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Installation and configuration

✌️ edited this page Aug 28, 2022 · 27 revisions

Installation of Adamant-console


  • Ubuntu 18+ (didn't test other)
  • NodeJS 14+

Install globally using npm

To install adamant-console globally:

npm install -g adamant-console

If NodeJS installed with nvm, you can run this command as non-sudo user. It will install Console to ~/.nvm/versions/node/$(node -v)/lib/node_modules/adamant-console/ and create symlink at ~/.nvm/versions/node/$(node -v)/bin/@adm.

If NodeJS installed with a general package manager, you probably have to run this command with sudo permissions. This will install Console to /usr/lib/node_modules/adamant-console/ directory and create symlink /usr/bin/@adm to /usr/lib/node_modules/adamant-console/bin/adamant.js.

If NodeJS installed with Homebrew (macOS), it will install Console to /opt/homebrew/lib/node_modules/adamant-console/ and create symlink at /opt/homebrew/bin/@adm.

Update using npm

For update, check currently installed adamant-console:

npm list -g adamant-console | grep adamant

Or using Console:

adm client version

Check latest available adamant-console in npm:

npm view adamant-console version

If newer version is available, update adamant-console:

npm update -g adamant-console

Build Adamant-console from source

If you want to build it from source, clone the repository and install dependencies. You can do it as a non-sudo user.

git clone #fetching code from github
cd adamant-console
npm install #installing dependencies
npm link #creates a symlink `/usr/bin/@adm` to `./bin/adamant.js`. Sudo permissions needed.

Then you can use Adamant-console as adm. Alternatively you can run commands without making executable:

node ./bin/adamant.js client version

Or run Console in interactive mode:

node ./bin/adamant.js

Configuration of Adamant-console

Config is in JSON format.

Adamant-console searches for custom config file in these locations (order priority): ~/.adm/config.json, ./config.json. If no config is found, config.default.json taken. Console merges data in custom config with config.default.json, so you don't need to define already defined values, if you don't want to override them.

Here is an example how to make custom config. Copy config.default.json to ~/.adm and edit this file (or edit config.default.json directly).

If NodeJS installed with nvm:

mkdir ~/.adm && cp ~/.nvm/versions/node/$(node -v)/lib/node_modules/adamant-console/config.default.json ~/.adm/config.json && nano ~/.adm/config.json

If NodeJS installed with a general package manager:

mkdir ~/.adm && cp /usr/lib/node_modules/adamant-console/config.default.json ~/.adm/config.json && nano ~/.adm/config.json

If you've built Console from source:

mkdir ~/.adm && cp ~/adamant-console/config.default.json ~/.adm/config.json && nano ~/.adm/config.json

If NodeJS installed with Homebrew (macOS):

nano /opt/homebrew/lib/node_modules/adamant-console/config.default.json

Config file name (config.json) can be overwritten using ADM_CONFIG_FILENAME environment variable. Default config file name location (~/.adm) can be overwritten using ADM_CONFIG_PATH environment variable. Here is bash command example:

ADM_CONFIG_PATH="/home/adamant/console" adm get address U15531909278942872097

Setting network and nodes

By default, network parameter set to testnet. If you want to work with mainnet, set the value to mainnet.

Adamant-console connects to ADAMANT nodes on your choice, it can be any node, locally installed on your machine, or from other side of the Earth. As Console doesn’t transfer passphrases to nodes, it is safe to connect to any node. Node you connect should have API enabled.

So, you do not need ADAMANT node installed, while you still can do that to support decentralization.

If you prefer to use JSON RPC, you may set port for communication using rpc / port parameter. Default is 5080.

Setting a passPhrase

You can choose default ADAMANT account (wallet) to interact with (i. e., to send tokens from) by setting passPhrase parameter in config, or specify --passPhrase command parameter. See Running commands in Adamant-console.

Test Adamant-console installation

Try to run bash command:

adm client version


  "success": true,
  "version": "2.0.0"

If the command doesn't work, make sure you installed Node.js and adamant-console correctly.

Then run bash command:

adm get address U15531909278942872097

Expected result:

  "success": true,
  "nodeTimestamp": 37656647,
  "account": {
    "address": "U15531909278942872097",
    "unconfirmedBalance": "29869323848614",
    "balance": "29869323848614",
    "publicKey": "fb736e72b4df38d973f0f8dfccbece763ab0d9603897dfa8f1167fa50018a8e0",
    "unconfirmedSignature": 0,
    "secondSignature": 0,
    "secondPublicKey": null,
    "multisignatures": [],
    "u_multisignatures": []

If you get "error": "Error: connect ECONNREFUSED" error, check if you configured Console correctly—it seems you want to interact with the mainnet, but testnet is set in the config file.

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