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Android device connection methods and FAQs


Android phone connection

If use AirtestIDE to mobile phone connection, please refer to the documents

If you're not going to use AirtestIDE, have a look at this statement:

Use ADB to see if the phone is successfully connected

adb is the official Android command line tool for Google, which allows us to communicate with devices.(if you are interested, please refer to: adb.)

We have stored adb executables for each platform under airtest\airtest\core\Android\static\adb directory, you can use it without downloading.

Take Windows as an example, you can first use the terminal to enter the directory where adb.exe is located (in airtest\airtest\core\Android\static\adb\Windows, shift+right click to open the command line terminal), and then execute the command line of adb devices :

E:\airtest\airtest\core\android\static\adb\windows>adb devices

List of devices attached
c2b1c2a7        device
eba17551        device device

In MAC, you can visit airtest/core/android/static/adb/mac directory and run the ./adb devices, if the adb no executable permissions, can run chmod + x adb add executable permissions for it.

  • In the above example, you can see that the 3 Android devices currently connected, whose state is device, are normally online
  • If the device status is UNAUTHORIZED, click OK in the ALLOW USB Debugging menu that pops up over the phone
  • If you can't see the device name, you may need to install the phone's official driver on your PC

If your phone has a connection problem

Due to different mobile phone manufacturers and the corresponding model, may encounter all sorts of problems in the process of connecting, please refer to the link common problems Android

Use the phone in your code

After confirming that the phone can be successfully connected, we can see the device serial number of the phone in the command line of adb devices :

> adb devices 

List of devices attached
c2b1c2a7        device

The c2B1c2A7 above is the device serial number of the mobile phone. We define a mobile phone with the following format string:


Among them:

  • adbhost is the IP of the host where adb Server is located. By default, this is localhostor
  • adb port defaults to 5037
  • serialno is the serial number of the Android phone, such as c2B1c2a7 just now

Here are some examples:

# Will default to the first phone in the current connection if you fill in nothing 
# A phone with c2B1C2a7 connected to the default port of the native 
# Connect a remote device through ADB connect with the native ADB. Note that is actually Serialno 

Connect the phone according to the Android:/// string

When we run a script from the command line, we can use --device Android:/// to specify the Android device on which the script will run, for example:

>airtest run untitled.air --device Android:/// phone serial number --log log/

In addition, we can use the connect_device interface when we want to connect the phone in our code:

from airtest.core.api import *
connect_device("Android:///Phone Serial Number")

These two methods only need to choose one of them, basically can meet our needs to connect devices.

Some special parameters

Some special devices may appear black screen when connected, such as some emulators, we can add an extra parameter cap_method=JAVACAP to force the screen capture mode to be JAVACAP :

# Connect the emulator and check the `Use Javacap` mode 

In addition, we have two other parameters, ori_method=ADBORI, which specifies the rotation mode of the device screen, and touch_method=ADBTOUCH, which specifies the click mode of the screen as ADB instruction.

For the most part, we don't need to specify these parameters, and we only need to add additional parameters if some special Android devices (such as some special models of tablets) can`t connect with the default parameters:

# Check all the options to connect the device and use && to connect multiple parameter strings 

Note: if any of the characters ^<>|&appear on the command line, they may need to be escaped to take effect.

Therefore, if you need to write && in the connection string, you need to rewrite it as ^&^& in Windows, add a ^ symbol for escape, and add \ for escape under MAC:

# -- device Android:// is not available under Windows 
--device Android://^&^&ori_method=ADBORI # Windows command line add ^ escape effect
--device Android://\&\&ori_method=ADBORI # MAC command line add \ escape

Android interface calls

All interfaces defined in airtest.core.api can be used on the Android platform and can be called directly in the script:

from airtest.core.api import *
touch((100, 200))
# Start an application 
# Pass in a key response 

Can refer to airtest.core.api for the API list.

Android device interface

In addition to the cross-platform interface provided in airtest.core.api, Android device objects have many built-in interfaces that can be called,We can airtest core. Android. Android module in this document refer to the android device object has a method, and then call something like this:

dev = device() # gets the Android object to the current device
print(dev.get_display_info()) # to view the display information for the current device
print(dev.list_app()) # prints out the list of currently installed apps

The ADB instruction call

Using the Android device interface, we can call adb directives like this:

# Execute the instruction ADB shell LS on the current device 

# Execute the ADB instruction for a specific device 
dev = connect_device("Android:///device1")"ls")

# Switch to a device and execute adb instruction 

Frequently asked Questions about Android

Android emulator connection

The simulator is connected in a similar way to the real machine. The following steps are required:

  • Open developer options on the emulator and check to allow USB debugging. Some emulators may need to find Settings - about the phone multiple times before opening the developer options
  • Use ADB to connect the corresponding port number, for example, enter adb connect, where 7555 is the port number corresponding to the simulator, and each brand simulator is different
  • you can use the code Android:// connects to the corresponding emulator

Key points to note:

  • Most emulators cannot connect with default parameters and must specify cap_method=JAVACAP
  • each brand simulator port can be refer to Android emulator

Slide continuously

We provide some sliding interfaces to facilitate more complex operations:

dev = device()  # gets the current device
dev.pinch()  # Two fingers pinch or separate
dev.swipe_along([(100, 300), (300, 300), (100, 500), (300, 600)]) # continuously slides over a series of coordinates
dev.two_finger_swipe((100, 100), (200, 200))  # both fingers slip together

Among them, swipe_along can continuously streak through a series of coordinate points, which is the most commonly used interface.

Custom slide

In, defines four action events:

  • DownEvent(Coordinates, contact=0, pressure=50) click
  • UpEvent(contact=0) finger up
  • MoveEvent(coordinates, contact=0, pressure=50) slide to a coordinate
  • SleepEvent wait (seconds)

In the above four actions, the contact parameter defaults to 0, representing the first finger. If 1 is passed in, the action of the second finger can be defined, so that the complex operation of the double-finger can be achieved.

pressure=50 defines the pressure when pressed and defaults to 50.

The touch interface, for example, is actually made up of [DownEvent, SleepEvent, UpEvent] actions, which in theory can be combined to allow you to customize very complex click-and-slide operations.

For example, here`s an example of a two-fingered tap on a screen:

from import *
# tap with two fingers
multitouch_event = [
     DownEvent((100, 100), 0),
     DownEvent((200, 200), 1),  # second finger
     UpEvent(0), UpEvent(1)]


In the example code above, press the first finger at the coordinates of (100, 100), press the second finger at (200, 200), and wait for a second before lifting each finger.

Also, MoveEvent can be added to achieve more diversified operations, such as an ordinary swipe :

Swipe_event = [DownEvent((500, 500)), SleepEvent(0.1)]

for i in range(5):
     swipe_event.append(MoveEvent((500 + 100*i, 500 + 100*i)))
     Swipe_event. Append (SleepEvent (0.2))



Based on this improvement, more complex operations can be achieved, such as long press 2 seconds - slide to a position:

from import *
dev = device()

# Long press delete application 
longtouch_event = [
     DownEvent([908, 892]),  # coordinates of the application to be deleted
     MoveEvent([165,285]),  # delete the application's garbage can coordinates


More examples, please refer to the airtest/playground/

Debug tips

You can switch on settings-developer options-show input position on your phone to debug simulated inputs.

Record the screen while running the script

Android phones support recording the screen while running the script. Add the --recording parameter to the command line of running the script:

airtest run "D:\test\Airtest_example.air"  --device android:/// --log logs/ --recording

After running, you can find the mp4 file recorded in the specified log directory.

  • If only the --recording parameter has been passed, by default recording_serialnumber.mp4 will be used to name the recording screen file
  • If the file name --recording test.mp4 is specified and there is more than one phone, name it serialnumber.mp4
  • If you specify the filename --recording test.mp4 and have only one phone, call it test.mp4
  • Note that the file name passed in must end with mp4
  • The default screen recording file is up to 1800 seconds. If you need to record for a longer time, you need to manually call the screen recording interface in the code

If you call the screen recording interface in the code, you can control the clarity and duration of the screen recording. For the document, see Android.start_recording.

For example, to record a 30-second video with the lowest definition and export it to test.mp4 in the current directory:

from airtest.core.api import connect_device, sleep
dev = connect_device("Android:///")
# Record the screen with the lowest quality

bit_rate_level is used to control the resolution of screen recording. The value range is 1-5. bit_rate_level=5 has the highest resolution, but it will take up more hard disk space.

Or set the parameter max_time=30, the screen recording will automatically stop after 30 seconds:

dev = device()
dev.start_recording(max_time=30, bit_rate_level=5)

The default value of max_time is 1800 seconds, so the maximum screen recording time is half an hour, you can modify its value to get a longer screen recording:

dev = device()
dev.start_recording(max_time=3600, bit_rate_level=5)

Refer to the tutorial and documentation for more