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executable file
112 lines (95 loc) · 4.44 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
112 lines (95 loc) · 4.44 KB


A command-line interface to simply interact with Akord from the terminal.

The akord-cli package is a set of Akord commands for creating vaults, adding members, creating new stacks, etc.
The package uses Akord JS to create the encryption context and handle transaction formatting.
Each command is an interaction with the Akord Protocol.

Getting started


requires Node.js 16

yarn global add @akord/akord-cli


First configure the CLI with your Akord account

akord login <email>

Now let's create our first vault and upload our first file to a folder by following these few simple steps

akord vault:create "my first vault"
akord folder:create <vaultId> "my first folder"
akord stack:create <vaultId> --file-path "./image.jpeg" --parent-id <folderId>

Syncing storages can be done with a single command e.g.

akord sync s3://bucket_name akord://vault_id


akord sync some/path/to/files akord://vault_id

More storage synchronisation examples can be found here

Akord CLI Commands

     _      _                         _
    / \    | | __   ___    _ __    __| |
   / _ \   | |/ /  / _ \  | '__|  / _` |
  / ___ \  |   <  | (_) | | |    | (_| |
 /_/   \_\ |_|\_\  \___/  |_|     \__,_|

akord <command>

  akord login <email>                       login & import the Akord wallet
  akord signup <email>                      signup & generate the Akord wallet

  akord diff <sourceUri> <targetUri>        check diff between local dir or S3 bucket and Akord vault
  akord sync <sourceUri> <targetUri>        sync local dir or S3 bucket with Akord vault

  akord vault:create <name> [terms]         create a new vault
  akord vault:rename <vaultId> <name>       update vault name
  akord vault:archive <vaultId>             archive the vault
  akord vault:restore <vaultId>             restore the vault
  akord vault:get <vaultId>                 get vault by id
  akord vault:list                          list all user vaults

  akord manifest:generate                   generate a path manifest for the vault

  akord stack:create <vaultId>              create a new stack from a file path
  akord stack:import <vaultId> <fileTxId>   create a new stack from an existing arweave transaction
  akord stack:rename <stackId> <name>       rename the stack
  akord stack:upload-revision <stackId>     upload new file version to the stack
  akord stack:move <stackId> <parentId>     move the stack
  akord stack:revoke <stackId>              revoke the stack
  akord stack:restore <stackId>             restore the stack
  akord stack:delete <stackId>              delete the stack
  akord stack:get <stackId>                 get stack by id
  akord stack:list <vaultId>                list all stacks within the given
  akord stack:download <stackId>            download latest file stack version

  akord memo:create <vaultId> <message>     create a new memo

  akord folder:create <vaultId> <name>      create a new folder
  akord folder:move <folderId> <parentId>   move the folder
  akord folder:rename <folderId> <name>     rename the folder
  akord folder:revoke <folderId>            revoke the folder
  akord folder:restore <folderId>           restore the folder
  akord folder:delete <folderId>            delete the folder
  akord folder:get <folderId>               get folder by id
  akord folder:list <vaultId>               list all folders within the given

  akord membership:invite <vaultId>         invite a new member to the vault
  akord membership:accept <membershipId>    accept the invitation to the vault
  akord membership:reject <membershipId>    reject the invitation to the vault
                                            or leave the vault
  akord membership:revoke <membershipId>    revoke the membership
  akord membership:list <vaultId>           list all active members within the
                                            given vault

  --version  Show version number                                       [boolean]
  --help     Show help                                                 [boolean]


yarn install
yarn build
yarn local


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