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57 lines (41 loc) · 1.55 KB

File metadata and controls

57 lines (41 loc) · 1.55 KB


Welcome to CycleBoard

To start the project run these commands:

pnpm bootstrap
pnpm launch:app

Backend: http://localhost:4000/

Frontend: http://localhost:3000/

You may need to refresh your navigator after the server started.


If you have issues with lerna and npm client you can edit ./lerna.json and add the npm client you prefer:

  "packages": [
  "npmClient": "ADD YOU NPM CLIENT HERE",
  "version": "0.0.0"

If it still doesn't work you can start the project the old way:


cd server
pnpm dev


pnpm dev

Issues / What I would have done if I had more time

I had an issue with the exports from Figma so I decided to use @mui/icon-material to replace them.

There is an issue with some types in files containers/Board.tsx and components/SidebarMenu.tsx. The issue comes from the code generated by @graphql-codegenbut I didn't find a way to fix this yet .

If you go to /Roadmap-Tech or /Improvements it will log a lot of errors in the console but it's "normal". It's just because I was too lazy in the creation of the mocked backend and reuse the same cards multiple time, so there is some duplicated keys. I will try to take time to fix this.

And finally if I had more time this is what I would have done:

  • Unit testing (with jest and @testing-library)
  • Add elements to my theme to avoid using magic numbers
  • Remove @mui/* and created my own theme / Typography component