interceptor that adds authentication metadata to your requests.


class OAuthHeaderInterceptor (private val authStore: AuthStore<OAuthCredentials>) : Interceptor {

    override fun intercept(chain: Interceptor.Chain): Response {
        val originalRequest = chain.request()
        val builder = originalRequest.newBuilder()

        val accessToken = authStore.authCredentials?.accessToken?.takeIf { it.isNotBlank() }
        accessToken?.let { token ->
            builder.addHeader("Authorization", "Bearer $token")

        return chain.proceed(


Wraps all concepts mentioned above to single class that you'll interact with. All you need to do is initialize base AuthManager with all values and return your OkHttp interceptor from provideAuthInterceptor() function.

Simplified example:

class OAuthManager internal constructor(
    oAuthStore: OAuthStore,
    refreshCredentialsAction: suspend (OAuthCredentials?) -> OAuthCredentials,
    onRefreshCredentialsFailed: (Throwable) -> Unit = {},
    errorChecker: AuthErrorChecker = DefaultAuthErrorChecker()
) : AuthManager<OAuthCredentials>(
    authStore = oAuthStore,
    refreshCredentialsAction = refreshCredentialsAction,
    onRefreshCredentialsFailed = onRefreshCredentialsFailed,
    errorChecker = errorChecker
) {

    override fun provideAuthInterceptor() = OAuthHeaderInterceptor(authStore)