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Releases: AdguardTeam/AdGuardVPNCLI

1.0.3 nightly

04 Jun 14:21
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1.0.3 nightly Pre-release

Minor fixes

1.0.2 beta

03 Jun 13:20
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1.0.2 beta Pre-release

This Beta contains minor fixes.


03 Jun 12:15
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Disclaimer AdGuard VPN CLI is not an open-source project. We use Github as an open bug tracker for users to see what developers are working on.

The developers were working hard on the new product, it feels as if instead of writing code, they were carrying the Ring to Mordor. But the result is worth it. Now we are ready to present you our completely new product – AdGuard VPN CLI v1.0. What is it and why is it special?

What do we have for you?

CLI stands for “command-line interface”, which means that AdGuard VPN CLI doesn’t have a user interface. You can use it on Linux, macOS, as well as on MIPS and ARM routers. By the way, AdGuard VPN CLI is our first product that is supported on Linux. So we welcome Linux users to install it and enjoy secure and fast Internet connection.

As you can see, all you need to run AdGuard VPN CLI is the terminal.

Get ready to start

You don’t need to be a computer expert to use AdGuard VPN CLI. Since it doesn’t have a user interface, all the settings are done through the terminal. Let us hold your hand and guide you through the first user experience process.

Firstly, to run AdGuard VPN CLI, open the terminal and type in the following command to start the installation process:

curl -fsSL | sh -s -- -v

For Beta and Nightly update commands, please check our Knowledge base.

Second, you need to log in or create a new account. To do so, please type:

adguardvpn-cli login

Now you are ready to be invisible on the Internet! If you want AdGuard VPN CLI to automatically connect to the fastest server or the last used location, type the following command:

adguardvpn-cli connect

You can also choose the location by yourself from the list. To do so, please type adguardvpn-cli list-locations. After you choose the location, type adguardvpn-cli connect -l <location>,where <location> is the city, country, or ISO code of the server location that you’d like to connect to.

That’s it! Now AdGuard VPN CLI is ready to protect your privacy.

To see more commands and available settings, check our Knowledge base.

Send your feedback

Since it is AdGuard VPN CLI v1.0 debut, your feedback and feature suggestions would mean the world to us. If you want to help us improve, here’s what you need to do:

  • Fill out the form
  • Create an issue on GitHub. Before creating the issue, we recommend you to check the repository. Maybe somebody has already found and reported the same problem.

That’s it! Don’t forget that you can vote for the new features or bug fixes with emojis.

What does the future bring us?

We have a lot of plans to improve our new product. Among the first few features that we want to implement in the next version are:

  • Exclusions — take traffic under control. Soon our users will be able to add websites to the list of exclusions, so AdGuard VPN CLI will not route their traffic.

  • Bash completion — make it more user friendly. Even if you don’t type the full command, the program will give you the options to specify the necessary command.

  • Script mode for routes — set it up as you wish. Now if you set up AdGuard VPN CLI on your router, all traffic will go through the VPN. We plan to make it more flexible, so there will be a new command. You can use it to decide what traffic should and should not pass through AdGuard VPN CLI.

That’s it for now! As always, we appreciate your help and feedback. You can report any problems on GitHub or to our support team. Install AdGuard VPN CLI v1.0 and experience an enhanced level of privacy – adventure awaits!

AdGuard VPN CLI Install-Scripts:

curl -fSsL | sh -s -- -v - for installing from Release channel

curl -fSsL | sh -s -- -v - for installing from Beta channel

curl -fSsL | sh -s -- -v - for installing from Nightly channel

1.0.1 nightly

03 Jun 08:28
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1.0.1 nightly Pre-release

Minor fixes

1.0 RC 2

30 May 14:20
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1.0 RC 2 Pre-release

Disclaimer AdGuard VPN CLI is not an open-source project. We use Github as an open bug tracker for users to see what developers are working on.

The app now runs more smoothly thanks to this minor update, which fixes a number of bugs.

AdGuard VPN CLI Install-Scripts:

curl -fSsL | sh -s -- -v - for installing from Beta channel

curl -fSsL | sh -s -- -v - for installing from Nightly channel

0.99.77 nightly

29 May 15:04
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0.99.77 nightly Pre-release

Minor fixes

1.0 RC

21 May 10:17
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1.0 RC Pre-release

Disclaimer AdGuard VPN CLI is not an open-source project. We use Github as an open bug tracker for users to see what developers are working on.

We’re in the final stages of polishing before the official release. In this update, we’ve resolved the issues related to the SOCKS protocol. Stay tuned for updates — the big release is almost here!



  • Allow SOCKS listener at non-localhost address #15


  • VPN CLI doesn't connect when SOCKS port < 1024 #14

AdGuard VPN CLI Install-Scripts:

curl -fSsL | sh -s -- -v - for installing from Beta channel

curl -fSsL | sh -s -- -v - for installing from Nightly channel

0.99.63 nightly

20 May 14:29
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0.99.63 nightly Pre-release

Minor fixes

0.99.48 nightly

23 Apr 11:24
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0.99.48 nightly Pre-release

Minor fixes

1.0 beta 2

23 Apr 09:49
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1.0 beta 2 Pre-release

Disclaimer AdGuard VPN CLI is not an open-source project. We use Github as an open bug tracker for users to see what developers are working on.

We just called to say we love you that a new version of AdGuard VPN CLI v1.0 beta is now available. This time we have made two important changes. You will no longer encounter crashes on processors without AVX instructions and will be able to connect to the location by specifying not only a city, but also a country code. Not bad at all! Don’t hesitate to update.

To update, type adguardvpn-cli update on the command line. To check for updates, type adguardvpn-cli check-update.


  • AdGuard VPN CLI crashes on CPU that doesn't support AVX instructions #2

AdGuard VPN CLI Install-Scripts:

curl -fSsL | sh -s -- -v - for installing from Beta channel

curl -fSsL | sh -s -- -v - for installing from Nightly channel