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To build emerald for tomcat deployment run ./lein ring uberwar

Initial Setup

1. Build the latest bowser database
  • Pull the latest source code and open the db directory

      ./postgresql-install dev # installs the latest postgres and memory settings
      ./db-update data # builds bowser database
2. Install a couchbase instance locally
  • Install the couchbase community edition for your OS. Start the couchbase daemon
  • Open your web browser to localhost:8091 and set up your username and password. The default settings should be fine (uncheck the replication checkbox), just keep clicking 'next'. TODO: Add a configuration script for this step
3. Point mixpo_server.identity to your couchbase instance
  • Edit your ~/mixpo_server.identity file and add the line



To start a dev web server for the application, run:

./lein run


The configuration settings for the project can be found in profiles.clj. On a build the a new file called .lein-env is created and needs to be renamed and copyed to ~/tomcat/conf/emerald.config.

Additionally the built war needs to be copied to

eg. ~/tomcat/webapps/www

When the server is built using ./lein ring uberwar the settings from :profiles/prod are pulled

Property Description
dbspec should have the correct credentials for the postgres database. for details see kormasql
jdbc-uri is the jdbc uri used by the migrations in emerald, currently migrations are run using ./lein run migrate however these migrations are only for testing
couchbase if false, a in memory store will be used instead of couchbase to manage both sessions, and oauth tokens. Switch to true only if a couchbase instance has been properly configured
auth false disables authentication for the routes and user context, so routes depending on the current user id will not work. Eg. /campaigns/:id/pin
log-path set to the path of the log relative to ~/tomcat for production or ~/ for dev

If the auth flag is enabled, the server expects a header containing authorization: access_token or a query parameter of api_key=access_token or a cookie with the name access_token

###Mixpo Identity File

Additionally the couchbase server uri is pulled from mixpo_server.identity file, the path is determined by the bash variable $MIXPO_IDENTITY, or a default location of ~/mixpo_server.identity

Property Description
couchbase_server_uri the uri for the instance of couchbase, currently set to point at for details see spyglass
eg. couchbase_server_uri=

OAuth and documentation

For local development the application can be accessed in browser at localhost:3000/,
For production the application can be accessed at server-url/api/crud/

At the root of this application exists two areas, localhost:3000/login or server-url/api/crud/login to login and access your Application area.

To get to the documentation area you can either view a application and click the take me documentation link or you can browse to localhost:3000/docs, server-url/api/crud/docs


Lein is included in the repository for easy of use. To update this script see Leiningen.