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File metadata and controls

42 lines (33 loc) · 1.84 KB

Custom Post Type UI Import Export

This plugin exposes a hook and an admin screen to export the custom post type configuration and custom taxonomies created with Custom Post Type UI plugin.


  • Custom Post Type UI has to be installed.


I prefer to do manual things as less as possible. On some of the projects I've been working recently, it is pretty common that after deployments, one has to go to the Custom Post Type UI admin screens and import the code from a JSON file to update changes to custom post types.

Being that I tend to prefer version control, and I wanted to have this as automated as possible, this plugin exposes a couple hook where modules can define the path where the files will be located, then compared to check for changes and update if changes are found.

Why not use the default functionality on Custom Post Types UI

Human error. Sometimes I'm not the one doing deployments. Because of this, I prefer most of the workflow to be as automated as possible.

Other alternatives?

Probably there are, but I did a 10 minute search and besides finding other people wanting to do something similar, didn't find any solution.

How to use?

Admin screens

  • TODO

Use trough WP-CLI

  • Run wp cptui-ie import to import configuration from code file.
  • Run wp cptui-ie export to export configuration to code file.

How to integrate with plugin or theme

  • From your theme or plugin you create a folder named cptui.
  • To your theme's functions.php or to your plugin file, add the following code (or something similar depending on where you want the files to be exported):
function my_cptui_ie_folder() {
  return dirname(__FILE__) . '/cptui';
add_filter('cptui_ie_folder', 'my_cptui_ie_folder');
  • Run the commands or use the admin screens.

What's next?

  • Add the admin screens to allow to export or import.