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@Dyaxler Dyaxler tagged this 10 Jan 05:30
* Fixed an issue with the Shift+Click manual quest complete Dewdrop menu
appearing off screen when a players Worldmap is in "Full Screen" mode.
* Re-added the Questie QuestTracker background and added the ability to
it's alpha level. This is NOT enabled by default. Pay attention! :)
Step 1: Enable the back ground by running '/questie background' -
level is 4. If you're happy with that then you're done. If you want it
lighter or darker then proceed to step 2.
Step 2: Run the set alpha command '/questie backgroundalpha #' Enter a
number between 1 and 9. 1 is super light almost non-exsistant and 9 is
the darkest you can go. So for example: '/questie backgroundalpha 9'
Your UI will automatically reload after step 1 or when you change the
setting in step 2. Can't get around the ReloadUI().
* The Questie QuestTrackers background is a fixed width. I did not
re-enable the
code to auto resize the width. It's set to 200px wide which can
some fairly wide quest descriptions and objectives without it looking
too ugly.
* Minor improvement in completed quest markers not dissappearing right
away after
completing a quest.
Assets 2