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Installation and configuration

adamant-al edited this page Dec 5, 2018 · 27 revisions

Installation of Adamant-console

Using npm directly

Command below will install adamant-console globally:

npm install -g adamant-console

After you could use it as in command line as adm:


(Will enter console utility and wait for your commands. Press Ctrl+C twice to exit Adamant-console.)

adm account new

(Will create new ADAMANT account and return to bash.)

Build Amanat-console from source

If you want to build it from source, clone the repository and install dependencies.

git clone #fetching code from github
npm install #installing dependencies
chmod a+x index.js #making executable
link index.js /usr/local/bin/adm #create symlink

Then you can use Adamant-console as adm, alternatively you can run it without making executable:

node index.js

Configuration of Adamant-console

Config is in JSON format.

System searches for custom config file in these locations (order priority): ~/.adm/config.json, ./config.json.

If no config is found, config.default.json is taken.

Data in custom config is merged with config.default.json, so you don't need to define already defined values, if you don't want to override them.

Config file name (config.json) can be overwritten using ADM_CONFIG_FILENAME environment variable.

Default config file name location (~/.adm) can be overwritten using ADM_CONFIG_PATH environment variable.

Setting network and nodes

By default, network parameter set to testnet. If you want to work with mainnet, set the value to mainnet.

Adamant-console connects to ADAMANT nodes on your choice, it can be any node, locally installed on your machine, or from other side of the Earth. As Console doesn’t transfer passphrases to nodes, it is safe to connect to any node. Important thing, node you connect should have API enabled.

So, you do not need ADAMANT node installed, while you still can do that.

Setting a passPhrase

You can choose ADAMANT account (wallet) to interact (i. e., to send tokens from) by setting passPhrase parameter in config.

Note, that --passPhrase command parameter has more priority, than passPhrase parameter in config.

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