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741 lines (561 loc) · 25.3 KB

7/8/2023 - User CRUD

Following endpoints were created

  • Fetch all users GET /api/v1/users
  • Fetch single user GET /api/v1/users/{id}
  • Create new user POST /api/v1/users
  • Update single user PATCH /api/v1/users/{id}
  • Delete user DELETE /api/v1/users/{id}

8/8/2023 - Agency | Creative CRUD

Following endpoints were created

  • Fetch all agencies GET /api/v1/agencies
  • Fetch single agency GET /api/v1/agencies/{id}
  • Create new agency POST /api/v1/agencies
  • Update single agency PATCH /api/v1/agencies/{id}
  • Delete agency DELETE /api/v1/agencies/{id}

  • Fetch all creatives GET /api/v1/creatives
  • Fetch single creative GET /api/v1/creatives/{id}
  • Create new creative POST /api/v1/creatives
  • Update single creative PATCH /api/v1/creatives/{id}
  • Delete creative DELETE /api/v1/creatives/{id}

Config file for global settings

  • Datetime format 2023-08-08 19:08:02 (Y-m-d H:i:s)

9/8/2023 - Job | Application | Resumes| Link | Phone | Address | CRUD

Following endpoints were created

  • Fetch all jobs GET /api/v1/jobs
  • Fetch single job GET /api/v1/jobs/{id}
  • Create new job: POST /api/v1/jobs
  • Update single job: PATCH /api/v1/jobs/{id}
  • Delete job: DELETE /api/v1/jobs/{id}

  • Fetch all applications: GET /api/v1/applications
  • Fetch single application: GET /api/v1/applications/{id}
  • Create new application: POST /api/v1/applications
  • Update single application: PATCH /api/v1/applications/{id}
  • Delete application: DELETE /api/v1/applications/{id}

  • Fetch all resumes: GET /api/v1/resumes
  • Fetch single resume: GET /api/v1/resumes/{id}
  • Create new resume: POST /api/v1/resumes
  • Update single resume: PATCH /api/v1/resumes/{id}
  • Delete resume: DELETE /api/v1/resumes/{id}

  • Fetch all links: GET /api/v1/links
  • Fetch single link: GET /api/v1/links/{id}
  • Create new link: POST /api/v1/links
  • Update single link: PATCH /api/v1/links/{id}
  • Delete link: DELETE /api/v1/links/{id}

  • Fetch all phone numbers: GET /api/v1/phones
  • Fetch single phone number: GET /api/v1/phones/{id}
  • Create new phone number: POST /api/v1/phones
  • Update single phone number: PATCH /api/v1/phones/{id}
  • Delete phone number: DELETE /api/v1/phones/{id}

  • Fetch all addresses: GET /api/v1/addresses
  • Fetch single address: GET /api/v1/addresses/{id}
  • Create new address: POST /api/v1/addresses
  • Update single address: PATCH /api/v1/addresses/{id}
  • Delete address: DELETE /api/v1/addresses/{id}

10/8/2023 - Attachment | Notes | CRUD

  • Seeders for -- Categories -- Industries
  • Global Exception handling
  • Cache Implementattion
  • Notes CRUD Endpoints
  • Attachments CRUD Endpoints

11/8/2023 - Bookmarks | Educations | Experiences | Categories | Industries CRUD

  • Bookmarks API Endpoints
  • Educations API Endpoints
  • Experiences API Endpoints
  • Categories API Endpoints
  • Industries API Endpoints

14/8/2023 - Worked on Adeel bhai's personal project

15/8/2023 - Filters On All Entities

  • Users ( Agencies | Creatives )
  • Jobs
  • Applications
  • Notes
  • Resumes
  • Educations
  • Experiences
  • Atachments
  • Links
  • Phones
  • Addresses
  • Bookmarks

16/8/2023 - Authentication & Authorization

  • All the endpoints require token based authentication except registration and login
  • /login will give token that can be used in all subsiquent requests.
  • Roles and permissions created for critical entities and assigned to appropriate roles.
  • New registered user will acquire all the permissions based on its role.
  • Following permissions will be check based on role
  • Agency role can: -- create update delete agencies , jobs and other common entities
  • Creative role can: -- create update delete creatives , applications, resumes, eduaction, experience and other common entities
  • Advisor role user has all the permissions of agency , creative and other common entities.

Common entities:

  • Phones
  • Addresses
  • Links
  • Attachments
  • Bookmarks
  • Notes

17/8/2023 - Admin Dashboard

  • Login form for admin
  • Admin can -- Create new users -- Update existing users (password, status, role etc) -- View all users -- Apply filters on Users (role, status, email, username) -- Pagination (Previous | Next page) -- Per Page Filter (10 | 20 | 50 PerPage)
  • With proper toast notifications and error alerts

18/8/2023 - Admin Dashboard | Job Module

Admin can

  • View all jobs
  • Delete any job
  • Apply different filters on the jobs -Title -Category -Employement Type -Industry Experience -Media Experience -Labels (Featured, Remote, Urgent etc)
  • See all the applications sent on that particular job
  • Download Resumes attached by candidates

21/8/2023 - Admin Dashboard | Stat Widgets

  • Admin can update user status
  • Admin can approve or reject job status
  • Admin can also filter jobs based on Status(Pending, Approved, Expired, Filled)
  • Admin can also view agency or creative info by clikcing on detail button
  • Dashboard -- User Stats Widgets -- Job Stats Widgets -- Chart for last 7 days registered users -- Chart for last 7 days posted jobs

22/8/2023 - Stripe Integration

  • User can purchase the plan
  • User can cancel the subscription
  • List all current subscriptions

23/8/2023 - Managing Quota For User's Plan

  • Default Job status set to "Draft"
  • Agency user can publish the job
  • While changing status from draft to published, Checking if he has quota remaning?
  • If no quota remaining
    • Dont allow job publishing
  • If has quota:
    • Allow job publishing
    • Decrease the quota value for that user's plan
  • Dashboard widget for Sales (package wise)
  • Last 7 days sale graph
  • Order page:
    • Admin can see all the orders on single page with their corresponding user and amount

24/8/2023 - Community | Groups

  • Created Migration and Models for
    • Groups
    • Group Members
    • Posts
    • Likes
    • Comments
  • API Endpoint for listing all groups (with status and name filter)
  • Admin Can:
    • Create New Group
    • See Details of Group
    • Update the group (status, name, description, cover_image)
    • Delete the group

25/8/2023 - Admin | Posts

  • API Endpoint for Posts
  • Admin can:
    • See all Posts
    • Update post status
    • Delete the post
    • Filter posts by:
      • Group
      • Author
      • Status
  • Admin can:
    • Add members to group
    • See all members of group

28/8/2023 - Admin | Comments | Likes

  • API Endpoints for
    • Comments
    • Likes
  • Admin can:
    • Update role of group member
    • Can see all the comments of post (along with comment authors) on single post page
    • Can see all the attachments of post.
    • Can see total likes on the post

29/8/2023 - Reviews

  • Endpoint for Reviews:
    • Agency or Creative can put refiew on each other
    • You can filter the reviews by target entity (e.g. Agency User ID, Creative User ID)
    • You will also get average rating in the response

30/8/2023 - Dashboard | Jobs detail page | Locations

  • Admin Dashboard:
    • Added more fields on job detail page
    • Separate dropdows links for Creative and Agencies
    • Locations module added, admin can:
      • Create New States and View Existing states
      • Create New Cities within specific State and View Existing States

31/8/2023 - Agency | Creative Extra Fields

  • Admin Dashboard:
    • Can see advisors with different dropdown menu
    • Extra Fields in agency/advisor profile
    • Extra fields in creative profile

01/9/2023 - Agency | Job Add/Update | Categories

  • Admin Dashboard:
    • Can see advisors, creatives and agencies as separate menu options
    • Can add new job
    • Can update the Job (with more fields)
    • Can manage categories (View | Update | Delete)

04/9/2023 - Dashboard | Taxonomies

  • Admin can manage:
    • Industry Experiences
    • Media Experiences
    • Years of Experiences
  • Separate Add and View page for all taxonomies
  • API endpoints for Industy, Media and Years of Experience

05/9/2023 - Dashboard | Static to dynamic dropdowns for Taxonomies

  • Separate endpoints for industry & mdedia experiences
  • Years of experience is dynamic (from backend)
  • Few extra fields added in agency profile
  • Some visual fixes
  • Logs endpoint for viewing error logs for admin e.g /logs
  • Implemented AWS S3 bucket for storing images

06/9/2023 - Dashboard | More meta fields in agency, creatives and job

  • Agency meta fields for making featured and also added workplace preference
  • Creatives meta field for making featured, urgent, remote and relocation.
  • Modified database structure for handling data more efficiently.
  • Job meta fields added for workplace preference, adding location (state and city)
  • Added location and sub-agency info in jobs API

07/9/2023 - Dashboard | Bug Fixes | Enhancements | Activity Logs

  • Modified few fields in agency | creatives | advisors and jobs
  • Some bug fixes on job detail page
  • Corrected the image upload process for job and groups
  • Added more fields in jobs, agency and creatives API
  • Added Telescope for activity logs

08/9/2023 - Chat Funtionality

  • API endpoint for sending new message.
  • API endpoint for all related users
    • (with name and last one message to show in left panel of messaging screen
    • from where we select any user and start the chat).
  • Created frontend which will be used by admin to view messages of all the users.

11/9/2023 - Chat Functionality

  • API endpoints for chats
  • Created impersonating route

12/9/2023 - Dashboard | Strengths CRUD

  • API endpoints for all strengths(tags).
  • Added strengths module in admin dashboard
  • Added strengths field in creatives profile
  • Setup email on admin action (single email for now)

13/9/2023 - Extra fields

  • Added open_to_relocation and open_to_remote in jobs section
  • Added workplace preference in creatives profile
  • Setup Emails with Queues

14/9/2023 - Reset Password | Group Invitation

  • API endpoint which will send email to the user conatining the reset link
  • API endpoint which will allows user to enter new password alongwith token
  • API endpoint to allow ther User to send group invitation to other user
  • API endpoint to update the status of invitation, after that user will become member of that group
  • API endpoint to get all the invitations [with filter of user and status]

15/9/2023 - Advisor permission | Extra fields

  • Added new fields in jobs api endpoint
  • Added new fields in creatives api endpoint
  • Setup permission level for advisor role for different pages.
  • Sending email to admin when user purchases new order/package
  • Added character strengths field in jobs section

18/9/2023 - Location | Filters

  • Added location dropdown for creatives and agencies in admin dashboard
  • Upload profile Image for Creatives
  • Added location field in both (agencies | creatives)
  • Applied filters on agencies (name, location)
  • Applied filters on creatives (name, location, title)

19/9/2023 - Agency Filters | Job Alert Subscription

  • Created endpoint for users
    • To subscribe to any category for receiving emails
    • To enable/disable the email alert for new jobs
  • Applied filters on agencies (industry and media experiences)
  • Job alert to admin when new job is posted
  • Job alert to all the subscribers who have subscribed to any category when new job is posted

20/9/2023 - SEO

  • Admin can:
    • Update SEO (title, description, keywords) for creatives
    • Update SEO (title, description, keywords) for agencies
    • Update SEO (title, description, keywords) for jobs
    • Update SEO (title, description, keywords) for home page (Generic SEO)
  • Created endpoint for getting generic SEO for homepage
  • Included SEO tags in API response of agencies, creatives and jobs

21/9/2023 - SEO | Addtional fields in API

  • Added dynamic tags in SEO so that admin can easily configure SEO titles
  • Modify the registration flow to comply with need.

22/9/2023 - SEO | Addtional fields in API

  • Admin can set default SEO title for jobs and creatives
  • Add slug in jobs table, it will be auto-generated from different values of job table
  • Created endpoint for getting user subscription status, it will also show how many jobs user can post
  • Collaborated with frontend-dev to make proper flow by modifying API response (where needed)

25/9/2023 - Creative Spotlight

  • Admin can set default SEO title for creatives spotlight
  • Created endpoint which lists all the creatives spotlights along with their urls
  • Transformed creative title field from open text box to specific dropdown

26/9/2023 - Job Invitation | Creative Title field

  • Admin can set title (open text field) and also select from industry job title (dropdown).
  • Separate sections for showing portfolio items and spotlights.
  • Job Invitation funtionality for agency users.

27/9/2023 - Media page

  • Admin can see all the media attachments uploaded by all users
  • Can Apply all filter to
    • Select medias for particular user
    • Also for particular media type e.g.logo, profile_image etc

28/9/2023 - Media page | Coupons

  • Admin can
    • Update the status of media attachment
    • Can delete the media attachment
    • Filter the attachments based on their status
  • Enhanced payment flow a little bit (in progress)

29/9/2023 - Dynamic Content for Pages

  • Admin can
    • Update the content of folowing pages:
    • Home
    • Community
    • Footer
  • Enhancments in the payment flow

02/10/2023 - Assign advisor to Custom Job Request

  • Admin can
    • View all the custom job requests.
    • Update the status to accepted or rejected.
    • Assign any advisor to that job request.
    • Assign any package to that request.
  • API endpoint that will store the custom job reuqest into database.

03/10/2023 - Assign advisor to Custom Job Request

  • Admin can
    • Enter the text in text editor
    • Can also upload image in that editor even by dragging image instead of selecting.
  • Custom Job Request form fields updated for API as well as for admin panel.

04/10/2023 Data Import

  • Created endpoint for advisor where he can see all the assigned agencies.
  • Created endpoint with the help of that he can impersonate the agency profile.
  • Imported users data from WordPress

05/10/2023 Data Import (Agecnies | Creatives)

  • Fixed endpoint for media experience filter to work according to jobs.
  • Fixed endpoint for industry experience filter to work according to jobs.
  • Working on importing data for agencies and creatives

06/10/2023 Password Configuration | Filters Improvements

  • Fixed few filter endpoints.
  • Added some new keys in the resposne e.g. job api, agency and creative api
  • Make them filterable by slug
  • Fixed Password Update Bug
  • Configured the Laravel to use same wordpress password for logging into new react app

09/10/2023 Industry | Media Experience | Admin Dashboard Login

  • Admin now can login with wordpress password.
  • Non-admin users will not be even login to the admin dashboard.
  • Make Employment Type dropdown to select multiple values.
  • Industry | Media experiences are exported from wordpress.
  • Title (Free Text) is exported from wordpress.

10/10/2023 Education | Experience | Bug Fix

  • Exported education and experience for creatives
  • Exported Location for creatives
  • Location dropdown bug fixed
  • Added open_jobs field in agencies endpoint

11/10/2023 API enhancements

  • Agency Profile update endpoint
  • Agency Logo fixed
  • Added logo field in login route
  • Added location_id in job, creatives and agencies alongwith location name
  • Added test user (creative and agency) so that we don't have to create all details of particular user for testing.
  • Exported views count for creatives and agencies

12/10/2023 Jobs | API enhancements

  • Agency Profile update endpoint
  • Jobs exported (published and Expired status)
  • Bug Fix(industry and media experience dropdown) on job detail page

13/10/2023 Jobs | API enhancements

  • Creative Profile update endpoint
  • Fixed few bugs on All Jobs page
  • In job detail page (admin dashboard) put some error handing (where we noticed)
  • Job Update endpoint updated to work with latest set of fields

16/10/2023 STRIPE

  • Enhanced stripe payment flow
  • Setup stripe payment webhook so that we get the details of user and its purchased pakcage
  • Endpoint for getting all the purchased packages of user
  • Password Update endpoint added

17/10/2023 User Media Export

  • Created script for exporting
    • Profile Pictures
    • Agency Logo
    • Creative Spotlights
    • Portfolio Items
    • Resume
  • Admin can filter the attachments with email

18/10/2023 Bug Fixes

  • Media exported fixed.
  • Audit the admin dashboard and fixed few bugs.
  • Audit the frontend side and reported few bugs and fixed.
  • Group invitation email

19/10/2023 Chat | Bookmarks

  • Bookmarks API enhanced to include all the relevant fields.
  • In Chat API
    • In contacts endpoint, added the user resource and its image along with latest one message.
    • Also added field message_type, it tells the frontend whether it is received or sent message(with respect to currently logged in user).
    • In messages endpoint, also added same message_type field, and sorted the messages response (older at the top, latest at the end).
  • Figured out , why chat funtionality is not working.

20/10/2023 Notes | Queues

  • Notes API enhanced to include all the relevant fields and to work for all entities.
  • Applied relevant filters on Notes.
  • Applied relevant filters on Bookmarks.
  • Successfully setup Queues on the server for emails.
  • Working on Websockets configurations on server (in progress)

23/10/2023 API endpoints enhancement

  • Split the profile endpoint in two separate endpoints (for creative)
    • One for basic information e.g. phone number, linkedin .
    • Other for resume fields.
  • Added author profile picture in posts.
  • Configured post images filter on attachamnets route.
  • Map the IP addresses of laravel server and react frontend to test domain name,
    • So that websockets can works correctly.
  • Still working on Websockets configurations on server (in progress)

24/10/2023 Resume | Jobs

  • Created endpoint for applied jobs (for creative).
  • Make resume template with dynamic values.
  • Still working on Websockets configurations on server (in progress)

25/10/2023 Friendship Module

  • Created endpoint for sending friend request.
  • FriendRequest email configured to sent.
  • Created endpoint for accepting or rejecting the friend request.
  • FriendRequest Accepted email configured to sent.
  • Added User_id in the groups table, so that any user can create the group instead of just admin.

26/10/2023 Account Emails | API Endpoints

  • Modified the endpoint for education and experience (for creative user).
  • Modify the posts endpoint to include atleast 3 comments by default.
  • Made the following emails ready:
    • Agency User Registration
    • Creative User Registration
    • Account Approved
    • Account Rejected
    • Reset Password Email

27/10/2023 API Endpoint fixed (community section)

  • Added user resource in comments.
  • Included comments in post resource.
  • Created endpoint for my_friends .
  • Worked on Pusher Bug Fix.
  • Added author_slug in posts endpoint.

30/10/2023 Website Review | Data Import

  • Reviewed the website from frontend and noted all the bugs and inconsistencies.
  • Fixed few bugs from admin side.
  • Created endpoint for fetching notificaitons.
  • Created endpoint for updating notifications.
  • Exported the data from Wordpress to Laravel (with all attachments)

31/10/2023 Data Import Bug Fixes

  • Added profile picture on media page
  • Manually Confirmed profile pictures of users
  • Handeled the exceptions which came during data export
  • Bug Fixes

01/11/2023 Portfolio website previews

  • Added profile picture section for admin profile.
  • Created endpoint for trending posts.
  • Exported existing portfolio website previews.
  • Added command for storing preview of website for upcoming users.
  • Added portfolio website on Resume.

02/11/2023 Notifications | Friend Request Module

  • Implemented application submitted email.
  • Created endpoints for notificaitons module (Full CRUD)
  • Created endpoints for activities module (Full CRUD)
  • Modify the friendship module endpoints accordingto frontned requirements
  • Tested the profile page from frontend and noted all the things which we can improve.

03/11/2023 CreativeSpotlights

  • Added option in admin dashboard for managing creative spotlights.
  • Admin can add new spotlight, also can select the user and assign the spotlight.
  • Admin can update the title , slug and user of the spotlight.
  • Created endpoint for frontend along with filters (status accepted, rejected)

06/11/2023 Package Management | Creative Permission

  • Added option in admin dashboard for managing agency packages.
  • Enhanced the Friendships api module for better user experience.
  • Removed the user from creative spotlights page (also from DB).
  • Creative phone number and email are subject to special conditions based on logged-In user role.

07/11/2023 Reviews | Permissions

  • Setup condition for avoiding multiple reviews.
  • Giving review second time will update the exisitng review.
  • Added package status field in creatives api
  • Creatied separate route for creatives endpoint for logged in users
  • Created featured cities endpoint
  • Sorted the creatives with featured and then by latest.

08/11/2023 Agencies Export | Reviews

  • Analyzed the Agency profiles and manually update their status to inactive.
  • On frontend, set featured and active filter for agencies.
  • Mark as read endpoint for messages.
  • Set condition in backend for avoiding giving review to itself.
  • Update and delete endpoint for review.
  • Added friendship status in creatives resource.
  • Logged in user can see his email and phone on his detail page

09/11/2023 Unread Message EMail

  • Created api module for managing group members.
    • Group Member can be added.
    • Can be removed from group.
    • Its role can be updated in group.
    • We can fetch groups members of particular group with filter (group filter and role filter)
  • Setup Unread Message email.
  • Creative Dashboard Stats

10/11/2023 Emails | Stats | Bug Fixed

  • Fixed creative dashboard stats widgets
  • Created endpoint for lounge stats widgets.
  • Fixed notification endpoint for job board.
  • Fixed recent applications endpoint.
  • Fixed bug on account related emails.

13/11/2023 Unread Message Count Email | Approve - Deny links

  • Modify the unread message according to requirement to include profile image of sender.
  • Added Approve and Deny links in registration email so that admin can perform these actions directly.
  • Fixed account related emails.
  • Figured out the reviews bug.

14/11/2023 Creative Full Search API

  • Created separated search api endpoints for differet user roles with different permisisons.
  • A little tweak in the applications endpoint.
  • Added filter in bookmarks endpoint.

15/11/2023 Post Reaction | Creative Categories

  • Create endpoints for post reactions.
  • Post reaction module is designed in such a way that it can now handle any number of reactions in the future.
  • In the post endpoint:
    • we are including counts of each reaction.
    • user status of reaction for that particular post.
  • Worked on export of creatives categories.

16/11/2023 Subscription Module | Jobs API

  • Create endpoints for jobs full text search.
  • Customized the subscription module as per request.
  • Update the Notificaions enable/disable endpoint.
  • Jobs Module Testing

17/11/2023 Job - Application Emails

  • Created emails for following:
    • New Job submitted(to amdin)
    • New Job Added (to creative)
    • When creative adds applicaiton (application submitted)
    • New application (to agency)
  • CORS issue fixed in reset password
  • Some bug fixes

20/11/2023 Application Status Emails

  • Created emails for following:
    • Application accepted
    • Aplication Rejected

21/11/2023 Add Group Members

  • Admin can add members in group
  • Admin can delete member from group
  • Resume url changed and bug fixed
  • Tested the app flow and comiled the bug list.
  • Redirected all emails to admin email.

22/11/2023 Resume fix | Email fixes

  • Change the resume download url with some extra security feature.
  • Hide phone number when creative downloads resume of other creative.
  • Email Fixes.

23/11/2023 Production | Staging

  • Setup separate environments for staging and production
  • Fixing all issues that came after deployment.
  • Stripe Setup on staging and production

24/11/2023 Search Fix | Emails

  • Creatives page search fix
  • EMails tested.
  • Post attachments issue fixed
  • Agency URL bug fix
  • Setup separate storage for staging