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Releases: AlbertMN/AssistantComputerControl

v1.1.3 release

20 Nov 11:08
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This version bring a lot of bugfixes. More info in the "readme" release file.

v1.1.0 release

08 Oct 22:17
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This new update brings a ton of new features, like;

  • 8 new actions

    • write_out: speech to text! Say a phrase, and it will be written out in the focused text field
    • open_all: opens all files & folders at a specific location
    • monitors_off: turns off all monitors connected to the PC
    • create_file: creates an empty file at a desired location with a name and extension
    • delete_file: deletes file or folder at a specific path
    • append_text: writes something at the end of a desired file
    • message_box: open a classic message box with custom content & title
    • music:previousx2: Does the previous action twice in a row (for applications like Spotify, where one "previous" isn't enough)
  • Anonymous analytics

    • Please read: ACC can now gather information about your behavior within the software (how many actions you do, which and what assistant you use). This is all anonymous, and nothing personal about you is gathered.
      The only purpose of this is to make ACC better, giving the developer a better idea of how the software is actually used.

You decide whether you want the analytics data to be sent to the developer - you can always change your mind and turn it on/off. Nothing is sent without your consent.

Hotfix 1.0.3

07 Aug 13:32
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  • New action; hibernate


  • GoogleDrive incompatibility
  • Assistant Tester crashes
  • Bug resulting in people with Dropbox Business not being able to use ACC
  • General bugfixes & improvements

Hotfix 1.0.2

26 Jul 17:44
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Hotfix 1.0.1

20 Jul 16:22
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Fixed a few bugs;

  • If Dropbox wasn't installed before ACC was opened, it crashed [fixed]
  • Old forgotten "yes/no" dialog about installing Dropbox [removed]
  • Small changes to the update system

v1.0.0 launch!

19 Jul 11:49
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I finally feel like ACC is at a place where it can be considered a full official release!


  • Installer (ACC is now installed on your computer instead of being a clickonce-application)
  • A lot of bugfixes
  • A lot of new features;
    • User-friendly UI (settings, "getting started" and more!)
    • Smart custom update-system (automatically checks for updates, and installs them if the user agrees)
    • Personal or shared (anonymous) analytics;
      • It is now logged how many times each action is executed. You can choose to share this with the webserver, so that we better know which actions are the most popular (all anonymous of course, we just gather the numbers, nothing about you)
    • Better version-control (new web UI)

This is by far the most solid version of ACC to date, but if you do find a bug or have a problem, please don't hesitate to let us know in the Issues section here on GitHub.

Hope you enjoy this version of ACC! If you have any suggestions, go join our Discord server and let us know!

v0.3.1 release

07 May 01:37
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  • Updated automatic update dection
  • Fixed bug with "file edited margin" (didn't get system time, but UTC time)

v0.3 beta

30 Apr 21:52
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v0.3 beta Pre-release

The long awaited v0.3 is slowly getting polished.


  • Go enable this applet, and say "Assistant trigger Assistant Computer Control setup" or, "Install Assistant Computer Control".
  • This will create a file in a Dropbox folder called AssistantComputerControl, open the .exe file and you're good to go!

Enabling (or making) applets:

  • There's one pre-made applet for each action in the software, they can be found and simply enabled here
  • Utilize ACC and make your own applets: guide


  • Renamed project from HomeComputerControl (HCC) to AssistantComputerControl, to welcome Amazon Alexa and Microsoft Cortana to the ComputerControl-family
  • ACC is now event-based, resulting in much better performance and higher speed
  • Log implemented (ACC_Data/log.txt)
  • Added open action, more info here
  • Added automatic update-checker
  • A lot of functions rewritten

Please report bugs by opening an issue.

Tested on Windows 10, Google Home and Google Assistant on Android

v0.2 release

03 Jan 01:20
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Features & Changes

  • Added 3 actions:
    • Mute/unmute
    • Set volume
    • Music (previous song, pause/play, next song)
  • Added support for parameters
  • Added config file
  • Rewrite of almost the entire program

First alpha-release

30 Dec 02:23
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Windows only. Tested on Windows 10.

Setup guide can be found here