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CS102 ~ Personal Log page ~

Ahmed Salih Cezayir 21802918

On this page I will keep a weekly record of what I have done for the CS102 group project. This page will be submitted together with the rest of the repository, in partial fulfillment of the CS102 course requirements.

~ 20/04/2020 ~

This week I started to learn android studio and concepts related to android programing.

~ 27/04/2020 ~

This week I will continue my study of how to use android studio I will think about the UML diagram of our app I will study how to use Firebase or another database (if there is a problem with Firebase)

~ 04/05/2020 ~

This week I designed the basic layout of the app I created home, search and profile menu layout and added some basic functionality like moving between different activities. I also worked with firebase and learned how to use authentication etc.

~ 10/05/2020 ~

This week I worked with photoes. I learned how to get camera permission, how to capture images and how to upload those images to firebase storage. I also worked with progress map section and created some basic layout for that section. I created a custom adapter and custom recyclerView and those will be added to the project when everyhing is ready. Also this week Sergen and I worked worked together to solve some problems related to authentication and sign in / sign out part. I also tidied up code layouts to make them more readible and nicer looking. Next week I will work on implementing those ideas/knowledge into our project.

~ 16/05/2020 ~

This week I added the camera functionality to our app. I also worked with firebase database and firebase storage. I added the functionality that now our app can store the captured image and its url in the firebase. I also added camera and write/read external data permissions in order for our app to work. Now we need to combine this part and Faruk's part in order to complete the tasks page.-

~ 17/05/2020 ~

Today I completed the progressmap. I added CardRecyclerViewAdapter class(Custon adapter class for recylerview), layaout_cardview (xml) and fragment_progressmap(xml). Then I filled the progressMap fragment by using those (I used the firebase in order to get the photos). Now we can see the photos taken and their date

~ 18/05/2020 ~

Today I created the search activity. I added activity_search(xml) and snippet_searchbar(xml). Then I filled the search activity.(I used the firebase in order to get the related photos) Now user can enter a tag and search for related photos.Then, I organized our database and storage. With my group we decided the basic structure of the database. Then I made it. I added 2 new nodes(all_photos and tags_and_photos). I also organized the storage. Now storage have 2 folders(images and all_images). Then I organized and added the related methods to add photo to storage and realtime database(Those methods are uploading photos into correct folders/nodes). Then I tidied some parts of the project.

~ 19/05/2020 ~

Today I worked with Sergen to solve a problem related to profile activity. We solved the problem. Then I worked with badge/achievements system. Now it is correct and it properly shows the achievement/ achievement badge/ progress/ wheter it is done or not. I also added functionality to the profile activity that now users can see their photo count.(Now users can see how many pictures they have captured). Then I worked with Mehmet Ali to create the profile image part. Now when user clicks the "change profile image" button, it automatically opens the camera then saves it in the related node of the firebase. Then, I worked with the last version of our app. After uploading the all images, app and database caused a problem related to the items position so I solved the error. I also worked with the colors of the app and the theme. I also changed some of the photos of the play section.(Faruk had already uploaded them to storage and database but some of them have strange looks so I changed those)

~ 20/05/2020 ~

Today, to finish the app I changed the help part a little bit. Sergen has already created this part, but I added more information to it and changed the text style/font. Then as a group we took a video of our app demo.

~ 22/05/2020 ~

Today I locked the screen rotation of our app. Now it only shows the screen in portrait mode. Then I also solved one bug related to the search section. When user taking a photo in search part, it was uploading the image to wrong place, so I solved it by changing the photo class.

~ The all tasks I have done ~

These are the tasks/jobs I did in this project

  • General layout of the app
  • Camera functionality/ Camera permission/ Uploading image to firebase storage/ Uploading image uri to firebase realtime database(and methods to Firebasemethods class).
  • Firebase realtime database structure/node/branch design(all_photos/ tags_and_photos/ all_tags_and_photos/ user_photos) and uploading images to the related node(and methods to do those)
  • Progress map(using all_photos node) to show the all captured photos of the user.To create this part I created 2 layouts, one for general layout holding the recycler view, and one for the each individual item of the recycler view. Then I created the related java files for those. Then I combined them in the progressMapFragment. I worked with database references to get the photos.
  • Badges section to show some achievements and track the progress of them. Again, to create this part I created 2 layouts, one for general layout holding the recycler view, and one for the each individual item of the recycler view. Then I created the related java files for those. Then I combined them in the badgesFragment. I worked with database references to track the progress.
  • Photo count in the profile(This is below the username)
  • Search part. I got the photos from the database reference(all_photos_and_tags node) and filled the grid according to written tag. Then faruk added the on click listeners to make the grid work.
  • With Mehmet Ali, we created "Change profile photo" part
  • Debugging related to search part and general debugging
  • I also helped my teammates when they encounter a problem