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Root configurations

  • environment - Use test. When you are ready to go live, change the value to one of our live environments.
  • clientKey - A public key linked to your API credential, used for client-side authentication.
  • amount - Amount to be displayed on the Pay Button. It expects an object with a minor units value and currency properties. For example, { value: 1000, currency: 'USD' } is 10$. For card pre-authorisation set the amount to 0 (zero).
  • countryCode - The shopper's country code in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format. Example: NL or US.
  • shopperLocale - 🚧 Work in progress. In the current version, this property only localizes payment method names. The default OS's locale is used for localization.
  • returnUrl - For iOS, this is the URL to your app, where the shopper should return, after a redirection. Maximum of 1024 characters. For more information on setting a custom URL scheme for your app, read the Apple Developer documentation. For Android, this value is automatically overridden by AdyenCheckout.

⚠️ To show the amount on the Pay button both amount and countryCode must be set.


  • enabled - Enable/Disable all analytics. Defaults to true. ⚠️ This feature only available from v68 of Adyen API.
  • verboseLogs - Enable extensive logs from SDK. Helpful during debugging. Defaults to false.

React Native SDK provides the following configurations for components:


  • showPreselectedStoredPaymentMethod - Determines whether to enable the preselected stored payment method view step. Defaults to true.
  • skipListWhenSinglePaymentMethod - If set to true allow to skip payment methods list step when there is only one non-instant payment method. Defaults to false.
  • title - Set custom title for preselected stored payment method view Drop-in on iOS. By default app's name used. This property have no effect on Android.

Card component

  • addressVisibility - Indicates the display mode of the billing address form. Options: "none", "postal", "full". Defaults to "none".
  • allowedAddressCountryCodes - List of ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code values to control country picker options in full address form.
  • hideCvc - Indicates whether to show the security code field at all. Defaults to false.
  • hideCvcStoredCard - Indicates whether to show the security code field on a stored card payment. Defaults to false.
  • holderNameRequired - Indicates if the field for entering the holder name should be displayed in the form. Defaults to false.
  • kcpVisibility - Indicates whether to show the security fields for South Korea-issued cards. Options: "show" or "hide". Defaults to "hide".
  • showStorePaymentField - Indicates if the field for storing the card payment method should be displayed in the form. Defaults to true.
  • socialSecurity - Indicates the visibility mode for the social security number field (CPF/CNPJ) for Brazilian cards. Options: "show" or "hide". Defaults to "hide".
  • supported - The list of allowed card types. By default, uses a list of brands from the payment method. Fallbacks to list of all known cards.

3D Security 2

  • requestorAppUrl - Alternative returnURL value that could be used for 3D Security 2 OOB flow. Always use a Universal Link aka App Link.

ApplePay component

  • merchantID - The Merchant ID for Apple Pay.
  • merchantName - The merchant name. This value will be used to generate a single PKPaymentSummaryItem if summaryItems is not provided.
  • allowOnboarding - The flag to toggle onboarding. If true, allow the shopper to add cards to Apple Pay if none exist yet or none is applicable. If false, Apple Pay is disabled when the shopper doesn’t have supported cards on the Apple Pay wallet. The default is false.
  • summaryItems - An array of payment summary item objects that summarize the amount of the payment. The last element of this array must contain the same value as amount on the Checkout \payments API request. WARNING: Adyen uses integer minor units, whereas Apple uses NSDecimalNumber.
  • requiredShippingContactFields - A list of fields that you need for a shipping contact in order to process the transaction. The list is empty by default.
  • requiredBillingContactFields - A list of fields that you need for a billing contact in order to process the transaction. The list is empty by default.
  • billingContact - Billing contact information for the user. Corresponds to ApplePayPaymentContact.
  • shippingContact - Shipping contact information for the user. Corresponds to ApplePayPaymentContact.
  • shippingType - Indicates the display mode for the shipping (e.g. "Pick Up", "Ship To", "Deliver To"). Localized. The default is shipping. Corresponds to PKShippingType.
  • supportedCountries - A list of two-letter country codes for limiting payment to cards from specific countries or regions. When provided will filter the selectable payment passes to those issued in the supported countries.
  • shippingMethods - The list of shipping methods available for a payment request. Corresponds to ApplePayShippingMethod.

GooglePay component

  • merchantAccount - The merchant account to be put in the payment token from Google to Adyen. By default uses value from brands.

  • allowedCardNetworks - One or more card networks that you support, also supported by the Google Pay API.

  • allowedAuthMethods - Fields supported to authenticate a card transaction.

  • totalPriceStatus - The status of the total price used. Defaults to "FINAL".

  • allowPrepaidCards - Set to false if you don't support prepaid cards. Default: The prepaid card class is supported for the card networks specified.

  • allowCreditCards - Set to false if you don't support credit cards. Default: The credit card class is supported for the card networks specified.

  • billingAddressRequired - Set to true if you require a billing address. A billing address should only be requested if it's required to process the transaction.

  • billingAddressParameters - Set billing address parameters:

    • format - Billing address format required to complete the transaction.

      Possible values: MIN (default): Name, country code, and postal code. FULL: Name, street address, locality, region, country code, and postal code.

    • phoneNumberRequired - Set to true if a phone number is required for the provided shipping address.

  • emailRequired - Set to true to request an email address.

  • shippingAddressRequired - Set to true to request a full shipping address.

  • shippingAddressParameters - Set shipping address parameters.

    • allowedCountryCodes - List of ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code values of the countries where shipping is allowed. If this object isn't specified, all shipping address countries are allowed.
    • phoneNumberRequired - Set to true if a phone number is required for the provided shipping address.
  • existingPaymentMethodRequired - If set to true then the isReadyToPayResponse object includes an additional paymentMethodPresent property that describes the visitor's readiness to pay with one or more payment methods specified in allowedPaymentMethods.

  • googlePayEnvironment - The environment to be used by GooglePay. Should be either WalletConstants.ENVIRONMENT_TEST or WalletConstants.ENVIRONMENT_PRODUCTION. By default uses environment from the root.


const configuration = {
  environment: 'test',
  clientKey: '{YOUR_CLIENT_KEY}',
  countryCode: 'NL',
  amount: {
    currency: 'EUR',
    value: 9800,
  returnUrl: 'myapp://adyencheckout',
  analytics: {
    enabled: true,
    verboseLogs: true,
  dropin: {
    skipListWhenSinglePaymentMethod: true,
    showPreselectedStoredPaymentMethod: false,
  card: {
    holderNameRequired: true,
    addressVisibility: 'postalCode',
    showStorePaymentField: false,
    hideCvcStoredCard: true,
    hideCvc: true,
    allowedAddressCountryCodes: ['US', 'UK', 'CA', 'NL'],
  threeDS2: {
    requestorAppUrl: '',
  applepay: {
    merchantID: '{YOUR_APPLE_MERCHANT_ID}',
    allowOnboarding: true,
    summaryItems: [
        label: 'Item',
        amount: 100,
        type: 'pending',
        label: 'Discount',
        amount: -20.4,
        type: 'final',
        label: 'Tax',
        amount: '18.4',
        label: `{YOUR_MERCHANT_NAME}`,
        amount: '98',
    billingContact: {
      phoneNumber: '123-456-7890',
      emailAddress: '',
      givenName: 'John',
      familyName: 'Doe',
      phoneticGivenName: 'John',
      phoneticFamilyName: 'Doe',
      addressLines: ['123 Main St', 'Apt 4B'],
      subLocality: 'Suburb',
      locality: 'City',
      postalCode: '12345',
      subAdministrativeArea: 'County',
      administrativeArea: 'State',
      country: 'Country',
      countryCode: 'US',
    shippingContact: {
      phoneNumber: '123-456-7890',
      emailAddress: '',
      givenName: 'John',
      familyName: 'Doe',
      phoneticGivenName: 'John',
      phoneticFamilyName: 'Doe',
      addressLines: ['123 Main St', 'Apt 4B'],
      subLocality: 'Suburb',
      locality: 'City',
      postalCode: '12345',
      subAdministrativeArea: 'County',
      administrativeArea: 'State',
      country: 'Country',
      countryCode: 'US',
    shippingType: 'storePickup',
    supportedCountries: ['US', 'UK', 'CA', 'NL'],
    shippingMethods: [
        label: "Free Shipping",
        detail: "Arrives in 5 to 7 days",
        amount: "0.00",
        identifier: "FreeShip",
        label: "Super Shipping",
        detail: "Arrives super fast",
        amount: "10.00",
        identifier: "SuperShip",
        startDate: "2022-02-01",
        endDate: "2022-02-10"
    requiredBillingContactFields: ['phoneticName', 'postalAddress'],
    requiredShippingContactFields: ['name', 'phone', 'email', 'postalAddress'],
  googlepay: {
    allowCreditCards: false,
    allowPrepaidCards: false,
    billingAddressRequired: true,
    billingAddressParameters: {
      format: 'FULL',
      phoneNumberRequired: true,
    shippingAddressRequired: true,
    shippingAddressParameters: {
      allowedCountryCodes: ['US', 'UK', 'CA', 'NL'],
      phoneNumberRequired: true,
    emailRequired: true,