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Monoids, Functors, Monads and Why

What is the point?

  • Are any of these necessary to get code running? No!

    • Are these necessary to get write elegant and beautiful idiomatic Haskell? Absolutely.
  • Think of them as Design Patterns.

    • What really matters in the end, is being able to use them in programs.


Some Motivating Examples

  • Suppose I have a list of strings, and I want to concat, them. How do I express that using a fold?
    • foldr (++) strings ""
  • I have a bunch of pictures, I want to put them on top of each other. How do I do that with the Diagram library?
    • mconcat  (fmap(circle . (/20)) [1..5])
      <> triangle (sqrt 3 / 2) # lwL 0.01 # fc yellow
      <> circle 0.5 # lwL 0.02 # fc deepskyblue

The Pattern

  • We have an empty diagram, the diagram of nothing. We have an empty string.
  • We have a way to compose together diagrams, by drawing them one after the other. We have a way to compose lists, by concatenating lists.
  • Composition is associative, but not necessarily commutative. For example, given three lists, we might concatenate them in two ways:
    • [1,2,3] ++ [4,5,6] ++ [7,8,9] == [1,2,3,4,5,6] ++ [7,8,9] == [1..9]
    • [1,2,3] ++ [4,5,6] ++ [7,8,9] == [1,2,3] ++ [4,5,6,7,8,9] == [1..9]
    • But changing the order of the lists changes things.

The Monoid Laws

  • Here are the signatures:
class Monoid a where
    mempty  :: a
    mappend :: a -> a -> a

    mconcat :: [a] -> a
    mconcat = foldr mappend mempty
  • We'll call mappend as (<>) as an infix operator, for simplicity of notation.

    • Available from Data.Monoid
  • And, these are the laws:

(x <> y) <> z = x <> (y <> z) -- associativity
mempty <> x = x               -- left identity
x <> mempty = x               -- right identity
  • But what are laws, again?
    • Laws are really just definitions. When we call a type a monoid, what we really mean by that is that it has a <> and a mempty that follow the laws.
    • Therefore, it is the duty of the programmer to prove the Monoid laws when he writes a monoid instance.

Some More Examples of Monoids

  • Bool, with True as mempty and && as mappend.
    • What other ways are there to write Monoid instances of Bool?
  • How can you form a Monoid out of Integers?
  • Functions of type a -> a (called Endomorphisms) form a monoid. Can you guess what the mappend and mempty are?

Again, why is this useful?

  • Elegant pattern that you can see everywhere.
  • You can do mconcat whenever there is a list of values which belong to teh same Monoid.
    • Can have genearlized mconcats, which isfold :: Monoid m => t m -> m. For example, you maybe able to fold a tree up, somehow.
  • f is a monoid homomorphism if it respects (<>). That is, f (x <> y) = f x <> f y. Recognizing a homomorphism might help you refactor code nicely.
    • For example, say that rotating a diagram rotate is expensive. Then rather than using rotate diagram1 <> rotate diagram2, it might be a better idea to do rotate (diagram1 <> diagram2) instead, if you knew that rotate is a homomorphism.


The Motivation

  • The following is valid: map (+1) [1,2,3]
  • It goes inside the list, and does (+1) to every element.
  • Wouldn't it be nice if we could write, in the same way, say, fmap (+1) (Just 2)?
  • Or something like that for Sets, Trees, and more?

The Pattern and The Functor Laws

  • Functors are abstractions of maps.
fmap id = id
fmap (g . f) = fmap g . fmap f

We shall use the infix shorthand (<$>) for fmap.

IO is a Functor too

import Data.Char

capitalize = map toUpper
getLoudLine = capitalize <$> getLine



We have seen a lot of IO last time


Chains of Computations. You have seen this in class.

Look at Footnote 14 for a discussion on this.


  • The List monad somehow corresponds to non-deterministic computations.
  • This is an example from Learn You a Haskell. Suppose I want to find out all the squares in a chessboard which the knight could be at after three moves.
type KnightPos = (Int,Int)  

moveKnight :: KnightPos -> [KnightPos]  
moveKnight (c,r) = filter onBoard  
    where onBoard (c,r) = c `elem` [1..8] && r `elem` [1..8]  

in3 :: KnightPos -> [KnightPos]
in3 start =  moveKnight `concatMap` (moveKnight `concatMap` (moveKnight `concatMap` [start]) )
  • In the list Monad, return x = [x] and (>>=) = flip concatMap.
  • Let's rewrite this in Monadic style.
in3 start = return start >>= moveKnight >>= moveKnight >>= moveKnight
  • In fact, we can write moveKnight as a non-deterministic computation using do notation.
moveKnight :: KnightPos -> [KnightPos]  
moveKnight (c,r) = do  
    (c',r') <- [(c+2,r-1),(c+2,r+1),(c-2,r-1),(c-2,r+1)  
    if (c' `elem` [1..8] && r' `elem` [1..8])  
    then return (c',r')  
    else [] --ignoring this c

in3 :: KnightPos -> [KnightPos]  
in3 start = do   
    first <- moveKnight start  
    second <- moveKnight first  
    moveKnight second  


Motivating Examples

type Stack = [Int]  

pop :: Stack -> (Int,Stack)  
pop (x:xs) = (x,xs)  

push :: Int -> Stack -> ((),Stack)  
push a xs = ((),a:xs)  
  • But how do you do a bunch of operations to a stack in a nice way? Say, you want to push 3 and pop the last two items.
stackManip :: Stack -> (Int, Stack)  
stackManip stack = let  
    ((),newStack1) = push 3 stack  
    (a ,newStack2) = pop newStack1  
    in pop newStack2  
  • This is not elegant. What if we wanted to do 10 operations?
Pseudorandom Number Generator (PRNG)
  • How does a computer generate Random Numbers?

    • Well, it cannot, until it has the ability to get some randomness from some source.
    • However, it can generate "random looking" numbers, i.e, given a sequence of numbers that it generates, it'd be "hard" to predict what the next number is.
  • Start with some seed value. Everytime you want a new number, you update it.

  • A very simple example is the Linear Congruential Generator.

    • Fix parameters m, c, modulus.
    • Initialize the "state" of the generator with seed.
    • When asked for a number, output the current state, and update state to (state * m + c) `mod` modulus.
data RandGen = RandGen {curState :: Int, multiplier :: Int, increment :: Int, modulus :: Int}

runRandom :: RandGen -> (Int, RandGen)
runRandom gen1 = (v, gen2)
    v = curState gen1
    v2 = (v * (multiplier gen1) + (increment gen1)) `mod` (modulus gen1)
    gen2 = gen1 { curState = v2}

threeRandoms :: RandGen -> (Int, Int, Int)
threeRandoms gen =
  let (r1, g2) = runRandom gen
      (r2, g3) = runRandom g2
      (r3, _ ) = runRandom g3
  in (r1, r2, r3)

  • Again, this is not elegant.

The Pattern

  • Think of a stateful computation as a function that takes a state, and chages extracts a value of it, and changes the state.

newtype State s v = State { runState :: s -> (v,s) }  
  • Notice the resemblance between runState :: s -> (v,s), runRandom :: RandGen -> (Int, RandGen), pop :: Stack -> (Int,Stack).
    • We'll have State Stack Int, which means, we'll use the Stacks for maintaining the states, and our values will be Ints.
    • We'll have State RandGen Int, which means we'll use the RandGens to keep track of the Generators, and will get Ints out of them.
  • Guess what? We'll form a Monad out of State s.
    • return val should give you a stateful computation that does not alter the state at all, and just produces the val
    • (>>=) :: State s a -> (a -> State s b) -> State s b, tries to chain together two stateful computations.
instance Monad (State s) where  
    return x = State $ \s -> (x,s)  
    (State h) >>= f = State $ \s -> let (a, newState) = h s  -- run the first stateful computation, and call the result a
                                        (State g) = f a -- now, use this result to create a new stateful computation
                                    in  g newState  

Back To Examples

  • Instead of writing Stack -> (a, Stack), we'll write State Stack a
pop :: State Stack Int  
pop = State $ \(x:xs) -> (x,xs)  

push :: Int -> State Stack ()  
push a = State $ \xs -> ((),a:xs)
  • Now, stackManip is really just a stateful computation

stackManip :: State Stack Int  
stackManip = do  
    push 3  
ghci> runState stackManip [5,8,2,1]  
  • Let's think of another stack manipulation, which involves some conditionals.
stackStuff :: State Stack ()  
stackStuff = do  
    a <- pop  
    if a == 5  
        then push 5  
        else do  
            push 3  
            push 8  
ghci> runState stackStuff [9,0,2,1,0]  
Pseudorandom Number Generator
  • Again, we can rewrite runRandom with State.
runRandom :: State RandGen Int
runRandom = State $ f
    f gen1 = (v, gen2)
          v = curState gen1
          v2 = (v * (multiplier gen1) + (increment gen1)) `mod` (modulus gen1)
          gen2 = gen1 { curState = v2 }
  • Then, we can rewrite threeRandoms as follows:
threeRandoms :: State RandGen (Int, Int, Int)
threeRandoms = do
    a <- runRandom
    b <- runRandom
    c <- runRandom
    return (a,b,c)
ghci> let r = RandGen 10 6152761 122 1000007
ghci> runState threeRandoms r
((10,527305,928721),RandGen {curState = 349697, multiplier = 6152761, increment = 122, modulus = 1000007})
  • We can even have an infinite random number stream:
infiniteRandoms :: State RandGen [Int]
infiniteRandoms = do
  x <- runRandom
  xs <- infiniteRandoms
  return (x:xs)
ghci> take 10 $ fst $ runState infiniteRandoms r
A Quick Implementation of State
  • Find one here.
  • I put together some simple implementation for the purpose of the tutorial, but the common practice is to use Control.Monad.State

So, what are Monads, really?

  • Monads are a design pattern that is frequently used in Haskell code.
  • Formally, Monad is a typeclass that has the following type signature and follow the following rules:


class Monad m where
        return :: a -> m a
        (>>=)  :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b

(This is not the signature actually used. But I am using this here to avoid technicalities)

Monad Laws

m >>= return     =  m                        -- right unit
return x >>= f   =  f x                      -- left unit

(m >>= f) >>= g  =  m >>= (\x -> f x >>= g)  -- associativity
  • With (>=>), defined as follows, associativity makes more sense.
(>=>) :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> (b -> m c) -> (a -> m c)
f >=> g = \x -> f x >>= g
return >=> f = f >=> return -- identity of return
(f >=> g) >=> h  =  f >=> (g >=> h) -- associativity

I want another Monad Analogy, anyway

That said, the analogies are never substitute for actual examples. And monads might be elegant, but they are not mysterious anyway.


  1. How important are the abstract concepts?
  2. Haskell Wikibook/Monoids
  3. Haskell Wikibook/Functor
  4. Learn You a Haskell/A Fistful of Monads
  5. Learn You a Haskell/For a Few Monads More