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File metadata and controls

548 lines (420 loc) · 27.9 KB

Bluenet protocol v0.4.3

Advertisements and scan response

When no device is connected, advertisements will be sent at a regular interval (100ms by default). A device that actively scans, will also receive a scan response packet. This contains useful info about the state.

iBeacon advertisement packet

This packet is according to iBeacon spec, see for example here.

Advertisement packet

Type Name Length Description
uint 8 AD Length 1 Length of the Flags AD Structure (0x02)
uint 8 AD Type 1 Flags (0x01)
uint 8 Flags 1
uint 8 AD Length 1 Length of the Manufacturer AD Structure (0x1A)
uint 8 AD Type 1 Manufacturer Specific Data (0xFF)
uint 8 Company Id 2 Apple (0x004C)
uint 8 iBeacon Type 1 IBeacon Type (0x02)
uint 8 iBeacon Length 1 IBeacon Length (0x15)
uint 8 Proximity UUID 16
uint 16 Major 2
uint 16 Minor 2
int 8 TX Power 1 Received signal strength at 1 meter.

Scan response packet

The packet that is sent when a BLE central scans.

Scan Response packet

Type Name Length Description
uint 8 AD Length 1 Length of the Name AD Structure (0x0A)
uint 8 AD Type 1 Shortened Local Name (0x08)
char []] Name Bytes 9 The shortened name of this device.
uint 8 AD Length 1 Length of the Service Data AD Structure (0x13)
uint 8 AD Type 1 Service Data (0x16)
uint 16 Service UUID 2 Service UUID
Service data 16 Service data, state info.

Scan response service data packet

This packet contains the state info. It will be encrypted using AES 128.

Scan Response ServiceData

Type Name Length Description
uint 8 Protocol Version 1 Service data protocol version
uint 16 Crownstone ID 2 ID that identifies this Crownstone.
uint 16 Crownstone state ID 2 ID of the Crownstone of which the state is shown.
uint 8 Switch state 1 The state of the switch.
uint 8 Event bitmask 1 Shows if the Crownstone has something new to tell.
int 8 Temperature 1 Chip temperature (°C)
int 32 Power usage 4 The power usage at this moment (mW).
int 32 Accumulated energy 4 The accumulated energy (kWh).

Switch State Packet

To be able to distinguish between switching with relay and switching with PWM, the switch state is a bit struct with the following layout

Switch State Packet

Bit 7 is used for the Relay Flag, where 0 = OFF, 1 = ON Bits 6-0 are used for PWM, where 100 is full ON, 0 is OFF, dimmed in between


When connected, the following services are available.

Crownstone service

The crownstone service has UUID 24f00000-7d10-4805-bfc1-7663a01c3bff and provides all the functionality of the Crownstone through the following services

Characteristic UUID Date type Description
Control 24f00001-7d10-4805-bfc1-7663a01c3bff Control packet Write a command to the control characheristic
Mesh Control 24f00002-7d10-4805-bfc1-7663a01c3bff Mesh control packet Write a command to the mesh control characheristic to send into the mesh
Config Control 24f00004-7d10-4805-bfc1-7663a01c3bff Config packet Write or select a config setting
Config Read 24f00005-7d10-4805-bfc1-7663a01c3bff Config packet Read or Notify on a previously selected config setting
State Control 24f00006-7d10-4805-bfc1-7663a01c3bff State packet Select a state variable
State Read 24f00007-7d10-4805-bfc1-7663a01c3bff State packet Read or Notify on a previously selected state variable

The control characteristics (Control, Mesh Control, Config Control and State Control) of the Crownstone service return a uint 16 code on execution of the command. The code determines success or failure of the command. If commands have to be executed sequentially, make sure that the return value of the previous command was received before calling the next (either by polling or subscribing). The possible values of the return values are listed in the table below

Value Name Description
0 SUCCESS completed successfully
1 VALUE_UNDEFINED no value provided
2 WRONG_PAYLOAD_LENGTH wrong payload lenght provided
3 UNKNOWN_OP_CODE unknown operation code, e.g. notify for config read
5 BUFFER_LOCKED buffer is locked, failed queue command
256 COMMAND_NOT_FOUND command type not found
257 NOT_AVAILABLE command not available in this mode
258 WRONG_PARAMETER wrong parameter provided
259 COMMAND_FAILED other failure
260 NOT_IMPLEMENTED command not implemented (only debug version)
512 INVALID_MESSAGE invalid mesh message provided
768 READ_CONFIG_FAILED read configuration failed
769 WRITE_CONFIG_DISABLED write configuration disalbed for this type
770 CONFIG_NOT_FOUND config type not found
1024 STATE_NOT_FOUND state type not found
1025 STATE_WRITE_DISABLED writing to state disabled

Setup service

The setup service has UUID 24f10000-7d10-4805-bfc1-7663a01c3bff and is only available after a factory reset.

Characteristic UUID Date type Description
Control 24f10001-7d10-4805-bfc1-7663a01c3bff Control packet Write a command to the control characheristic
MAC Address 24f10002-7d10-4805-bfc1-7663a01c3bff uint 8 [6] Read the MAC address of the device
Config Control 24f10004-7d10-4805-bfc1-7663a01c3bff Config packet Write or select a config setting
Config Read 24f10005-7d10-4805-bfc1-7663a01c3bff Config packet Read or Notify on a previously selected config setting

The control characteristics (Control, and Config Control) of the Setup Service return a uint 16 code on execution of the command. The code determines success or failure of the command. If commands have to be executed sequentially, make sure that the return value of the previous command was received before calling the next (either by polling or subscribing). The possible values are the same as for the Crownstone Service, see above.

General service

The general service has UUID 24f20000-7d10-4805-bfc1-7663a01c3bff.

Characteristic UUID Date type Description
Temperature 24f20001-7d10-4805-bfc1-7663a01c3bff int 32 Chip temperature in Celcius. Notifications are available.
Reset 24f20002-7d10-4805-bfc1-7663a01c3bff uint 8 Write 1 to reset. Write 66 to go to DFU mode.

Power service

The power service has UUID 24f30000-7d10-4805-bfc1-7663a01c3bff.

Characteristic UUID Date type Description
PWM 24f30001-7d10-4805-bfc1-7663a01c3bff uint 8 Set PWM value. Value of 0 is completely off, 255 (100 on new devices) is completely on.
Relay 24f30002-7d10-4805-bfc1-7663a01c3bff uint 8 Switch Relay. Value of 0 is off, other is on.
Power samples 24f30003-7d10-4805-bfc1-7663a01c3bff Power Samples List of sampled current and voltage values.
Power consumption 24f30004-7d10-4805-bfc1-7663a01c3bff uint 16 The current power consumption.

Indoor localization service

The localization service has UUID 24f40000-7d10-4805-bfc1-7663a01c3bff.

Characteristic UUID Date type Description
Track control 24f40001-7d10-4805-bfc1-7663a01c3bff Tracked device Add or overwrite a tracked device. Set threshold larger than 0 to remove the tracked device from the list.
Tracked devices 24f40002-7d10-4805-bfc1-7663a01c3bff Tracked device list Read the current list of tracked devices.
Scan control 24f40003-7d10-4805-bfc1-7663a01c3bff uint 8 Start or stop scanning. write 0 to stop, 1 to start.
Scanned devices 24f40004-7d10-4805-bfc1-7663a01c3bff Scan result list After stopping the scan, you can read the results here.
RSSI 24f40005-7d10-4805-bfc1-7663a01c3bff uint 8 RSSI to connected device. Notifications are available.

Schedule service

The schedule service has UUID 24f50000-7d10-4805-bfc1-7663a01c3bff.

Characteristic UUID Date type Description
Set time 24f50001-7d10-4805-bfc1-7663a01c3bff uint 32 Sets the time. Timestamp is in seconds since epoch.
Schedule write 24f50002-7d10-4805-bfc1-7663a01c3bff Schedule entry Add or modify a schedule entry. Set nextTimestamp to 0 to remove the entry from the list.
Schedule read 24f50003-7d10-4805-bfc1-7663a01c3bff Schedule list Get a list of all schedule entries.

Mesh Service

The mesh service comes with OpenMesh and has UUID 0000fee4-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb

Characteristic UUID Date type Description
Meta data 2a1e0004-fd51-d882-8ba8-b98c0000cd1e Get mesh configuration.
Value 2a1e0005-fd51-d882-8ba8-b98c0000cd1e Characteristic where the mesh values can be read.

Data structures

Control packet

Control packet

Type Name Length Description
uint 8 Type 1 Command type, see table below.
uint 8 Reserved 1 Not used: reserved for alignment.
uint 16 Length 2 Length of the payload in bytes.
uint 8 Payload Length Payload data, depends on type.

Available command types:

Type nr Type name Payload type Payload description
0 Switch uint 8 Switch power, 0 = OFF, 100 = FULL ON
1 PWM uint 8 Set PWM to value, 0 = OFF, 100 = FULL ON
2 Set Time uint 32 Set time to value, where value is seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
3 Goto DFU - Reset device to DFU mode
4 Rest uint 8 Reset device
5 Factory reset uint 32 Reset device to factory setting, needs Code 0xdeadbeef as payload
6 Keep alive state ... Keep alive with state ..., TBD
7 Keep alive ... Keep alive ..., TBD
8 Enable mesh uint 8 Enable/Disable Mesh, 0 = OFF, other = ON
9 Enable encryption uint 8 Enable/Disable Encryption, 0 = OFF, other = ON
10 Enable iBeacon uint 8 Enable/Disable iBeacon, 0 = OFF, other = ON
11 Enable continuous power measurement uint 8 Enable/Disable continuous power measurement, 0 = OFF, other = ON, TBD
12 Enable scanner Enable Scanner payload Enable/Disable scanner
13 Scan for devices uint 8 Scan for devices, 0 = OFF, other = ON
14 User feedback ... User feedback ..., TBD
15 Schedule entry ... Schedule entry ..., TBD
16 Relay uint 8 Switch relay, 0 = OFF, 1 = ON
17 Validate setup - Validate Setup, only available in setup mode, makes sure everything is configured, then reboots to normal mode
18 Request Service Data - Causes the crownstone to send it's service data over the mesh

Enable Scanner payload

Type Name Length Description
uint 8 enable 1 0 = OFF, other = ON
uint 16 delay 1 start scanner with delay in ms

Configuration packet

Configuration packet

Type Name Length Description
uint 8 Type 1 Type, see table with configuration types below.
uint 8 OpCode 1 The op code determines if it's a write or a read operation, see table with op codes below
uint 16 Length 2 Length of the payload in bytes.
uint 8 Payload Length Payload data, depends on type.

Available configurations types:

Type nr Type name Payload type Description
0 Device name char [] Name of the device.
1 Device type char [] Deprecated.
2 Room uint 8 Deprecated.
3 Floor uint 8 Floor number. Deprecated
4 Nearby timeout uint 16 Time in ms before switching off when none is nearby
5 PWM frequency uint 8 Sets PWM frequency not implemented
6 iBeacon major uint 16 iBeacon major number.
7 iBeacon minor uint 16 iBeacon minor number.
8 iBeacon UUID uint 8 [16] iBeacon UUID.
9 iBeacon Tx Power int 8 iBeacon signal strength at 1 meter.
10 Wifi settings char [] Json with the wifi settings: { "ssid": "<name here>", "key": "<password here>"}.
11 TX power int 8 TX power, can be: -40, -30, -20, -16, -12, -8, -4, 0, or 4.
12 Advertisement interval uint 16 Advertisement interval between 0x0020 and 0x4000 in units of 0.625 ms.
13 Passkey uint 8 [6] Passkey of the device: must be 6 digits.
14 Min env temp int 8 If temperature (in degrees Celcius) goes below this value, send an alert (not implemented yet).
15 Max env temp int 8 If temperature (in degrees Celcius) goes above this value, send an alert (not implemented yet).
16 Scan duration uint 16 Scan duration in ms. Setting this too high may cause the device to reset during scanning.
17 Scan send delay uint 16 Time in ms to wait before sending scan results over the mesh. Setting this too low may cause the device to reset during scanning.
18 Scan break duration uint 16 Waiting time in ms between sending results and next scan. Setting this too low may cause the device to reset during scanning.
19 Boot delay uint 16 Time to wait with radio after boot, Setting this too low may cause the device to reset on boot.
20 Max chip temp int 8 If the chip temperature (in degrees Celcius) goes above this value, the power gets switched off.
21 Scan filter uint 8 Filter out certain types of devices from the scan results (1 for GuideStones, 2 for CrownStones, 3 for both).
22 Scan filter fraction uint 16 If scan filter is set, do not filter them out each every X scan results.
23 Current limit uint 8 Set current limit to not implemented
24 Mesh enabled uint 8 Stores if mesh is enabled. read only
25 Encryption enabled uint 8 Stores if encryption is enabled. read only
26 iBeacon enabled uint 8 Stores if iBeacon is enabled. read only
27 Scanner enabled uint 8 Stores if device scanning is enabled. read only
28 Continuous power measurement enabled uint 8 Stores if continuous power measurement is enabled. read only
29 Tracker enabled uint 8 Stores if device tracking is enabled. read only
30 ADC sample rate ... TBD
31 Power sample burst interval ... TBD
32 Power sample continuous interval ... TBD
33 Power sample continuous number samples ... TBD
34 Crownstone Identifier uint 16 Crownstone identifier used in advertisement package
35 Owner encryption key uint 8 [16] 16 byte key used to encrypt/decrypt owner access functions
36 Member encryption key uint 8 [16] 16 byte key used to encrypt/decrypt member access functions
37 Guest encryption key uint 8 [16] 16 byte key used to encrypt/decrypt guest access functions
38 Default ON uint 8 Set's the default switch state to 255 if true, or to 0 if false. Value is 0 for false, or any other for true
39 Scan Interval uint 16 Set the scan interval to ...
40 Scan Window uint 16 Set the scan window to ...
41 Relay High Duration uint 16 Set the time/duration that the relay is set to high
42 Low Tx Power int 8 Set the tx power used when in low transmission power for bonding
43 Voltage Multiplier float Set the voltage multiplier (for power measurement)
44 Current Multiplier float Set the current multiplier (for power measurement)
45 Voltage Zero float Set the voltage zero level (for power measurement)
46 Current Zero float Set the current zero level (for power measurement)
47 Power Zero float Set the power zero level (for power measurement)


OpCode Name Description
0 Read Select the configuration setting for reading. will load it from storage, then write it to the Config Read Characteristic. Length and payload of the configuration packet will be ignored
1 Write Write the configuration setting to storage.

Note: On the Config Read Characteristic, the OpCode is set to Read (0), and the length and payload will have actual data depending on the type.

State packet

State packet

Type Name Length Description
uint 8 Type 1 Type, see table with configuration types below.
uint 8 OpCode 1 The op code determines if it's a write, read, or notify operation, see table with op codes below
uint 16 Length 2 Length of the payload in bytes.
uint 8 Payload Length Payload data, depends on type.

Available state variables:

Type nr Type name Payload type Description Persistent
128 Reset counter uint 32 Counts the number of resets (DEBUG) x
129 Switch state uint 8 Current Switch state, 0 = OFF, 100 = FULL ON
130 Accumulated energy uint 32 Accumulated energy in ... over time, TBD x
131 Power usage uint 32 Current power usage in ..., TBD
132 Tracked devices Tracked devices List of tracked devices x
133 Schedule Schedule List Schedule, TBD x
134 Operation Mode uint 8 ..., TBD x
135 Temperature int 32 Chip temperature in °C
136 Time uint 32 Get the current time


OpCode Name Description
0 Read Select the configuration setting for reading. will load it from storage, then write it to the Config Read Characteristic. Length and payload of the configuration packet will be ignored
1 Write Write the state variable disabled
2 Notify Enable/Disable notifications for state variable. Every time the state variable is updated, the new value is written to the State Read Characteristic. To use effectively, enable GATT Notifications on the State Read Characteristic. Length has to be 1, and payload is 0 = disable, other = enable

Note: On the State Read Characteristic, the OpCode is also set to distinguish between a one time read, and a continuous notification. In return, the length and payload will have actual data depending on the type.

Power curve packet, TBD

Power curve packet

Type Name Length Description
uint 16 numSamples 2 Number of current samples + voltage samples, including the first samples.
uint 16 firstCurrent 2 First current sample.
uint 16 lastCurrent 2 Last current sample.
uint 16 firstVoltage 2 First voltage sample.
uint 16 lastVoltage 2 Last voltage sample.
uint 32 firstTimeStamp 4 Timestamp of first current sample.
uint 32 lastTimeStamp 4 Timestamp of last sample.
int 8 [] currentDiffs numSamples/2-1 Array of differences with previous current sample.
int 8 [] voltageDiffs numSamples/2-1 Array of differences with previous voltage sample.
int 8 [] timeDiffs numSamples-1 Array of differences with previous timestamp.

Scan result packet

Type Name Length Description
uint 8 [] Address 6 Bluetooth address of the scanned device.
int 8 RSSI 1 Average RSSI to the scanned device.
uint 16 Occurrences 2 Number of times the devices was scanned.

Scan result list packet

Scan result list packet

Type Name Length Description
uint 8 size 1 Number of scanned devices in the list.
Scan result size * 9 Array of scan result packets.

Tracked device packet

Tracked device packet

Type Name Length Description
uint 8 [] Address 6 Bluetooth address of the tracked device.
int 8 RSSI threshold 1 If the RSSI to this device is above the threshold, then switch on the power.

Tracked device list packet

Tracked device list packet

Type Name Length Description
uint 8 size 1 Number of tracked devices in the list.
Tracked device size * 7 Array of tracked device packets.
uint 16 [] Counters size * 2 Counter that keeps up how long ago the RSSI of a device was above the threshold (for internal use).

Schedule repeat packet

Repeat type 0

Perform action every X minutes.

Type Name Length Description
uint 16 Repeat time 2 Repeat every <repeat time> minutes, 0 is not allowed.

Repeat type 1

Perform action every 24h, but only on certain days these days of the week.

Type Name Length Description
uint 8 Day of week 1 Bitmask, with bits 0-6 for Sunday-Saturday and bit 7 for all days.
uint 8 Next day of week 1 Remember what day of week comes next. 0-6, where 0=Sunday.

Repeat type 2

Perform action only once. Entry gets removed after action was performed.

Type Name Length Description
uint 8 Reserved 2 Unused.

Schedule action packet

Action type 0

Set power switch to a given value.

Type Name Length Description
uint 8 Pwm 1 Power switch value. Range 0-100, where 0 is off and 100 is fully on.
uint 8 Reserved 2 Unused.

Action type 1

Fade from current power switch value to a given power switch value, in X seconds.

Type Name Length Description
uint 8 Pwm end 1 Power switch value after fading.
uint 16 Fade duration 2 Fade duration in seconds.

Action type 2

Toggle the power switch.

Type Name Length Description
uint 8 Reserved 3 Unused.

Schedule entry packet

Type Name Length Description
uint 8 ID 1 Unique id of this schedule entry.
uint 8 Override mask 1 Bitmask of states to override. Presence mask = 1.
uint 8 Type 1 Combined repeat and action type. Defined as repeatType + (actionType << 4).
uint 32 Next timestamp 4 Timestamp of the next time this entry triggers.
schedule repeat Repeat data 2 Repeat time data, depends on the repeat type.
schedule action Action data 3 Action data, depends on the action type.

Schedule list packet

Type Name Length Description
uint 8 Size 1 Number of entries in the list.
schedule entry Entries 12 Schedule entry list.

Mesh control packet

Mesh control packet

Type Name Length Description
uint 8 Handle 1 Handle on which to send the message.
uint 8 Reserved 1 Not used: reserved for alignment.
uint 16 Length 2 Length of the data.
Mesh Payload Payload Length Payload data.

Mesh payload packet

Mesh payload packet

Type Name Length Description
uint 16 Target Crownstone ID 2 Crownstone Identifier of the device at which this message is aimed at, all 0 for any device.
uint 16 Reason 2 ...
uint 16 User ID 2 ...
uint 16 Type 2 Type of message, see table below.
uint 8 [] Payload 0 to 91 Payload data, depends on type.
Type nr Type name Payload type Payload description
0 Command Control Send a command over the mesh, see control packet
1 Beacon Beacon data Configure the iBeacon settings.
2 Config Configuration Send/Request a configuration setting, see configuration packet
3 State State Send/Request a state variable, see state packet
101 Scan result Scan result list List of scanned devices.
103 Power Samples Power samples List of power samples.
104 Event uint 16 Event type that happened.

Beacon mesh data packet

Beacon data

Type Name Length Description
uint 16 Major 1
uint 16 Minor 1
uint 8 Proximity UUID 16
int 8 TX Power 1 Received signal strength at 1 meter.

Mesh message packet

This packet is a slightly modified version of the one used in OpenMesh; we simply increased the content size.

Mesh packet

Type Name Length Description
uint 8 Preamble 1
uint 32 Access address 4 Number used to find relevant messages, set by application.
uint 8 Type 1
uint 8 Length 1
uint 8 [] Source address 6 Address of the node that put this message into the mesh.
uint 8 AD Length 1 Length of data after this field, excluding CRC.
uint 8 AD type 1
uint 16 Service UUID 2 Mesh service UUID.
uint 16 Handle 2 Handle of this message.
uint 16 Version 2 Used internally.
Mesh Payload Payload 99 Payload data.
uint 8 [] CRC 3 Checksum.

Mesh notification packet

This packet is used to get the mesh messages pushed over GATT notifications.

Mesh notification packet

Type Name Length Description
uint 8 OpCode 1 See available op codes in table below
uint 8 Payload
Opcode Type name Payload type Payload description
0 Data Mesh data update Single part notification (if all data fits in one packet).
1 Flag Set Not used.
2 Flag Req Not used.
17 Cmd Rsp Not used.
18 Flag Rsp Not used.
32 MultipartStart Mesh data update First part of the multi part notification.
33 MultipartMid Mesh data update Middle part of the multi part notification.
34 MultipartEnd Mesh data update Last part of the multi part notification.

Mesh data update packet

Each mesh data message is notified in multiple pieces, as a notification can only be 20 bytes. The op code of the Mesh notification tells whether it is a single, or the first, last or a middle piece of a multipart message.

Mesh data notification packet

Type Name Length Description
uint 16 Handle 2 Handle on which the messages was sent or received.
uint 8 Length 1 Length of the data of this part.
uint 8 Data Length Data of this part. If OpCode is Data, it is the length of the whole mesh message, otherwise it is the length of the current part.