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Common problems and code examples


How to initialize the script

air script: auto_setup()

Automatically configure the interface of the running environment, you can configure the path where the current script is located, the device used, the storage path of the log content, the project root directory, and the screenshot compression accuracy:

auto_setup(basedir=None, devices=None, logdir=None, project_root=None, compress=None)

Interface example:


auto_setup(__file__, devices=["android://"],
           logdir=True, project_root=r"D:\test", compress=90)

How to connect/use the device

Please note: For more device related information, please refer to Document

Connect the device: connect_device(URI)

The interface to connect to the device requires the URI string used to initialize the device. Example:

# Connect Android device

# Connect iOS device

# Connect Windows window

# Connect the simulator

Connect the device: init_device()

To initialize the interface of the device, you need to pass in the device platform, the uuid and optional parameters of the device, where uuid is the serial number of Android, the window handle of Windows, or the uuid of iOS:

init_device(platform='Android', uuid=None, **kwargs)

Example of interface usage:

# Connect Android device

# Connect Windows window

Get the current device: device()

Return the device instance currently in use, the usage example is as follows:

dev = device()
dev.swipe_along([[959, 418],[1157, 564],[1044, 824],[751, 638],[945, 415]])

Set the current device: set_current()

Set the current device used, which can be used to switch between multiple devices. Examples are as follows:

# The first type: Incoming numbers 0, 1, 2, etc., switch the currently operating mobile phone to the first and second mobile phone connected to Airtest

# Second: Switch the current mobile phone to the serial number serialno1, serialno2

How to perform coordinate click/coordinate sliding

Coordinate click

When you click on the device, you can pass in parameters such as the click location and the number of clicks. The optional parameters under different platforms are slightly different. Examples are as follows:

# Pass in absolute coordinates as the click position

# Pass in the template picture instance, click the center of the screenshot
touch(Template(r"tpl1606730579419.png", target_pos=5, record_pos=(-0.119, -0.042), resolution=(1080, 1920)))

# Click 2 times

# Under Android and Windows platforms, you can set the click duration

Coordinate sliding

For sliding operations on the device, there are two ways to pass parameters, one is to pass in the starting point and end of the sliding, and the other is to pass in the starting point and sliding direction vector. Examples are as follows:

# Pass in absolute coordinates as the start and end of the sliding
swipe([378, 1460],[408, 892])

# Incoming image as a starting point, slide along a certain direction
swipe(Template(r"tpl1606814865574.png", record_pos=(-0.322, 0.412), resolution=(1080, 1920)), vector=[-0.0316, -0.3311])

# Commonly, you can also set the duration of sliding
swipe([378, 1460],[408, 892],duration=1)

How to install/start/uninstall apps

Start the application: start_app()

To start the target application on the device, you need to pass in the package name of the application, which supports Android and iOS platforms. Examples:


Terminate application operation: stop_app()

To terminate the operation of the target application on the device, the package name of the application needs to be passed in. It supports Android and iOS platforms. Examples:


Clear application data: clear_app()

To clean up the target application data on the device, the package name of the application needs to be passed in. Only supports the Android platform, example:


Install the application: install()

To install the application on the device, you need to pass in the complete apk installation path, only supports the Android platform, example:


Uninstall the application: uninstall()

To uninstall the application on the device, you need to pass in the package name of the uninstalled application. Only supports the Android platform, example:


Key event: keyevent

Android keyevent

It is equivalent to executing adb shell input keyevent KEYNAME, an example is as follows:

# The constant corresponding to the home key is 3
keyevent("3") # same as keyevent("HOME")

Windows keyevent

Unlike Android, the Windows platform uses the pywinauto.keyboard module module for key input. Example:


# Use Alt+F4 to close the Windows window

iOS keyevent

Currently only supports HOME key:


How to enter text

To enter text on the device, the text box needs to be activated (that is, click the text box first, and then use the text() interface to enter). Examples are as follows:

touch (Template instance of text box)
text("input text")

# By default, text is with carriage return, you can pass False if you don’t need it

# Under the Android platform, you can also click the search button on the soft keyboard after typing

How to delete text

Delete a single character through the keyevent interface:

keyevent("67") # 67 is the delete key, please note that the input is a string

Simulate clearing the input box operation:

for i in range(10):

Delete poco (leave the input box blank):



How to log into the report

The log() interface is convenient to insert some user-defined log information, which will be displayed in the Airtest report. In Airtest version 1.1.6, the log interface supports 4 parameters:

  • args, which can be a string, a non-string or a traceback object;

  • timestamp, used to customize the timestamp of the current log;

  • desc, used to customize the title of the log;

  • snapshot, indicating whether it is necessary to take a screenshot of the current screen image and display it in the report:

Examples are as follows:

# Incoming string
log("123",desc="this is title 01")

# Pass in non-string
data = {"test": 123, "time": 123456}
log(data,desc="this is title 02")

# Incoming traceback
except Exception as e:
    log(e, desc="This is title 03")
# Record timestamp and take a screenshot of the current screen
log("123", timestamp=time.time(), desc="This is title 04", snapshot=True)

How to set the log save path

Airtest provides some global settings, in which LOGFILE is used to customize the name of the txt file that records the log content; LOGDIR is used to customize the save path of the log content, examples are as follows:

from airtest.core.settings import Settings as ST
from airtest.core.helper import set_logdir

ST.LOG_FILE = "log123.txt"


How to filter unnecessary log information

Add settings for log information level at the beginning of the script code:

__author__ = "Airtest"

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger("airtest")

After changing the level of output log information to [ERROR], only a small amount of initialization information is output during the entire script running process, which makes it easier to view error messages.


Report generation: simple_report()

Simple interface for generating reports:

simple_report(filepath, logpath=True, logfile='log.txt', output='log.html')

The 4 parameters that can be passed in represent:

  • filepath, the path of the script file, you can directly pass in the variable `file``
  • logpath, the path where the log content is located, if it is True, it will default to the path where the current script is located to find the log content
  • logfile, the file path of log.txt
  • output, the path to the report, must end with .html

Examples are as follows:

from import simple_report
auto_setup(__file__, logdir=True)

# N use case scripts are omitted here


Report generation: LogToHtml()

Base class of report:

class LogToHtml(script_root, log_root=``, static_root='', export_dir=None, script_name='', logfile='log.txt', lang='en', plugins=None)

The logtohtml class can pass in many parameters:

  • script_root, script path
  • log_root, the path of the log file
  • static_root, the server path where static resources are deployed
  • export_dir, the storage path of the export report
  • script_name, the script name
  • logfile, the path of the log file log.txt
  • lang, the language of the report (Chinese: zh; English: en)
  • plugins, plug-ins, will be used if poco or airtest-selenium is used

When using logtohtml to generate a test report, we generally first instantiate a logtohtml object, and then use this object to call the class method report() to generate the report. An example is as follows:

from import LogToHtml

# N use case scripts are omitted here

h1 = LogToHtml(script_root=r'D:\test\1234.air', log_root=r"D:\test\1234.air\log", export_dir=r"D:\test\1234.air" ,logfile= r'D:\test\1234.air\log\log.txt', lang='en', plugins=[""])


How to take a screenshot with script

Take a screenshot of the target device and save it to a file. You can pass in the file name of the screenshot, a short description of the screenshot, the compression accuracy of the screenshot, and the maximum size of the screenshot. Examples are as follows:

snapshot(filename="123.jpg",msg="Homepage screenshot",quality=90,max_size=800)

How to take a partial screenshot

Partial screenshots or screenshots by coordinates are a frequently asked question. Airtest provides the crop_image(img, rect) method to help us achieve partial screenshots:

# -*- encoding=utf8 -*-
__author__ = "AirtestProject"

from airtest.core.api import *
# crop_image() method is in airtest.aircv and needs to be introduced
from airtest.aircv import *

screen = G.DEVICE.snapshot()

# Partial screenshot
screen = aircv.crop_image(screen,(0,160,1067,551))
# Save partial screenshots to the log folder

How to do partial image recognition

Steps to find a partial picture:

  • Take a partial screenshot
  • Define the target screenshot object to find
  • Use the match_in method to find the specified screenshot object in the partial screenshot
from airtest.core.api import *
from airtest.aircv import *

screen = G.DEVICE.snapshot()
# Partial screenshot
local_screen = aircv.crop_image(screen,(0,949,1067,1500))

# Set our target screenshot as a Template object
tempalte = Template(r"png_code/settings.png")
# Find the specified image object in the partial screenshot
pos = tempalte.match_in(local_screen)

# Return the coordinates of the image object found (the coordinates are relative to the coordinates of the local screenshot)

# To return the coordinates of the target in the entire screen, both x and y need to be added with the minimum x and y set during the partial screenshot

How to set the report screenshot accuracy

SNAPSHOT_QUALITY is used to set the global screenshot compression accuracy, the default value is 10, and the value range is [1,100]. Examples are as follows:

from airtest.core.settings import Settings as ST

# Set the global screenshot accuracy to 90

Define the compression accuracy of a single screenshot, example:

# Set the compression accuracy of a single screenshot to 90, and the remaining unset will be based on the global compression accuracy

How to set the maximum size of report screenshots

In Airtest1.1.6, a new setting for specifying the maximum size of screenshots is added: ST.IMAGE_MAXSIZE. If it is set to 1200, the length and width of the last saved screenshot will not exceed 1200. Example:

from airtest.core.settings import Settings as ST

# Set the global screenshot size not to exceed 600*600, if not set, the default is the original image size

# In the case of not setting separately, the value of the global variable in ST is used by default, that is, 600*600
# Set the maximum size of a single screenshot not to exceed 1200*1200
snapshot(filename="test2.png", msg="test02", quality=90, max_size=1200)

How to specify the path and name for saving screenshots

Take a screenshot of the screen of the current device and save the screenshot in a custom path. This can be achieved in the following ways:

screen = G.DEVICE.snapshot()
pil_img = cv2_2_pil(screen)"D:/test/首页.png", quality=99, optimize=True)

How to make assertions

Assert the existence: assert_exists()

There is an assertion target on the device screen, you need to pass in 1 assertion target (screenshot) and the assertion step information displayed on the report, example:

assert_exists(Template(r"tpl1607324047907.png", record_pos=(-0.382, 0.359), resolution=(1080, 1920)), "Find the Tmall entrance on the homepage")

Assert that does not exist: assert_not_exists()

There is no assertion target on the device screen. Like assert_exists(), you need to pass in an assertion target (screenshot) and the assertion step information displayed on the report, for example:

assert_not_exists(Template(r"tpl1607325103087.png", record_pos=(-0.005, 0.356), resolution=(1080, 1920)), "The icon of Tmall Global does not exist on the current page")

Assert equal: assert_equal()

To assert that two values are equal, you need to pass in the values of the two assertions, and a short description of the assertion that will be recorded in the report:

assert_equal("actual value", "predicted value", "please fill in a short description of the assertion")

It is often used to make an assertion together with the script that poco gets the attribute. Examples are as follows:

assert_equal(poco("").get_text(), "Tmall new product", "The text attribute value of the control is Tmall new product")

assert_equal(str(poco(text="Tmall new product").attr("enabled")), "True", "The enabled attribute value of the control is True")

Assert that is not equal: assert_not_equal()

Assert that two values are not equal, like assert_equal(), you need to pass in the values of 2 assertions, and a short description of the assertion that will be recorded in the report:

assert_not_equal("actual value", "predicted value", "please fill in a short description of the assertion")

assert_not_equal("1", "2", "Assert that 1 and 2 are not equal")

How to switch between absolute and relative coordinates

Use code to switch between absolute coordinates and relative coordinates:

# Get device screen resolution (vertical screen)
height = G.DEVICE.display_info['height']
width = G.DEVICE.display_info['width']

# Known absolute coordinates [311,1065], converted to relative coordinates
x1 = 311/width
y1 = 1065/height[x1,y1])

# Known relative coordinates [0.3,0.55], convert to absolute coordinates
x2 = 0.3*width
y2 = 0.55*height

# If it is a horizontal screen device, the resolution is as follows
height = G.DEVICE.display_info['width']
width = G.DEVICE.display_info['height']

Determine whether the current screen is horizontal or vertical, and get the resolution of the current screen:

if G.DEVICE.display_info['orientation'] in [1,3]:
    height = G.DEVICE.display_info['width']
    width = G.DEVICE.display_info['height']
    height = G.DEVICE.display_info['height']
    width = G.DEVICE.display_info['width']

How to call other .air scripts

If you want to call a public function encapsulated in another .air script in a .air script, you can do this:

from airtest.core.api import using
# Relative path or absolute path, make sure the code can be found

from common import common_function

If the paths of the sub-scripts that need to be referenced are all placed in a certain directory, you can set a default project root directory PROJECT_ROOT, so that when using the using interface, you can find other sub-scripts in the current root directory without filling in The full path makes it easier to call each other between scripts.

For example, if we create a script named test1.air, the actual path is /User/test/project/test1.air:

from airtest.core.api import *

def test():

Another main.air script in the same directory can refer to the test in it like this:

from airtest.core.api import *

ST.PROJECT_ROOT = "/User/test/project"
from test1 import test

How to record screen during script running

Currently only supports screen recording on Android devices, please refer to Record the screen while running the script