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41 lines (31 loc) · 1.82 KB

File metadata and controls

41 lines (31 loc) · 1.82 KB

AdGuard Go Team Git guidelines

  • § Call your branches either NNNN-fix-foo (where NNNN is the ID of the GitHub / GitLab / Jira issue you worked on in this branch) or just fix-foo if there was no issue. Make sure to always spell the Jira IDs (but not the suffix) in uppercase letters to make sure it gets linked.

  • § Do not put your text editors' temporary files into the project's .gitignore files. The more are added, the harder they become to maintain. Put them into your global .gitignore file instead.

    Only build, run, and test outputs should be placed into .gitignore, sorted, with negations at the bottom to make sure they take effect.

  • § Follow the commit message header format:

    pkg: fix the network error logging issue

    Where pkg is usually the directory or Go package (without the internal/… part) where most changes took place. If there are several such packages, or the change is top-level only, write all.

  • § Keep your commit messages, including headers, to eighty (80) columns.

  • § Only use lowercase letters in your commit message headers. The rest of the message should follow the plain text conventions.

    The exceptions are direct mentions of identifiers from the source code and filenames like as well as issue IDs.