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Auro's Design System web component generator is a project tool intended to assist developers with an easy to configure and execute HTML custom element development environment.


Build Status See it on NPM! License issues


WC-Generator example use:

$ npx @aurodesignsystem/wc-generator --name [wc-name]

Minimum Node version

The WC-Generator requires a minimum install of Node.js 18.15.0.

Be sure to check out our getting started page for helpful tips when starting a new project.

UI development and browser support

For the most up to date information on UI development browser support, see Auro Web Component Browser Support

Custom namespace support

When generating a new custom element using the Auro WC-Generator, you are not restricted to using the Auro namespace for your new element. The following example will crate the project, @aurodesignsystem/auro-ticker

$ npx @aurodesignsystem/wc-generator --name Auro-Ticker

Custom npm namespace support

By default, the WC-Generator will output a project that the custom element is for the @aurodesignsystem npm namespace. The following example illustrates how you can customize this to @mynamespace/auro-ticker for example.

$ npx @aurodesignsystem/wc-generator --name Auro-Ticker --npm @mynamespace

WC-Generator development API

Command Description
build:test Will test the generate pipeline w/o the install process at ./auro-test
build:complete Will build a new custom element with complete install process at ../auro-test
sweep Will delete auro-test directory
test Runs build:test

Help and version management

For help with the WC-Generator API and to see what version you have installed, run $ npx @aurodesignsystem/wc-generator --help.

With each new repo created, the version of the generator will be added to the bottom of the ./ file. As versions of the WC-Generator progress this will help authors to understand where the feature gap is.

<small>Built from WC-Generator v[genVersion]</small>

Developing locally

To test changes to the generator, run npm test to generate an auro-test component.