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RabbitMQ middleware for .net, suitable for clean architecture

Install the package

Find the package through NuGet Package Manager or install it with following command.


dotnet add package RabbitMQMiddleware.Contract


dotnet add package RabbitMQMiddleware.Implementation

note: in clean architecture add "Interface" library to "Application" layer/project and add "Implementation" library to "Infrastructure" layer/project

Register Services

Add the following in Program.cs


Add RabbitMq Configuration

Add the following in appsettings.json

  "RabbitMqConfiguration": {
    "HostName": "",
    "VirtualHost": "/",
    "Port": "5672",
    "Username": "username",
    "Password": "password"

How To Use

For send message inject IProducerService

  private readonly IProducerService<string> _producerService;
  public ClassName(IProducerService<string> producerService)
    _producerService = producerService;
  public void SendMessage(string message)
    _producerService.Send(message: message, exchangeName: "Exchange Name",
    exchangeType: "direct", queueName: "Queue Name", routingKey: "Routing Key");

For receive message inject IConsumerService

  private readonly IConsumerService _consumerService;
  public ClassName(IConsumerService consumerService)
    _consumerService = consumerService;
  public async Task Reciver()
    var model = _consumerService.GetRabbitModel(exchangeName: "Exchange Name",
    exchangeType: "direct", queueName: "Queue Name", routingKey: "Routing Key");
    var consumer = new AsyncEventingBasicConsumer(model);

    consumer.Received += async (ch, ea) =>
      var body = ea.Body.ToArray();
      var item = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<string>(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(body));
      //Implement your business

      model.BasicAck(ea.DeliveryTag, false);

      await Task.CompletedTask;
    model.BasicConsume(queue: "Queue Name", false, consumer);