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File metadata and controls

1700 lines (1111 loc) · 63.7 KB


The scenegraph is a node tree which represents the structure of the XD document. It closely matches the hierarchy seen in the Layers panel inside XD. Some scenenodes may contain children (e.g., a Group or Artboard), while others are leaf nodes (e.g., a Rectangle or Text node). The root of the scenegraph contains all Artboards that exist in the document, as well as all pasteboard content (nodes that are not contained by any artboard).

example of scenegraph tree

You can modify properties on any scenenodes within the current edit context, and add leaf nodes to the current edit context, but you cannot make structural changes directly to the scenegraph tree. Instead, use commands.

Typically, you access scenegraph nodes via the selection argument that is passed to your plugin command, or by traversing the entire document tree using the documentRoot argument that is passed to your plugin command. These objects are also accessible on the scenegraph module for convenience.


function myCommand(selection) {
    let node = selection.items[0];

    console.log("The selected node is a: " +;

    // Print out types of all child nodes (if any)
    node.children.forEach(function (childNode, i) {
        console.log("Child " + i + " is a " +;

To create new scenenodes, load this scenegraph module directly and use the node constructor functions:


let scenegraph = require("scenegraph");
function myCommand(selection) {
    let newShape = new scenegraph.Rectangle();
    newShape.width = 100;
    newShape.height = 50;
    newShape.fill = new Color("red");

Class hierarchy


Point :
!{x:number, y:number}
Bounds :
!{x:number, y:number, width:number, height:number}

Related classes

These classes are not scenenode types, but are used extensively in the scenegraph API:

  • Color - Value object for fill, stroke, and other properties
  • ImageFill - Value object for fill property
  • LinearGradientFill - Value object for fill property
  • Matrix - Value object for transform property
  • Shadow - Value object for shadow property
  • Blur - Value object for blur property

Other module members

scenegraph.selection : !Selection

Object representing the current selection state and edit context. Also available as the first argument passed to your plugin command handler function.

Kind: static property of scenegraph Read only: true Since: XD 14

scenegraph.root : !RootNode

Root node of the current document's scenegraph. Also available as the second argument passed to your plugin command handler function.

Kind: static property of scenegraph Read only: true Since: XD 14


Kind: abstract class

Base class of all scenegraph nodes. Nodes will always be an instance of some subclass of SceneNode.

sceneNode.guid : string

Returns a unique identifier for this node that stays the same when the file is closed & reopened, or if the node is moved to a different part of the document. Cut-Paste will result in a new guid, however.

Kind: instance property of SceneNode Read only: true

sceneNode.parent : SceneNode

Returns the parent node. Null if this is the root node, or a freshly constructed node which has not been added to a parent yet.

Kind: instance property of SceneNode Read only: true

sceneNode.children : !SceneNodeList

Returns a list of this node's children. List is length 0 if the node has no children. The first child is lowest in the z order.

This list is not an Array, so you must use at(i) instead of [i] to access children by index. It has a number of Array-like methods such as forEach() for convenience, however.

The list is immutable. Use removeFromParent and addChild to add/remove child nodes.

Kind: instance property of SceneNode Read only: true Example

let node = ...;
console.log("Node has " + node.children.length + " children");
console.log("First child: " +;  // do not use `[0]` - it will not work!

node.children.forEach(function (childNode, i) {
    console.log("Child " + i + " is a " +;

sceneNode.isInArtworkTree : boolean

True if the node's parent chain connects back to the document root node.

Kind: instance property of SceneNode Read only: true

sceneNode.isContainer : boolean

True if this node is a type that could have children (e.g. an Artboard, Group, Boolean Group, etc.).

Kind: instance property of SceneNode Read only: true

sceneNode.selected : boolean

True if this node is part of the current selection. To get a list of all selected nodes or change which nodes are selected, use selection.

Kind: instance property of SceneNode Read only: true See: selection

sceneNode.visible : boolean

False if this node has been hidden by the user (eyeball toggle in Layers panel). If true, the node may still be invisible for other reasons: a parent or grandparent has visible=false, the node has opacity=0%, the node is clipped by a mask, etc.

Kind: instance property of SceneNode

sceneNode.opacity : number (0.0 - 1.0)

Node's opacity setting. The overall visual opacity seen in the document is determined by combining this value with the opacities of the node's entire parent chain, as well as the opacity settings of its fill/stroke properties if this is a leaf node.

Kind: instance property of SceneNode

sceneNode.transform : !Matrix

Affine transform matrix that converts from the node's local coordinate space to its parent's coordinate space. The matrix never has skew or scale components, and if this node is an Artboard the matrix never has rotation either. Rather than reading the raw matrix values directly, it may be easier to use the translation and rotation properties.

To move or resize a node, use the translation property or APIs like placeInParentCoordinates() or rotateAround(). Setting the entire transform matrix directly is not allowed. To resize a node, use resize().

For an overview of node transforms & coordinate systems, see Coordinate spaces.

This getter returns a fresh Matrix each time, so its fields can be mutated by the caller without interfering with the node's state.

Kind: instance property of SceneNode Read only: true See

sceneNode.translation : !{x:number, y:number}

The translate component of this node's transform. Since translation is applied after any rotation in the transform Matrix, translation occurs along the parent's X/Y axes, not the node's own local X/Y axes. This is equivalent to the e & f fields in the transform Matrix.

For an overview of node positioning & coordinate systems, see Coordinate spaces.

Kind: instance property of SceneNode See

sceneNode.rotation : number

The rotation component of this node's transform, in clockwise degrees.

For an overview of node transforms & coordinate systems, see Coordinate spaces.

Kind: instance property of SceneNode Read only: true See: rotateAround

sceneNode.globalBounds : !Bounds

The node's path bounds in document-global coordinate space (represented by a bounding box aligned with global X/Y axes). Path bounds match the selection outline seen in the XD, but exclude some visual parts of the node (outer stroke, drop shadow / blur, etc.).

For an overview of node bounding boxes & coordinate systems, see Coordinate spaces.

Kind: instance property of SceneNode Read only: true See

sceneNode.localBounds : !Bounds

The node's path bounds in its own local coordinate space. This coordinate space may be rotated and translated relative to the parent's coordinate space. Path bounds match the selection outline seen in XD, but exclude some visual parts of the node (outerstroke, drop shadow / blur, etc.).

The visual top-left of a node's path bounds is located at (localBounds.x, localBounds.y). This value is not necessarily (0,0) in the local coordinate space: for example, a text node's baseline is at y=0 in local coordinates, so the top of the text has a negative y value.

For an overview of node bounding boxes & coordinate systems, see Coordinate spaces.

Kind: instance property of SceneNode Read only: true See

sceneNode.boundsInParent : !Bounds

The node's path bounds in its parent's coordinate space (represented by a bounding box aligned with the parent's X/Y axes - so if the node has rotation, the top-left of the node is not necessarily located at the top-left of boundsInParent). Path bounds match the selection outline seen in XD, but exclude some visual parts of the node (outer stroke, drop shadow / blur, etc.).

For an overview of node bounding boxes & coordinate systems, see Coordinate spaces.

Kind: instance property of SceneNode Read only: true See

sceneNode.topLeftInParent : !Point

The position of the node's upper-left corner (localBounds.x, localBounds.y) in its parent's coordinate space. If the node is rotated, this is not the same as the top-left corner of boundsInParent. This is a shortcut for node.transform.transformPoint({x: node.localBounds.x, y: node.localBounds.y})

For an overview of node bounding boxes & coordinate systems, see Coordinate spaces.

Kind: instance property of SceneNode Read only: true See

sceneNode.localCenterPoint : !Point

The position of the node's centerpoint in its own local coordinate space. Useful as an argument to rotateAround. This is a shortcut for {x: localBounds.x + localBounds.width/2, y: localBounds.y + localBounds.height/2})

For an overview of node bounding boxes & coordinate systems, see Coordinate spaces.

Kind: instance property of SceneNode Read only: true See: localBounds

sceneNode.globalDrawBounds : !Bounds

The node's draw bounds in document-global coordinate space. Draw bounds are larger than the selection outline seen in XD, including outer stroke, drop shadow / blur, etc. - every visible pixel of the node is encompassed by these bounds. This matches the image dimensions if the node is exported as a PNG/JPEG bitmap.

For an overview of node bounding boxes & coordinate systems, see Coordinate spaces.

Kind: instance property of SceneNode Read only: true See : string

Node name as seen in the Layers panel. Also used as filename during Export.

Kind: instance property of SceneNode

sceneNode.hasDefaultName : boolean

True if name is a generic, auto-generated string (e.g. "Rectangle 5"). False if name has been explicitly set.

Kind: instance property of SceneNode Read only: true

sceneNode.locked : boolean

True if the node is locked, meaning it cannot normally be selected.

Kind: instance property of SceneNode

sceneNode.markedForExport : boolean

True if the node should be included in the output of File > Export > Batch and other bulk-export workflows.

Kind: instance property of SceneNode

sceneNode.hasLinkedContent : boolean

True if the node's appearance comes from a link to an external resource, such as Creative Cloud Libraries or a separate XD document (in the case of a Linked Symbol instance).

Kind: instance property of SceneNode Read only: true

sceneNode.pluginData : *

Since: XD 14

Metadata specific to your plugin. Must be a value which can be converted to a JSON string, or undefined to clear the stored metadata on this node.

Metadata is persisted with the document when it is saved. Duplicating a node (including across documents, via copy-paste) will duplicate the metadata with it. If the node lies within a Symbol or Repeat Grid, all instances of the node will have identical metadata (changes in one copy will automatically be synced to the other copy). Metadata stored by this plugin cannot be accessed by other plugins - each plugin has its own isolated metadata storage.

To store general metadata for the document overall, set pluginData on the root node of the scenegraph. Metadata on the root node can be changed from any edit context.

Kind: instance property of SceneNode


Remove this node from its parent, effectively deleting it from the document.

Kind: instance method of SceneNode

sceneNode.moveInParentCoordinates(deltaX, deltaY)

Move the node by the given number of pixels along the parent's X/Y axes (if this node has no rotation, this is identical to moving the node along its own local X/Y axes). This is equivalent to modifying the value returned by 'translation' and then setting it back.

For an overview of node positioning & coordinate systems, see Coordinate spaces.

Kind: instance method of SceneNode See

Param Type
deltaX number
deltaY number

sceneNode.placeInParentCoordinates(registrationPoint, parentPoint)

Move the node so the given point in its local coordinates is placed at the given point in its parent's coordinates (taking into account any rotation on this node, etc.).

For an overview of node positioning & coordinate systems, see Coordinate spaces.

Kind: instance method of SceneNode

Param Type Description
registrationPoint !Point Point in this node's local coordinate space to align with parentPoint
parentPoint !Point Point in this node's parent's coordinate space to move registrationPoint to


// Place this node's top-left corner at the centerpoint of its parent
let parentCenter = node.parent.localCenterPoint;  // parent's center in parent's coordinates
let nodeBounds = node.localBounds;  // node's bounds in its own local coordinates
let nodeTopLeft = {x: nodeBounds.x, y: nodeBounds.y};  // node's top left corner in its own local coordinates
node.placeInParentCoordinates(nodeTopLeft, parentCenter);

sceneNode.rotateAround(deltaAngle, rotationCenter)

Rotate the node clockwise by the given number of degrees around the given point in the plugin's local coordinate space. If this node already has nonzero rotation, this operation adds to its existing angle.

For an overview of node transforms & coordinate systems, see Coordinate spaces.

Kind: instance method of SceneNode See: rotation

Param Type Description
deltaAngle number In degrees.
rotationCenter Point Point to rotate around, in node's local coordinates.


// Rotate the node 45 degrees clockwise around its centerpoint
node.rotateAround(45, node.localCenterPoint);

// Ignoring the node's previous angle, set its rotation to exactly 180 degrees
let rotationDelta = 180 - node.rotation;
node.rotateAround(rotationDelta, node.localCenterPoint);

sceneNode.resize(width, height)

Attempts to change localBounds.width & height to match the specified sizes. The result is not guaranteed to match your requested size, since some nodes have limits on their ability to resize.

Note that resizing is different from simply rescaling the content:

  • Styles like stroke weight and corner radius stay the same size, so the ratio of their size relative to the resized shape will change.
  • If this node is a Group, resizing may invoke XD's Responsive Resize feature, which rearranges items using a fluid layout and may change only the position (not size) of some children.
  • Some content cannot be resized at all, or cannot stretch to change its aspect ratio.

Rescaling, by contrast, is the effect seen when you zoom in on the view in XD, or when you export a node at a higher DPI multiplier.

Note: Currenty this function does not respect the "aspect ratio lock" setting in XD's Properties panel. This may be changed/fixed later.

Kind: instance method of SceneNode

Param Type
width number
height number


// Double the width of this node
let originalBounds = node.localBounds;
node.resize(originalBounds.width * 2, originalBounds.height);


Kind: class Extends: SceneNode

Class representing the root node of the document. All Artboards are children of this node, as well as any pasteboard content that does not lie within an Artboard. Artboards must be grouped contiguously at the bottom of this node's z order. The root node has no visual appearance of its own.


Kind: class Extends: SceneNode

Group nodes represent two types of simple containers in XD:

  • Plain Groups, created by the Object > Group command
  • Masked Groups, created by the Object > Mask With Shape command You can determine whether a group is masked by checking the mask property.

Groups and other containers cannot be created directly using scenenode constructors, since you can't add a populated Group to the scenegraph (you can't add subtrees all at once) nor can you add an empty Group and then add children to it (can't add nodes outside the scope of the current edit context). Instead, to create Groups and other nested structures, use commands.

In a Mask Group, the mask shape is included in the group's children list, at the top of the z order. It is not visible - only its path outline is used, for clipping the group.


let commands = require("commands");

// Newly created shape nodes
let shape1 = ...,
    shape2 = ...;

// Add both nodes to the current edit context first

// Select both shapes, then run the Group command
selection.items = [shape1, shape2];;
let group = selection.items[0];  // selection has been set to the new Group node afterward

group.addChild(node, index)

Adds a child node to this container node. You can only add leaf nodes this way; to create structured subtrees of content, use commands.

Kind: instance method of Group and other container nodes

Param Type Description
node !SceneNode Child to add
index ?number Optional: index to insert child at. Child is appended to end of children list (top of z order) otherwise.

group.addChildAfter(node, relativeTo)

Inserts a child node after the given reference node.

Kind: instance method of Group and other container nodes

Param Type Description
node !SceneNode Child to add
relativeTo !SceneNode New child is added immediately after this existing child

group.addChildBefore(node, relativeTo)

Inserts a child node before the given reference node.

Kind: instance method of Group and other container nodes

Param Type Description
node !SceneNode Child to add
relativeTo !SceneNode New child is added immediately before this existing child


Removes all children from this node. Equivalent to calling removeFromParent() on each child in turn, but faster.

Kind: instance method of Group and other container nodes

group.mask : ?SceneNode

The mask shape applied to this group, if any. This object is also present in the group's children list. Though it has no direct visual appearance of its own, the mask affects the entire group's appearance by clipping all its other content.

Kind: instance property of Group Read only: true


let group = ...;
console.log("Type of group is: " + (group.mask ? "Masked Group" : "Plain Group"));

To create a Masked Group, use commands.createMaskGroup instead of


Kind: abstract class Extends: SceneNode

Base class for nodes that have a stroke and/or fill. This includes leaf nodes such as Rectangle, as well as BooleanGroup which is a container node. If you create a shape node, it will not be visible unless you explicitly give it either a stroke or a fill.

graphicNode.fill : ?Color | LinearGradientFill | RadialGradientFill | ImageFill

Default: null

The fill applied to this shape, if any. If this property is null or fillEnabled is false, no fill is drawn. Freshly created nodes have no fill by default.

For Line nodes, fill is ignored. For Text nodes, only solid Color fill values are allowed. For Artboard nodes, image fill values are not allowed.

Kind: instance property of GraphicNode Example

ellipse.fill = new Color("red");

To modify an existing fill, always be sure to re-invoke the fill setter rather than just changing the fill object's properties inline. See "Properties with object values".

Danger The RadialGradientFill type is not documented and its API may change. Plugins currently cannot modify or otherwise work with radial gradients.

graphicNode.fillEnabled : boolean

Default: true

If false, the fill is not rendered. The user can toggle this via a checkbox in the Properties panel.

Kind: instance property of GraphicNode

graphicNode.stroke : ?Color

Default: null

The stroke color applied to this shape, if any. If this property is null or strokeEnabled is false, no stroke is drawn. Freshly created nodes have no stroke by default. Artboard objects ignore stroke settings.

Depending on the strokeWidth and strokePosition, the path outline of a node may need to be positioned on fractional pixels in order for the stroke itself to be crisply aligned to the pixel grid. For example, if a horizontal line uses a 1px center stroke, the line's y should end in .5 to keep the stroke on-pixel.

Kind: instance property of GraphicNode Example

ellipse.stroke = new Color("red");

To modify an existing stroke, always be sure to re-invoke the stroke setter rather than just changing the Color object's properties inline. See "Properties with object values".

graphicNode.strokeEnabled : boolean

Default: false

If false, the stroke is not rendered. The user can toggle this via a checkbox in the Properties panel.

Kind: instance property of GraphicNode

graphicNode.strokeWidth : number >= 0

Default: 1.0

Thickness in pixels of the stroke.

Kind: instance property of GraphicNode

graphicNode.strokePosition : string

Default: CENTER_STROKE for most shapes, INNER_STROKE for Rectangle & Ellipse

Position of the stroke relative to the shape's path outline: GraphicNode.INNER_STROKE, OUTER_STROKE, or CENTER_STROKE. Ignored by Text and Line, which always render using CENTER_STROKE.

Kind: instance property of GraphicNode

graphicNode.strokeEndCaps : string


For Lines and non-closed Paths, how the dangling ends of the stroke are rendered: GraphicNode.STROKE_CAP_NONE, STROKE_CAP_SQUARE, or STROKE_CAP_ROUND.

Kind: instance property of GraphicNode

graphicNode.strokeJoins : string


How sharp corners in the shape are rendered: GraphicNode.STROKE_JOIN_BEVEL, STROKE_JOIN_ROUND, or STROKE_JOIN_MITER.

Kind: instance property of GraphicNode

graphicNode.strokeMiterLimit : number >= 0

Default: 4

Kind: instance property of GraphicNode

graphicNode.strokeDashArray : !Array<number>

Default: []

Empty array indicates a solid stroke. If non-empty, values represent the lengths of rendered and blank segments of the stroke's dash pattern, repeated along the length of the stroke. The first value is the length of the first solid segment. If the array is odd length, the items are copied to double the array length. For example, [3] produces the same effect as [3, 3].

The appearance of each segment's start/end follows the strokeEndCaps setting.

Kind: instance property of GraphicNode

graphicNode.strokeDashOffset : number

Default: 0

Ignored unless strokeDashArray is non-empty. Shifts the "phase" of the repeating dash pattern along the length of the stroke.

Kind: instance property of GraphicNode

graphicNode.shadow : ?Shadow

Default: null

The node's drop shadow, if any. If there is no shadow applied, this property may be null or shadow.visible may be false.

Kind: instance property of GraphicNode

graphicNode.blur : ?Blur

Default: null

The node's object blur or background blur settings, if applicable (a node may not have both types of blur at once). If there is no blur effect applied, this property may be null or blur.visible may be false.

Kind: instance property of GraphicNode

graphicNode.pathData : string

Returns a representation of the node's outline in SVG <path> syntax. Note that only nodes with strokePosition == GraphicNode.CENTER_STROKE can be faithfully rendered in actual SVG using the exact pathData shown here.

Kind: instance property of GraphicNode Read only: true

graphicNode.hasLinkedGraphicFill : boolean

True if the node has an image fill that comes from a link to an external resource, such as Creative Cloud Libraries. Equivalent to the expression: node.fill && node.fill.linked.

Kind: instance property of GraphicNode Read only: true


Kind: class Extends: GraphicNode

Rectangle leaf node shape, with or without rounded corners. Like all shape nodes, has no fill or stroke by default unless you set one.


let rect = new Rectangle();
rect.width = 100;
rect.height = 25;
rect.fill = new Color("red");
selection.items = [rect];

rectangle.width : number > 0

Kind: instance property of Rectangle

rectangle.height : number > 0

Kind: instance property of Rectangle

rectangle.cornerRadii : !{topLeft:number, topRight:number, bottomRight:number, bottomLeft:number} (all numbers >= 0)

Default: {topLeft:0, topRight:0, bottomRight:0, bottomLeft:0}

The actual corner radius that is rendered is capped based on the size of the rectangle even if the radius value set here is higher (see effectiveCornerRadii.

To set all corners to the same value, use setAllCornerRadii.

Kind: instance property of Rectangle

rectangle.hasRoundedCorners : boolean

True if any of the Rectangle's four corners is rounded (corner radius > 0).

Kind: instance property of Rectangle Read only: true


Set the rounding radius of all four corners of the Rectangle to the same value. The actual corner radius that is rendered is capped based on the size of the rectangle even if the radius value set here is higher (see effectiveCornerRadii.

To set the corners to different radius values, use cornerRadii.

Kind: instance method of Rectangle

Param Type
radius number

rectangle.effectiveCornerRadii : !{topLeft:number, topRight:number, bottomRight:number, bottomLeft:number}

The actual corner radius that is rendered may be capped by the size of the rectangle. Returns the actual radii that are currently in effect, which may be smaller than the cornerRadii values as a result.

Kind: instance property of Rectangle


Kind: class Extends: GraphicNode

Artboard container node. All Artboards must be children of the root node (they cannot be nested), and they must be placed below all pasteboard content in the z order.

Artboards can have a background fill, but the stroke, shadow, and blur settings are all ignored. Artboards cannot be locked or hidden, or have opacity < 100%.

Generally, all nodes that overlap an Artboard are children of that artboard, and nodes that don't overlap any Artboard are children of the root (pasteboard). XD ensures this automatically: if a node is modified in any way that changes whether it overlaps an Artboard, its parent will automatically be changed accordingly after the edit operation finishes.

artboard.width : number > 0

Kind: instance property of Artboard

artboard.height : number > 0

For scrollable Artboards, this is the total height encompassing all content - not just the viewport size (i.e. screen height).

Kind: instance property of Artboard See: viewportHeight

artboard.viewportHeight : ?number

If Artboard is scrollable, this is the height of the viewport (e.g. mobile device screen size). Null if Artboard isn't scrollable.

Kind: instance property of Artboard See: height


Kind: class Extends: GraphicNode

Ellipse leaf node shape.

ellipse.radiusX : number

Kind: instance property of Ellipse

ellipse.radiusY : number

Kind: instance property of Ellipse

ellipse.isCircle : boolean

True if the Ellipse is a circle (i.e., has a 1:1 aspect ratio).

Kind: instance property of Ellipse Read only: true


Kind: class Extends: GraphicNode

Line leaf node shape. Lines have a stroke but no fill.

line.start : !Point

Start point of the Line in local coordinate space. To change the start point, use setStartEnd.

Kind: instance property of Line Read only: true

line.end : !Point

Endpoint of the Line in local coordinate space. To change the endpoint, use setStartEnd.

Kind: instance property of Line Read only: true

line.setStartEnd(startX, startY, endX, endY)

Set the start and end points of the Line in local coordinate space. The values may be normalized by this setter, shifting the node's translation and counter-shifting the start/end points. So the start/end getters may return values different from the values you passed this setter, even though the line's visual bounds and appearance are the same.

Kind: instance method of Line

Param Type
startX number
startY number
endX number
endY number


Kind: class Extends: GraphicNode

Arbitrary vector Path leaf node shape. Paths can be open or closed, and a Path may include multiple disjoint sections (aka a "compound path"). Even open Paths may have a fill - the fill is drawn as if the Path were closed with a final "Z" segment.

The path may not start at (0,0) in local coordinates, for example if it starts with a move ("M") segment.

path.pathData : string

Representation of the path outline in SVG <path> syntax. Unlike other node types, pathData is writable here. Syntax is automatically normalized, so the getter may return a slightly different string than what you passed to the setter.

Kind: instance property of Path


Kind: class Extends: GraphicNode

BooleanGroup container node - although it has fill/stroke/etc. properties like a leaf shape node, it is a container with children. Its visual appearance is determined by generating a path via a nondestructive boolean operation on all its children's paths.

It is not currently possible for plugins to create a new BooleanGroup node, aside from using commands.duplicate to clone existing BooleanGroups.

booleanGroup.pathOp : string

Which boolean operation is used to generate the path: BooleanGroup.PATH_OP_ADD, PATH_OP_SUBTRACT, PATH_OP_INTERSECT, or PATH_OP_EXCLUDE_OVERLAP.

Kind: instance property of BooleanGroup Read only: true


Kind: class Extends: GraphicNode

Text leaf node shape. Text can have a fill and/or stroke, but only a solid-color fill is allowed (gradient or image fill will be rejected).

There are two types of Text nodes:

  • Point Text - Expands to fit the full width of the text content. Only uses multiple lines if the text content contains hard line breaks ("\n").
  • Area Text - Fixed width and height. Text is automatically wrapped (soft line wrapping) to fit the width. If it does not fit the height, any remaining text is clipped.

Check whether areaBox is null to determine the type of a Text node.

Text bounds and layout work differently depending on the type of text:

  • Point Text - The baseline is at y=0 in the node's local coordinate system. Horizontally, local x=0 is the anchor point that the text grows from / shrinks toward when edited. This anchor depends on the justification: for example, if the text is centered, x=0 is the horizontal centerpoint of the text. The bounding box leaves enough space for descenders, uppercase letters, and accent marks, even if the current string does not contain any of those characters. This makes aligning text based on its bounds behave more consistently.
  • Area Text - The baseline is at a positive y value in local coordinates, and its local (0, 0) is the top left of the areaBox. Text always flows to the right and down from this local origin regardless of justification.

text.text : string

Default: " " (a single space character)

The plaintext content of the node, including any hard line breaks but excluding soft line wrap breaks.

Setting text does not change styleRanges, so styles aligned with the old text's string indices will continue to be applied to the new string's indices unless you explicitly change styleRanges as well.

Kind: instance property of Text

text.styleRanges : !Array<!{length:number, fontFamily:string, fontStyle:string, fontSize:number, fill:!Color, charSpacing:number, underline:boolean}>

Array of text ranges and their character style settings. Each range covers a set number of characters in the text content. Ranges are contiguous, with each one starting immediately after the previous one. Any characters past the end of the last range use the same style as the last range.

When setting styleRanges, any fields missing from a given range default to the existing values from the last range in the old value of styleRanges. The styleRanges getter always returns fully realized range objects with all fields specified.

Kind: instance property of Text

text.fontFamily : string

Since: XD 14

Set the font family across all style ranges, or get the font family of the last style range (font family of all the text if one range covers all the text). Plugins should not assume any particular default value for fontFamily.

Kind: instance property of Text

text.fontStyle : string

Default: non-italic normal weight style Since: XD 14

Set the font style across all style ranges, or get the font style of the last style range (font style of all the text if one range covers all the text).

Kind: instance property of Text

text.fontSize : number > 0

Since: XD 14

Font size in document pixels. Set the font size across all style ranges, or get the font size of the last style range (font size of all the text if one range covers all the text). Plugins should not assume any particular default value for fontSize.

Kind: instance property of Text

text.fill : ?Color

Default: null

Set the text color across all style ranges, or get the color of the last style range (color of all the text if one range covers all the text). Unlike most other nodes, text only allows a solid color fill - gradients and image fills are not supported.

Kind: instance property of Text

text.charSpacing : number

Default: 0 Since: XD 14

Character spacing in increments of 1/1000th of the fontSize, in addition to the font's default character kerning. May be negative.

Set the character spacing across all style ranges, or get the character spacing of the last style range (character spacing of all the text if one range covers all the text).

Kind: instance property of Text

text.underline : boolean

Default: false Since: XD 14

Set underline across all style ranges, or get the underline of the last style range (underline of all the text if one range covers all the text).

Kind: instance property of Text

text.flipY : boolean

If true, the text is drawn upside down.

Kind: instance property of Text

text.textAlign : string

Default: ALIGN_LEFT Horizontal alignment: Text.ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_CENTER, or ALIGN_RIGHT. This setting affects the layout of multiline text, and for point text it also affects how the text is positioned relative to its anchor point (x=0 in local coordinates) and what direction the text grows when edited by the user.

Changing textAlign on existing point text will cause it to shift horizontally. To change textAlign while keeping the text in a fixed position, shift the text horizontally (moving its anchor point) to compensate:


let originalBounds = textNode.localBounds;
textNode.textAlign = newAlignValue;
let newBounds = textNode.localBounds;
textNode.moveInParentCoordinates(originalBounds.x - newBounds.x, 0);

Kind: instance property of Text

text.lineSpacing : number > 0, or 0 for default spacing

Default: 0

Distance between baselines in multiline text, in document pixels. The special value 0 causes XD to use the default line spacing defined by the font given the current font size & style.

This property is not automatically adjusted when fontSize changes, if line spacing is not set to 0, the line spacing will stay fixed while the font size changes, shifting the spacing's proportional relationship to font size. If the value is 0, then the rendered line spacing will change to match the new font size, since 0 means the spacing is dynamically calculated from the current font settings.

Kind: instance property of Text

text.paragraphSpacing : number >= 0

Default: 0 Since: XD 14

Additional distance between paragraphs, in document pixels, added to the lineSpacing amount (soft line breaks in area text are separated only by lineSpacing, while hard line breaks are separated by lineSpacing + paragraphSpacing). Unlike lineSpacing, 0 is not a special value; it just means no added spacing.

Similar to lineSpacing, this property is not automatically adjusted when fontSize changes. The paragraph spacing amount will stay fixed while the font size changes, shifting the spacing's proportional relationship to font size.

Kind: instance property of Text

text.areaBox : ?{width:number, height:number}

Null for point text. For area text, specifies the size of the rectangle within which text is wrapped and clipped.

Changing point text to area text or vice versa will change the origin / anchor point of the text, thus changing its localBounds, but it will also automatically change the node's transform so its globalBounds and boundsInParent origins remain unchanged.

Changing area text to point text will also automatically insert hard line breaks ("\n") into the text to match the previous line wrapping's appearance exactly.

Kind: instance property of Text

text.clippedByArea : boolean

Always false for point text. For area text, true if the text does not fit in the content box and its bottom is being clipped.

Kind: instance property of Text Read only: true


Kind: class Extends: SceneNode

Container node representing one instance of a Symbol. Changes made within a symbol instance are automatically synced to all other other instances of the symbol - with certain exceptions, called "overrides."

It is not currently possible for plugins to create a new Symbol definition or a new SymbolInstance node, aside from using commands.duplicate to clone existing SymbolInstances.

symbolInstance.symbolId : string

An identifier unique within this document that is shared by all instances of the same Symbol.

Kind: instance property of SymbolInstance Read only: true


Kind: class Extends: SceneNode

Repeat Grid container node containing multiple grid cells, each one a child Group. Changes within one cell are automatically synced to all the other cells - with certain exceptions, called "overrides." A Repeat Grid also defines a rectangular clipping mask which determines how may cells are visible (new cells are automatically generated as needed if the Repeat Grid is resized larger).

Each grid cell is a Group that is an immediate child of the RepeatGrid. These groups are automatically created and destroyed as needed when the RepeatGrid is resized.

It is not currently possible for plugins to create a new RepeatGrid node, aside from using commands.duplicate to clone existing RepeatGrids.

repeatGrid.width : number

Defines size of the RepeatGrid. Cells are created and destroyed as necessary to fill the current size. Cells that only partially fit will be clipped.

Kind: instance property of RepeatGrid

repeatGrid.height : number

Defines size of the RepeatGrid. Cells are created and destroyed as necessary to fill the current size. Cells that only partially fit will be clipped.

Kind: instance property of RepeatGrid

repeatGrid.numColumns : number

Number of grid columns

Kind: instance property of RepeatGrid

repeatGrid.numRows : number

Number of grid rows

Kind: instance property of RepeatGrid

repeatGrid.paddingX : number

Horizontal spacing between grid cells/columns

Kind: instance property of RepeatGrid

repeatGrid.paddingY : number

Vertical spacing between grid cells/rows

Kind: instance property of RepeatGrid

repeatGrid.cellSize : !{width: number, height: number}

The size of each grid cell. The size of each cell's content can vary slightly due to text overrides; the cell size is always set to the width of the widest cell content and the height of the tallest cell content.

Kind: instance property of RepeatGrid

repeatGrid.attachTextDataSeries(textNode, textValues)

Attach a sequence of text values to the instances of a given text node across all the cells of a Repeat Grid. The sequence is repeated as necessary to cover all the grid cells. This is a persistent data binding, so if the Repeat Grid is resized later to increase the number of grid cells, items from this sequence will be used to fill the text values of the new cells.

You can call this API from either of two different edit contexts:

  • Edit context where the RepeatGrid node is in scope (where properties of the RepeatGrid node itself could be edited) - e.g. when the RepeatGrid is selected
  • Edit context where textNode is in scope (where properties of the textNode could be edited) - e.g. when textNode is selected or when the user has otherwise drilled down into the grid cell containing it.

Kind: instance method of RepeatGrid

Param Type Description
textNode !Text A Text node exemplar that would be in scope for editing if the current edit context was one of this RepeatGrid's cells. The data series will be bound to this text node and all corresponding copies of it in the other grid cells.
textValues !Array<string> Array of one or more strings. Empty strings are ignored.

repeatGrid.attachImageDataSeries(shapeNode, images)

Attach a sequence of image fills to the instances of a given shape node across all the cells of a Repeat Grid. The sequence is repeated as necessary to cover all the grid cells. This is a persistent data binding, so if the Repeat Grid is resized later to increase the number of grid cells, items from this sequence will be used to set the image fill in the new cells.

You can call this API from either of two different edit contexts:

  • Edit context where the RepeatGrid node is in scope (where properties of the RepeatGrid node itself could be edited) - e.g. when the RepeatGrid is selected
  • Edit context where shapeNode is in scope (where properties of the shapeNode could be edited) - e.g. when shapeNode is selected or when the user has otherwise drilled down into the grid cell containing it.

Kind: instance method of RepeatGrid

Param Type Description
shapeNode !GraphicNode A shape node exemplar that would be in scope for editing if the current edit context was one of this RepeatGrid's cells. The image series will be bound to this node and all corresponding copies of it in the other grid cells. Must be a node type that supports image fills (e.g. Rectangle, but not Text or Line).
images !Array<string> Array of one or more ImageFills.


Kind: class Extends: SceneNode

Container node whose content is linked to an external resource, such as Creative Cloud Libraries. It cannot be edited except by first ungrouping it, breaking this link.