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Submit Jobs on OpenPAI

This document is a tutorial for job submission on OpenPAI (If you are using OpenPAI <= 0.13.0, please refer to this document). Before learning this document, make sure you have an OpenPAI cluster already. If there isn't yet, refer to here to deploy one.

There are several ways of submitting pai job, including webportal, OpenPAI VS Code Client, and python sdk. And all the job configs follow Pai Job Protocol. Here we use webportal to submit a hello world job.

Submit a Hello World Job

The job of OpenPAI defines how to execute code(s) and command(s) in specified environment(s). A job can be run on single node or distributedly.

The following process submits a model training job implemented by TensorFlow on CIFAR-10 dataset. It downloads data and code from internet and helps getting started with OpenPAI. Next Section include more details about this job config.

  1. Login to OpenPAI web portal.

  2. Click Submit Job on the left pane and reach this page. hello_world1

  3. Fill in the name of your virtual cluster, and give a name of your job and your task role. Then copy the following commands into the command box.

    apt update
    apt install -y git
    git clone
    cd models/research/slim
    python --dataset_name=cifar10 --dataset_dir=/tmp/data
    python --dataset_name=cifar10 --dataset_dir=/tmp/data --max_number_of_steps=1000

    Note: Please Do Not use # for comments or use \ for line continuation in the command box. These symbols may break the syntax and will be supported in the future.

  4. Specify the resources you need. By default only gpu number could be set. Toggle the "custom" button if you need to customize CPU number and memory. Here we use the default setting which utilizes one GPU.

  5. Specify the docker image. You can either use the listed docker images or take advantage of your own one. Here we use "openpai/tensorflow-py36-cu90" as the docker image. OpenPAI will pull images from the official Docker Hub. If you want to use your own Docker registry, please click the "Auth" button and fill in the required information.

  6. Click Submit to kick off your first OpenPAI job!

Learn the Hello World Job

The Hello World job is set to download the CIFAR-10 dataset and train a simple model with 1,000 steps. Here are some detailed explanations about configs on the submission page:

  • Job name is the name of current job. It must be unique in each user account. A meaningful name helps manage jobs well.

  • Task role name defines names of different roles in a job.

    For single server jobs, there is only one role in taskRoles.

    For distributed jobs, there may be multiple roles in taskRoles. For example, when TensorFlow is used to running distributed job, it has two roles, including parameter server and worker. There are two task roles in the corresponding job configuration. The names of task roles can be used in environment variables in distributed jobs.

  • Instances is the number of instances of this task role. In single server jobs, it should be 1. In distributed jobs, it depends on how many instances are needed for a task role. For example, if it's 8 in a worker role of TensorFlow. It means there should be 8 Docker containers for the worker role.

  • GPU count, CPU vcore count, Memory (MB) are easy to understand. They specify corresponding hardware resources including the number of GPUs, MB of memory, and the number of CPU cores.

  • Command is the commands to run in this task role. It can be multiple lines. For example, in the hello-world job, the command clones code from GitHub, downloads data and then executes the training progress. If one command fails (exits with a nonzero code), the following commands will not be executed. This behavior may be changed in the future.

  • Docker image

    OpenPAI uses Docker to provide consistent and independent environments. With Docker, OpenPAI can serve multiple job requests on the same server. The job environment depends significantly on the docker image you select.

    The is a public Docker repository. In the hello-world example, it uses a TensorFlow image, openpai/tensorflow-py36-cu90. You can also set your own image from private repository by toggling custom button.

    If an appropriate Docker image isn't found, you could build a Docker image by your self.

    Important Note: if you'd like to ssh to the docker within OpenPAI, make sure openssh-server and curl packages are included by the docker image. If SSH is needed, a new Docker image can be built and includes openssh-server and curl on top of the existing Docker image. Please refer to this tutorial for details.

Manage Your Data

Most model training and other kinds of jobs need to transfer files between running environments and outside. Files include dataset, code, scripts, trained model, and so on.

Make Use of Team-wise Storage

OpenPAI admin can define Team-wise Storage through Team-wise Storage Plugin. It can support multiple NAS file systems like NFS, Samba, HDFS, Azurefile and Azureblob.

Once your OpenPAI admin has set up Team-wise storage for your group, you can find your Team-wise storage settings in Data section. Check team-wise configs to mount NAS as local path in job container.


Note: Using Team-wise storage will inject code to commands with comments. Please do not modify the auto-generated codes.

Additional Data Sources

Besides Team Storage, OpenPAI also supports local files, http/https files, git repository, and PAI HDFS as additional data sources. Click the button Add data source to choose one kind of data source and fill in the path information in the text box. For example, the following setting will copy the HDFS folder "/foo/bar" to "/pai_data/mydata". You can access the folder with "/pai_data/mydata/bar" in your commands.


Use Parameters and Secrets

It is common to train models with different parameters. OpenPAI supports parameter definition and reference, which provides a flexible way of training and comparing models. You can define your parameters in the Parameters section and reference them by using <% $parameters.paramKey %> in your commands. For example, the following picture shows how to define the Hello World job using a "stepNum" parameter.


You can define batch size, learning rate, or whatever you want as parameters to accelerate your job submission.

In some cases, it is desired to define some secret messages such as password, token, etc. You can use the Secrets section for the information. The usage is the same as parameters except that secrets will not be displayed or recorded.

Advanced Mode

You can set more detailed configs by enabling advanced mode. In the advanced mode, you could define retry time, ports, completion policy before submitting job. For more details about the fields, please refer to Pai Job Protocol.

PAI Environment Variables

Each task in a job runs in one Docker container. For a multi-task job, one task might communicate with others. So a task need to be aware of other tasks' runtime information such as IP, port, etc. The system exposes such runtime information as environment variables to each task's Docker container. For mutual communication, user can write code in the container to access those runtime environment variables. Those environment variables can also be used in the job config file.

Below we show a complete list of environment variables accessible in a Docker container:

Category Environment Variable Name Description
Job level PAI_JOB_NAME jobName in config file
PAI_USER_NAME User who submit the job
PAI_DEFAULT_FS_URI Default file system uri in PAI
Task role level PAI_TASK_ROLE_COUNT Total task roles' number in config file
PAI_TASK_ROLE_LIST Comma separated all task role names in config file
PAI_TASK_ROLE_TASK_COUNT_$taskRole Task count of the task role
PAI_HOST_IP_$taskRole_$taskIndex The host IP for taskIndex task in taskRole
PAI_PORT_LIST_$taskRole_$taskIndex_$portType The $portType port list for taskIndex task in taskRole
PAI_RESOURCE_$taskRole Resource requirement for the task role in "gpuNumber,cpuNumber,memMB,shmMB" format
PAI_MIN_FAILED_TASK_COUNT_$taskRole taskRole.minFailedTaskCount of the task role
PAI_MIN_SUCCEEDED_TASK_COUNT_$taskRole taskRole.minSucceededTaskCount of the task role
Current task role PAI_CURRENT_TASK_ROLE_NAME of current task role
Current task PAI_CURRENT_TASK_ROLE_CURRENT_TASK_INDEX Index of current task in current task role, starting from 0

Export and Import Jobs

In OpenPAI, all jobs are represented by YAML, a markup language. You can click the button Edit YAML below to edit the YAML definition directly. You can also export and import YAML files using the Export and Import button.

Job Workflow

Once job configuration is ready, next step is to submit it to OpenPAI. Besides webportal, it's also recommended to use Visual Studio Code Client or python sdk to submit jobs.

After receiving job configuration, OpenPAI processes it as below steps:

  1. Wait for resource allocated. OpenPAI waits enough resources including CPU, memory, and GPU are allocated. If there is enough resource, the job starts very soon. If there is not enough resource, job is queued and wait on previous jobs completing and releasing resource.

  2. Initialize Docker container. OpenPAI pulls the Docker image, which is specified in configuration, if the image doesn't exist locally. After that OpenPAI will initialize the Docker container.

  3. run the command in configuration. During the command is executing, OpenPAI outputs stdout and stderr near real-time. Some metrices can be used to monitor workload.

  4. Finish job. Once the command is completed, OpenPAI use latest exit code as signal to decide the job is success or not. 0 means success, others mean failure. Then OpenPAI recycles resources for next jobs.

When a job is submitted to OpenPAI, the job's status changes from waiting, to running, then succeeded or failed. The status may display as stopped if the job is interrupted by user or system.
